These Manuals are in Portable Document Format (pdf version 5.0) and have the following properties as described for each document. The idea is to make these documents more useable. For example if you're selling or buying surveying instruments you can lookup a model number. If you don't have a model number but know the type of instrument you can look at the line drawings and specifications for a number of similar instruments to determine what you've got. Actually using these very old documents tends to destroy them whereas the pdf is very easy to use.
- Color or Gray Scale
Pages with color are in color in the pdf file other wise they are gray scale. This greatly improves the readability compared to B&W bit maps.
- Page Size
If the original format of these publications was less than 8 1/2" x 11", then in the Adobe Acrobat Reader you can select "Expand small pages to paper size" in the Print dialog box and print the manual. When this is done the print size is larger, making it easier to read. This is especially important for parts drawings with the very small numbers.
- Searchable text behind images
The appearance of the pages looks like an ordinary scanned page. But there is text behind the image. For example if you click on the large binocular search tool and input a model number and "Find" or "Find again" you will be jumped to the page or pages and the actual word will be highlighted.
- Linked page numbers
In the Table of contents and index the page numbers are links to the actual page. Also inside the book if there is a page number mentioned it will be a link to that page.
- Exposed Properly
The exposure has been set correctly for each page on a page by page basis to maximize the image on the page and at the same time to eliminate bleed through of the adjacent page. Sometimes on color pages that have yellowed with age this is not perfect, but is a big improvement over viewing the page using the "auto" exposure setting.
- Cleaned Images
The gutter and edges have been erased to pure white. pencil an pen marks have been erased. Cracks, tears and other mechanical defects have been erased. If the page was slightly rotated it is brought back to square within <0.3 degrees.
Keuffel & Esser (K&E)
1928 Illustrated Catalog with Price List on CD-ROM
618+ pages just over 400 k Bytes. Setup for viewing on a computer, so pages rotated, background erased, color plate pages in color, gray scale (not B&W). I've made a Table Of Contents that's linked and have linked the alpha and numeric Indexes as well as the price. Links from the product pages to the price list so the price of any item is one click away. Probably over 2,000 links. The color plate at the top of this page is at much lower resolution than the one on the CD, but it gives you an idea of the quality of the black and white line drawings.Two small K&E documents grouped into one CD-ROM
Bookmarks also make it easy to get to an area of the book or to any of the key navigation pages.
This catalog was made between the two World Wars. There are a number of "Electrical Current Meters", but they are for measuring rivers and streams, not electrical things. Key TOC entries are (there are many more):
Papers, Drawing Instruments, Drafting Room Furniture, Pens, Pencils, Water Colors, Erasing, Slide Rules & Mechanical Calculators, Mechanical Planimeters & Integrators, Instruments for Forest Work, Compasses, Surveying Instruments, Barometers, Annometers, Water Speed and Height Recorders, Leveling Rods, Ranging Poles, Plumb Bobs, Telescopes, Magnifying Glasses and a whole lot of Tape Measures.
Note: when the 1928 Catalog is ordered the Leroy Lettering and Symbols, Care and Adjustment of K&E Surveying Instruments & the 1949 Catalog Part 2 are included.
For ordering information on the complete K&E & LeRoy) manual package see the products web page.
1928 Catalog
Care & Adjustment of K&E Surveying Instruments
Questions to contact us
Leroy Lettering and Symbols
32 pages, Searchable, Linked, Cleaned
Care and Adjustment of K&E Surveying Instruments
90 pages, Searchable, Linked
1949, 41st Edition Catalog, Part 2 Surveying Equipment, Field Books, Measuring Tapes
169 pages, Searchable, Linked, Cleaned
Part 2 contains field items. Part 1 with office products is NOT included.
Only comes with the 1928 catalog.
HP 4332 LCR Meter Operation & Service Manual with schematics and trouble shooting, parts list
Exposed, cleaned, linked. Has cal lab yellow highlights and markings left in tact.
AC-4A Decade Counter Module Manual with Color photos and special version with second staricase output
Millen 90651 Grid-Dip Meter The text pages have been converted from images into text making it much easier to read, the format has been preserved.
Back to Brooke's PRC68, Alpha Index, Products for Sale, Surveying, , Home page1936 K&E Catalog
581+ pages
K&E Log Log Duplex Decitrig Slide Rule Manual No. 4081 1939 &
123+ pages (1947) and 101+ pages (1939)
K&E Log Log Duplex Vector Slide Rule Manual No. 4083
37+ pages
Stadia and Plane Table Surveying by I.C.S. Staff pub # 785 edition 1 1906