From: military-radio-guy Full-Name: Dennis R Starks To: military radio collectors#3 Fcc: Sent Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 06:07:53 Subject: MILITARY COLLECTOR GROUP POST, Feb.8/99 Message-ID: <> X-Status: Sent X-Mailer: Juno 1.49 MILITARY COLLECTOR GROUP POST, Feb.8/99 Index: GALVIN/SIGNAL CORPS SCL-514; by Ed Guzick MEMBERS WRITE; M 81 SIMULATOR,DETECTOR UNIT RDR 1938 to 1965, PRC-66 On 220? RT-1512/G? ON THE COMMERCIAL FRONT; GRC-106 Bargains, HUMOR; *********************************************** GALVIN/SIGNAL CORPS SCL-514; I've been examining a transceiver model SCL-514. It is obviously a pre-production set and could very well be a direct ancestor or a second cousin to the SCR-300, a.k.a. BC-1000. Dimensions are within about one inch of each other and when first seen, it looks like the SCR-300 right down to the shoulder harness and back butt pad. Clearly, it is completely hand made, including the chassis. The case is constructed of wood and has a leather handle similar to that used on the BC-659. There is a side door for access to the controls and a bottom back door for the battery. The top has a phenolic base mount for the antenna. These features are comparable to those described in the book by Andy Affrunti, one of the people originally involved in design of the SCR-300. (see MCGP Dec.30/98, BIRTH OF THE WWII FM "Walkie-Talkie".) The antenna looks like the AN-29 as used on the BC-659 but it is 11 feet long or 132", while the BC-659 antenna is 154" long. I’ve seen several AN-29 antennas and all had that number stamped into the base, this one does not. This antenna has the look of a rebuilt or maybe one cut to length? It is interesting to note that the SCR-300 antenna AN-131, is 128” long. Glued onto it is an aged paper label, which, has discolored to a dark brown and is difficult to read. Legible is “Galvin-11'b-6/42”. All coils are inside shielded cans except for an adjustable antenna coil, which was apparently added later. My grid dip meter shows this coil tuned around 43 Mc. It is on a 1/4" form with about 6 turns. This is hard to see but looks like an autoformer, with a 10pf trimmer to ground and a series capacitor to the antenna. The hand made chassis appears as if it is silver (?) plated. No date codes were found on the tubes or chassis. The SCL-514 has 14 coils the SCR-300 has 11. Both have 18 tubes total, all are the 7 pin miniature type. The tube compliments are similar but two are missing and unidentifiable. The two 3A4 output tubes are in parallel. It is a FM set having AFC, a discriminator and dual limiters. There are three oscillators one is crystal controlled at 3400 Kc (SCR-300 has a 4300kc and 6815kc xtal). This oscillator mixer circuit is not crystal controlled, (unless the crystal is hidden inside a coil shield)? I assume it is dual conversion. The 3rd oscillator is part of the squelch circuit. There is no large audio output transformer but two small round metal cans could be audio transformers. With some small variations the mechanical tuning arrangements are twins. The frequency dial is numbered along the edge rather than on the flat side ala the SCR-300. The graduations are from 0 to 40 on both. Operating voltages are so close as to be identical. Functionally the chassis front is identical to the SCR-300 with the addition of a function switch and a meter. Being a prototype, I would think that those two items were for testing purposes only and would be deleted in production. The switch positions are Off, 4V, 90V, 135V, Osc, Dblr, Lmtr, Lmtr, AFC-Off, Xtal, Amp, Output. The tube shields are rather unusual as they have a segmented ring embossed near the bottom. The ring snaps into two side clips. To remove the shield it is twisted about half a turn to unlock. THE IDENTIFICATION TAG: Signal Corps US Army Radio Receiver & Transmitter SCL-514 Serial #1005 Order #1077-1307 Designed & Built By Galvin Manufacturing Corporation Chicago Illinois A SECOND TAG: (Different in composition from the I.D. tag) Preliminary Model Not To Be Tested For Electrical Specifications SUMMARY: The antenna label (unreadable/11'b-GALVIN-6/42), could represent the antenna length, 11 feet long and the date, June 1942 which would be correct for an original sample of the SCR-300, (the first test of which was conducted in the spring of 1942). Andy Affrunti states that only two units were built prior to production and there is a hand written #2 on this chassis. After initial testing at Motorola, the two working models were taken to Fort Knox, KY for evaluation by the Army Signal Corps. Could the SCL-514 nomenclature tags been installed then? MY GUESS? It is an early version of the SCR-300 or a “spin off? But why would another version of the SCR-300 be built? The similarity in physical characteristics together with the circuitry says it is or is related to the SCR-300. The nomenclature tag "Designed and built by Galvin Mfg." plus the "Preliminary Model" and the antenna date would seem to confirm it. MY QUESTIONS? If it is not kin to the