2.5mm Plug is Tech America 910-0727 in catalog but may not be on their web site
Chip Side of Board, Battery Side of Board
The cable that comes with the Boxcar software package has a 3.5mm stereo audio plug ( Digikey CP-3502-ND, Tech America 910-0754) to connect to the Hobo and a DB9(f) that connects to the computer serial port (DB9(m).
CUI Stack carries both 2.5mm jacks and 3.5mm jacks -
- Sleeve to pin 5 Signal Ground
- Ring Hobo Tx data to pin 2 Computer Rx Data
- Tip Hobo Rx data from pin 3 Computer Tx Data
By using the following parts I made up a light sensor:
- TI TSL250 3-lead Light Sensor (Radio Shack RSU 11673308)
- 4.5 Volt computer back up battery (had one so used it)
- CABLE-2.5-STEREO (Radio Shack RSU 11915527)
- 10 K Ohm & 2.2 K Ohm resistors to divide output down from 3 volts (full sun) to 2.4 volts
Chan 1 Outside Temp RSU 12045530 Chan 2 Inside Light
Chan 3 Cloud Sensor
Chan 4 not used
Here is a file that was "exported" in Excel format for July (July5.txt)
Also see the G Pendant 3-axis Onset Data Logger