Phase tracking receivers were used in applications where very
feeble received signals were needed to be received. One example is
the case of a deep space satellite where the telemetry signals can
be received here on Earth. Nems-Clark (catalog.pdf) telemetry receivers comes to
mind. Another example is the case of a precision timing receiver that
is tracking either the Mark or Space signal of a narrow shift encrypted military
VLF RTTY station or WWVB on 60 kHz or WWVL (when it was on 20 kHz) maybe
they also used to track the Omega navigation signals when they were on the
EEC 880A VLF Receiver
10 to 30 kHz & 60 kHz
requires external 100 kHz input
See patent 3163523
below for details
bandwidth can be a narrow as 0.001 Hertz i.e. 1 milli Hertz.
EEC 881-M VLF Receiver
Modular construction, 3 front removable sections
10 to 30 kHz & 60 kHz
requires external 100 kHz input
Textran 599 VLF Tracking Receiver
Modular construction:
- 599-500 Power Supply
- 599-402 Phase Servo
- 599-300 AGC-Phase
- 599-102 Synthesizer 10 to 29.9 kHz
- 599-200 Receiver
Digital Receiver Tuning System Dec 29, 1964 (EEC)
324/76.47; 324/76.55; 324/76.79; 327/113; 327/220; 331/18; 331/23;455/183.1;
Wide Range Signal Generator April 21, 1964 (Hull Instruments)
327/101; 327/114; 331/1A; 455/119 - PLL synthesizer
3117280 Timing Signal Receiver Jan 7, 1964 (Sperry
Rand Corp.)
455/208; 327/141; 342/356; 342/387; 455/216; 455/260
- used to set the local clock in deep space satellite tracking stations.
300 kHz carrier signal?
Frequency Division Circuit Arrangment Sep 30, 1958 (N. American Philips)
327/117; 327/115; 331/16; 331/18; 331/23; 331/51; 331/76; 331/175
- phase locking TV timing signals
Automatic Frequency Control Apr 24, 1956 (Bell Labs)
318/606; 331/4; 331/11; 331/13; 331/22; 331/31; 331/33; 331/35; 331/36R;
331/64; 455/119
Television Control System May 11, 1954 (
380/221; 327/231; 331/150
- anly authorized viewers can see image
Automatically Tuned Wide Range Receiver and Transmitter May 6 1952
(RCA) Class
455/180.1; 331/11; 331/13; 331/22; 331/31; 455/77
2521789 Frequency Control by Electronic Counter Chains, I.E. Grosdoff, RCA, Sep 12, 1950,
331/18 ; 327/6; 327/7; 331/34; 331/51; 377/2
2492218 Harmonic Generator, G. Gunanella, Dec 27, 1949, Radio Patents Corp.,
331/43 ; 331/180; 331/77; 332/120
2452601 Frequency Control Means, R.H. Ranger, U.S. Army, Nov 2, 1948,
331/40 ; 331/177R; 331/26; 331/29; 331/35; 334/28; 455/75
2406125 Frequency Stablizing System, M. Ziegler, Aug 20, 1946,
331/10 ; 331/31; 331/32; 331/34; 331/64
NBS Special
559 Time and Frequency User's Manual - Page 66 & 67 paragraph
Phase Lock Techniques has a general description of how this works
Table of Frequencies -
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