SCR-300, then why was it built? Also, Andy stated he never heard of the SCL-514, and the circuit was never changed from its conception. This circuit is different. If what Andy said is all true, then it is not an SCR-300. So...What is it? Ed Guzick ed) There is some speculation as to the designation of SCL-514 being for "Signal Corps Labs-514". Given the military's practice of assigning a model designation to equipment at it's beginning of development, and not upon it's eve of adoption, could it not follow that if this radio where accepted/adopted, it's official designation might then have been SCR-514? There is some historic foundation for this assumption both prior to, and after WW-II. Consider also that the number 514 does not exist in the chronology of WW-II equipment, but if it had, it would have fit in nicely with SCR-511(the Pogo Stick), SCR-509/510, and the SCR-536. Might it be that this radio was originally intended to fit a niche within these models of equipment? But that this niche was later deemed redundant and the project dropped? Another possibility exist in the intra-agency rivalry that existed then as now. Note that with the inception of the SCR-194(BC-222) for use by Army Artillery, the Infantry followed suite insisting on a similar radio for their use. This resulted in the SCR-195(BC-322). The same is true of the SCR-300 which resulted in the SCR-619(BC-1335) for use by Armor. This story is repeated many times in our history. Consider also that the SCR-300 had a frequency range that was compatible with no other standard combat radio set(a fact confusing to many). Not even the SCR-619 which was meant to be it's equivalent for armored use(27-38.9mc vice 40-48mc). Also, no compatible radio existed for use by a higher echelon to communicate with it's SCR-300 equipt subordinate units. Two radio types were needed, a need that would not be met until well after the war with the PRC-10 family of radios. #1 was similar radios with overlapping frequency ranges for intra-agency compatibility, and a slightly more powerful, power supply agile, but less portable radio for use at higher echelons. Could it be that the SCL-514 was intended for one of these applications? Or was this an early attempt at an SCR-619? Prototypes of this radio were arranged in a similar fashion. It should be noted that the SCL-514 looks nothing like an SCR-300. It's all wood cabinet construction is much like an early wood cabinet BY-221 frequency meter(which would follow it's prototype nature). The radio's controls are accessed from the side/edge of the set, not on the top. And there is no provision for use with a short antenna. Remember too, that Galvin submitted in all, three prototypes for the SCR-300, and the SCL-514 does not answer the discription of any of them totally. The SCL-514 is indeed a very interesting item of equipment that is most deserving of a place in history. It may indeed have the distinction of being the earliest known example of experimental equipment to survive. But I'm afraid we may never learn it's entire story as such is the case with most experimental equipment. One thing would tell it's story if it were only known how or where to investigate it. This is the contract number it's data plate contains. *********************************************** MEMBERS WRITE; M 81 SIMULATOR,DETECTOR UNIT, Dennis, I just received in the mail an extract from DA Pam 350-9. Was a few pages on the M 81 Chemical Agent alarm simulator . It is an: M 81 SIMULATOR,DETECTOR UNIT It seems to be a small hand held transmitter and four receivers. The receivers are connected to the M 81 Chemical Agent alarm and the transmitter can be used to activate one of four chemical agent alarms. Transmitter has a range of 1000 meters. An interesting comment under the heading of Source and Method of Obtaining: Not generally available for issue(limited production) The whle set comes in a transit case 24.5 x 25.88 x 12.31 and weighs 45 lbs. Yet anther item of military radio equipment to add to the want list. Bill Howard THE WILLIAM L. HOWARD ORDNANCE TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE MUSEUM e-mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDR 1938 to 1965, I just got info on Radio Development & Research Corp. of NYC: They were incorporated in NY on 2/9/38, and "voluntarily dissolved" on 12/30/65. That end-date is much later than I was expecting. RDR is known to have worked on the SSTR-1, SSTR-4, RS-1, and "RT-x" (big transmitter, nomenclature unknown); and likely worked on the SSTR-5, RT-1-B, and RS-6, etc. With a 1965 ending date, they could have worked on the solid-state sets such as the RS-8. I've got some other leads going, which I hope to be able to report on soon... Pete ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRC-66 On 220? HI Dennis, I have a lead on a PRC-66. Do you know, or can you put me on the trail of someone who might, whether these can be modified to move down to the 220 MHz ham band. Thanks, Randy Zelick ed) It is very doubtfull that you'll be able to do any converting of this radio. The same is true of most other sythensized types including the PRC-41 & -73. But it it can be done, we'd sure like to know about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RT-1512/G? Dennis, I have just acquired a RT-1512/G receiver/exciter. I would like to find out more about this set and the configuration in which was used, and how I might use it as an exciter with an external amp Also would like to secure an operator's manual (have a -24 for it). 