I learned about this while watching YouTube videos by the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). Whenever the HP 33120A 15 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator was used to drive a speaker or other device this amplifier was used to raise the output power enough to so that the device would work. One happened to be on eBay when I looked and was at a reasonable price.
In some NPS videos a series resistor is inserted in series with the lower right ground terminal so that both voltage and current across the DUT can be measured. Usually with a dual channel scope.
Frequency range DC to 1 MHz with gain adjustable between 0 and 10X with up to 20 Volts peak output (10 Watts). Can be used a power amplifier or power supply.
Fig 1 Front 3/4" Dual Banana in and out
Note screwdriver Zero adjustment for DC.
Fig 2 Back BNC-f in and out
Used at the Naval Post Graduate School (NPS) to test SONAR transducers.
PH4454 Experiment 4 Part 2 - Connection to amplifier adds a resistor in series with ground terminal to allow measuring impedance - using ITC-5292 as Tx & F-33 as Rx - ITC-5292 as Tx & B&K (very small) Hydrophone as Rx -
HP 33120A 15 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Rigol DS1052E Oscilloscope
HP Journal 1965, Vol 16, No. 10 -
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