From: military-radio-guy Full-Name: Dennis R Starks To: military radio collectors#1, military radio collectors#2 Fcc: Sent Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 22:28:22 Subject: Military Collectors Group Post Sept.23/97 Message-ID: <> X-Status: Forwarded X-Mailer: Juno 1.38 INDEX; Peoria Hamfest Report Real Bad News Humor More Humor Even More Humor TN-612/G Info Needed PRC-64 Shipping ARB Head Available TS-251/UP? Meet Vlad ************************************************************* Real Bad News; Hi Dennis: got new e-mail adr. could not retrieve my e-mail from bad news, was going to our annual mvpa show this pass thur. m151-a1 totalled. latch locking trailer to rec ball broke.[this is the horrable news,that was one slick 151]. if you have someone who in mind who wanted one of the prc-47's i will let them have it for what i paid plus postage. oh! by the way do i owe you anymore money?[I don't think so] tnx's Doug Irvine kh6rg ************************************************************* JOKE/PUZZLE OF THE WEEK A magician was working in the lounge on a cruise ship, and every night, the captain of the ship would come in with his pet parrot and watch the act. The parrot seemed particularly fascinated by the magician's tricks and started watching them very closely. One night the magician took the stage and announced, "Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I will saw this lovely woman in half right before your eyes!" "*Craaawk!*", said the parrot, "It's a fake! *whistle* he's got fake legs coming out the other side of the box!" The crowd roared, and the magician was less than amused. "OK then, I will do a different trick", announced the magician, "Pick a card, madam, and I will tell you which card you have chosen." "*Craaawk*! They're all the same cards!" answered the parrot! This heckling continued for several weeks, and was completely ruining the magician's act, and needless to say, the magician grew to hate this bird, but he couldn't harm it, since it was the captain's pet. One night after a particularly bad show, the magician was walking on the upper deck of the ship when a huge explosion ripped through the bottom decks of the ship. The magician jumped into a lifeboat and dropped to safety. As he watched the ship sink, the captain's parrot flew out from the ship and landed in his lifeboat. Several days passed without a word between the magician and the parrot, the magician just glared at the bird, and the bird just kept looking in the direction of the sunken ship. Finally, the parrot broke down... "*Craaawk!* OK, Mate! What did you do with the ship!!??" ************************************************************* MORE HUMOR; On an airling flight from Ney York to California, the plane had barely taken off when a hugh man stood up and said ,"My name is BROWN, thats B-R-O-W-N and I come from Texas, the biggest state in the Union I am 6'6" tall, weigh 240 lbs of solid muscle and I hate Jews " Then he sat down. A few minutes later he again stood up and loudly announced, "My name is BROWN, thats B-R-O-W-N and I come from Texas, the biggest state in the Union I am 6 '6" tall, weigh 240 lbs of solid muscle and I hate Mexicans " Then he sat down. Flying over the Midwest, He again got up and loudly announced, "My name is BROWN, thats B-R-O-W-N and I come from Texas, the biggest state in the Union I am 6' 6" tall, weigh 240 lbs of solid muscle and I hate Niggers " Then he sat down. Flying over the Rockies, He again stood up and said, "My name is BROWN, thats B-R-O-W-N and I come from Texas, the biggest state in the Union I am 6 '6" tall, weigh 240 lbs of solid muscle and I hate Japs. " Then he sat down. Shortly after than, a small man stood up and said "My name is Cohen, I come from Rhode Island, I am 5' 4" tall, I weigh 98 lbs soaking wet and my asshole is BROWN, thats B-R-O-W-N Bill Howard ************************************************************* Even More Humor; Today's News Got this one from a friend of a friend. Theoretically these are "actual lines" out of OERs (Officer Efficiency Report) - performance appraisals for the military: - Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. - Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching. - A room-temperature IQ. - Got a full six-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together. - A gross ignoramus -- 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus. - A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on. - A prime candidate for natural deselection. - Bright as Alaska in December. - One-celled organisms outscore him in IQ tests. - Donated his body to science before he was done using it. - Fell out of the family tree. - Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming. - Has two brains: one is lost and the other is out looking for it. - He's so dense, light bends around him. - If brains were taxed, he'd get a rebate. - If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week. - If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change. - If you stand close enough to him, you hear the ocean. - It's hard to believe that he beat out one million other sperm. - One neuron short of a synapse. - Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled. - Takes him one and 1/2 hours to watch 60 Minutes. - Was left on the Tilt-A-Whirl a bit too long as a baby. - Wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead. Quotes taken from actual performance evaluations: - Since my last report, he has reached rock bottom and has started to dig. - His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity. - I would not allow this associate to breed. - This associate is really not so much of a has-been, but more of a definitely won't be. - Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap. - When she opens her mouth, it seems that this is only to change whatever foot was previously in there. - He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle. - This young lady has delusions of adequacy. - She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them. - This associate should go far - and the sooner he starts, the better. - This associate is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot. ************************************************************* TO: GROUP FM: GEORGE WALLNER Fair Radio sells a pre/post selector model TN-612/G. Does anyone have any data on the connector pin allocation, or an op. manual, etc? TKS GW ; ************************************************************* PRC-64 shipping; I'll ship out the PRC-64's when all have been inspected,parts & acc swapped around, & the damn rain stops(going on three days now). A lot of room & time are needed for both & I have neither. Before I can do any of this I must get my business cought up!!!!!! I'm a week behind in this shipping do in part to the time needed to get the PRC-47's shipped out. Keep in mind,these projects are not my business, their not even my hobby, & I'm only one person. Please bear with me.When your radio set is on it's way to you,you'll be notifiad. Dennis ************************************************************* ARB Head Avail. G'day all, Have Navy ARB xcvr remote tuning head (frequency) in fair-to-good condition available for the the cost of postage to anyone who needs it. Postage from the land down under should come in at less than $10.00. Still looking for ARN-6 electric remote control tuning parts, blower for ARC-27. Will submit more detailed list in near future, when I get out from under my automotive works. Dennis - your ambulance sounds like a good deal. I assume it has the 225 cu in (4 1/8" stroke) engine[yep it does]. There's an active mil vehicle collectors org here in Oz. Wouldn't mind participating, but don't have the $, space or energy.[I have the same trouble] Congratulation on your recent PRC endeavours - as we say here in Oz "ya done good". Regards, John Mackesy VK3XAO ************************************************************* Dennis Also, I have another question, what radar set did the TS-251/UP test set go with??? I can't find the number in any of the limited sources I have. 73s George KC5WBV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't know,& TM11-487 on test equipment don't say. I'd contact Rich Wurtzinger at he's the most knowledgeable radar person I know. Dennis ************************************************************* Meet Vlad --------------------- Mr. Starks, My name is Vladimir Dvorkin and based on the information I received from W. Howard I would like to ask you to accept me to the group of the Military Radio Collectors you organized and run. I accept and agree with your open letter listed below. I am a radio communications engineer working presently for Philips Consumer Communications in Fremont CA. Also I am Ham Radio operator since 1965. I came to this country from USSR (Russia) 16 years ago. Back in Russia I had a collection of Russian, German French and Italian military radios from 1930 to 1945. I lost my collection when was expelled from the country. Presently I have several WWII time German and US military radios I was able to find in this country so far. My biggest interest is German WWII radios. I have my own radio lab so I do all the restoration work myself and help others who need help. Best regards, Vlad Dvorkin KB9OLM ex. UA3ACR When finished reading use browser back button or go to