73 Joseph W Pinner + Lafayette, LA KC5IJD EMail: *********************************************** ON THE COMMERCIAL FRONT; GRC-106 Bargains, 8 EA. RT-662/GRC-106. LESS METERS, KNOBS, BUT GOOD FOR MODULES, PARTS. FOR GROUP MEMBERS $125 EA. MURPHY'S SURPLUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARC-186 Stuff Needed, Hi Dennis, I know it is aircraft crap, but I know someone that is looking for an AN/ARC-186 RT/Remote Head and mounting tray. You have any laying around or know of the whereabouts of this fine piece of Collins aircraft crap?? Thanks, 73 George KC5WBV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRC-1 Stuff Needed, Dear Mr. Starks, I received your name from Steve Hill who thought you might be able to help me. I am trying to locate the following equipment: AN / T-14 TRC-1 (unlettered through H models) Xmtrs R-19 Receiver AM-8 / TRA-1 Pwr. Amp PP-13 / TRA-1 Pwr. Supply Manual for above Similar equip. I used over 20 years ago for a pirate radio station while in high school. The use of the equip. was responsible for my major in elec. eng. and the work I am engaged today. As such, finding similar equip. would be of sentimental value. Can you help me? Many surplus sources are not on the net and I've been out of the loop for such sources for some time. The last time I saw this material was offered by Fair Radio Sales some 15 yrs. past. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Joe Bango ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xtals Source? That might be me you're talking about... I recently had some 10m crystals made for my HT-32 by MH Electronics in Cucamonga, CA. I don't have their number here, but you should be able to get it from directory assistance. I sent them the stock 28.5-29.0 crystal from my '32 and they cut the new crystal for $9.70 plus shipping. 73, Steve K8VO *********************************************** HUMOR; Let's imagine - it's time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts. Here's the scoop on three leading candidates: Candidate A: +Associates with ward heelers and consults with astrologers. +He's had two mistresses. +He chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B: +Was kicked out of office twice. +Sleeps until noon. +Used opium in college. +Drinks a quart of brandy every evening. Candidate C: +Is a decorated war hero. +He's a vegetarian. +Doesn't smoke. +Drinks an occasional beer. +Hasn't had any illicit affairs. Which of these candidates is your choice? You don't really need any more information, do you? * Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt Candidate B is Winston Churchill Candidate C is Adolph Hitler Hmmmm.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING FRENCH : 1. When speaking fast you can make yourself sound gay. 2. Experience the cynicism of winning the world cup for the first time. 3. You get to eat gourmet food like horse, snails and frog's legs. 4. If there's a war you can surrender really early. 5. You don't have to read the subtitles on those late night films on Channel 4. 6. You can test your own nuclear weapons in other people's countries. 7. You can be ugly and still become a famous film star. 8. Allowing Germans to march up and down your most famous street humiliating your sense of national pride doesn't faze you. 9. You don't have to bother with toilets, just poop in the street. 10. People think you're a great lover even when you're not. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING AMERICAN : 1. You can have a woman president without electing her. 2. You can spell colour wrong and get away with it. 3. You can call Budweiser beer. 4. You can be a crook and still be president. 5. If you've got enough money you can get elected to do anything. 6. If you can breathe you can get a gun. 7. You can invent a new public holiday every year. 8. You can play golf in the most hideous clothes ever made and nobody seems to care. 9. You get to call everyone you've never met "buddy". 10. You can think you're the greatest nation on earth. When you're not at all. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING ENGLISH : 1. Glorious history of killing North American tribes. 2. Two World Wars and One World Cup doo-dah doo-dah. 3. Warm beer. 4. Punctuality. 5. You get to confuse everyone with the rules of cricket. 6. You get to accept defeat graciously in major sporting events. 7. Union jack underpants. 8. You can live in the past and imagine you are still a world power. 9. Bathing once a week-whether you need to or not. 10. Ditto changing underwear. 11. Beats being Welsh. 12. Or Scottish. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING ITALIAN : 1. In-depth knowledge of bizarre pasta shapes. 2. Unembarrassed to wear fur. 3. No need to worry about tax returns. 4. Glorious military history... well, till about 400 A.D. 5. Can wear sunglasses inside. 6. Political stability. 7. Flexible working hours. 8. Live near the Pope. 9. Can spend hours braiding girlfriend's armpit hair. 10. Country run by Sicilian murderers. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING SPANISH : 1. Glorious history of killing South American tribes. 2. The rest of Europe thinks Africa begins at the Pyrenees. 3. You get your beaches invaded by Germans, Danes, Brits etc. 4. The rest of your country is already invaded by Moroccans. 5. Everybody else makes crap paella and claims it's the real thing. 6. Honesty. 7. Only sure way of bedding a woman is to dress up in stupid, tight clothes and risk your life in front of bulls. 8. You get to eat bulls' testicles. 9. Gibraltar. 10. Supported Argentina in Falklands War. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING GERMAN : 1. Oktoberfest. 2. Wonderful sense of humour. 3. Oktoberfest. 4. World's largest manufacturer of beach towels. 5. Oktoberfest. 6. Sausages. 7. Oktoberfest. 8. Oktoberfest. 9. Oktoberfest. 10. Inate pacifism. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING MEXICAN : 1. Nachos. 2. Tacos. 3. Burritos. 4. Fajitas. 5. Quesadillas. 6. Tamales. 7. Chimichangas. 8. Rellenos. 9. Flautas. 10. Corona. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING WELSH: 1. You've got to be kidding, right?!?!?!? TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING IRISH : 1. Guinness. 2. Free labor - 18 children because you can't use contraceptives. 3. You can get into a fight just by marching down someone's road. 4. Pubs never close. 5. Can use Papal edicts on contraception passed in the second Vatican Council of 1968 to persuade your girlfriend that you can't have sex with a condom on. 6. No one can ever remember (or remind you of) the night before. 7. Stew (made with Guinness). 8. More Guinness. 9. Eating stew and drinking Guinness in an Irish pub at 3 in the morning after a bout of sectarian violence. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING CANADIAN : 1. It beats being an American. 2. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground. 3. You can play hockey 12 months a year, outdoors. 4. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground. 5. Where else can you travel 1000 miles over fresh water in a canoe? 6. A political leader can admit to smoking pot and his/her popularity ratings will rise. 7. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground. 8. Kill Grizzly bears with huge fuckoff shotguns and cover your house in their skins. 9. Own-an-Eskimo scheme. 10. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground. TOP 10 REASONS FOR BEING AUSTRALIAN: 1. Know your great-grand-dad was a murdering bastard that no civilised nation on earth wanted. 2. Fosters Lager. 3. Dispossess Aborigines who have lived in your country for 40,000 years because you think it belongs to you. 4. Annihilate England every time you play them at cricket. 5. Tact and sensitivity. 6. Bondi Beach. 7. Other beaches. 8. Liberated attitude to homosexuals 9. Drinking cold lager on the beach 10. Having a bit of a swim and then drink some cold lager on the beach. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Cleese was on American TV recently and was asked for the difference between English and American people. In reply he said that there were three... >>1. We speak English and you don't, >>2. When we hold a World Championship for a particular sport, we invite teams from other countries, >>3. When you meet the head of state in England, you only have to go down on ONE knee. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some computer symbols are called "emoticons," :) means a smile and :( is a frown. Sometimes these are represented by :-) and :-( respectively. Well, how about some "assicons?" Here goes: (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_._) a flat ass (_^_) a bubble ass (_*_) a sore ass (_!__) a lop-sided ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that's been around (_O_) an ass that's been around even more (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave my ass alone (_zzz_) a tired ass (_o^o_) a wise ass (_13_) an unlucky ass (_e=mc2_) a smart ass (_$_) Money coming out of his ass *********************************************** (The preceding was a product of the"Military Collector Group Post", an international email magazine dedicated to the preservation of history and the equipment that made it. Unlimited circulation of this material is authorized so long as the proper credits to the original authors, and publisher or this group are included. For more information conserning this group contact Dennis Starks at, ***********************************************