From: Dennis R Starks To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 07:41:39 -0600 Subject: MILITARY COLLECTOR GROUP POST, Dec.13/99 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: Juno 3.0.13 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Full-Name: Dennis R Starks X-Status: Sent X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-11,14-16,18-20,24-25,28-29,36-37,39-40,43-44,46-47,49-50,53-62,64-65,69-71,77-78,84-86,93-94,105-106,110-111,116-118,139-140,146-147,150-151,157-160,162-166,168-170,174-181,183-184,189-191,197-198,203-204,209-210,212-214,221-222,226-227,229-230,242-243,248-249,253-255,266-267,277-278,281-282,289-290,293-294,297-299,305,318-319,324-325,327-329,334-336,340-342,346-347,349-350,352-356,365,372,376,383-384,389-390,393-394,396-400,402-404,406,408-409,413-415,421-425,427-436,438-447,449,453-473,475-480,482-488,490-493,495-510,512,515-555,557-558,560,562,564,566-584,586-592,594-658,660-698,700-734,736-748,755-757 X-Juno-Att: 0 X-Juno-Fcc: Sent Items X-Juno-Size: 32922 X-Juno-RefParts: 0 MILITARY COLLECTOR GROUP POST, Dec.13/99 Index: BRITISH WIRELESS SET A40(aka CPRC-26); Part I, by Murry McCabe MEMBERS WRITE; PRC-68B Accessories? HUMOR; *********************************************** BRITISH WIRELESS SET A40(aka CPRC-26); Part I, by Murry McCabe [*]Bracket inclosed text were inserted by the editor. A brief description of the Wireless Set A40 plus information on operating it as a manpack using Ni.Cd. batteries and a French inverter for their PP-8A set. Note The 4 digit component identifiers used in the text are the last 4 digits of their NATO Part No.. Introduction, The A40 is a 13 valve, 6 channel, crystal controlled, VHF FM manpack transceiver covering 47 to 55.4 MHz. It was designed in the mid 1950s, produces an RF output of about 300mW, has an overall size of 27.3x12.7x7.6cms and weighs 4.5kg including its battery. It is similar to the Canadian CPRC-26 set. Both sets use the same ancillaries and valves and some of the internal modules are interchangeable between the set types. EMER Tels.F 462 for the A40 refers to the CPRC-26 as ‘Canadian/US Set CPRC-26’. The reference to ‘US’ is puzzling. No similar set appears to have entered volume service with the US Army. However, the A40 and CPRC-26 incorporate many features of the 1950 RCA development of the US PRC-10. These include plug-in modules, a 4.3MHz IF frequency, AFC control of the transmitter frequency from the receiver local oscillator and FM modulation by a magnetic transductor. A US root for the A40 design is suspected but unproven. If any reader knows of one share it with the Bulletin. The A40 replaced the older, 4 channel WS-88A and B sets and marks the change from all B7G valves in the WS-88 to ‘pencil’ valves. The A40 uses 11 pencil valves plus two B7G valves. Like the WS-88, the A40 comes in two versions differentiated by their working frequencies, the A40A for infantry and the A40B for mortars. The A40A set is ZA.53443, NATO Pt.No.5820-99-911-0845. The A40B set is ZA.53445. The receiver crystals frequencies are 4.3MHz below the channel frequencies, [and are the same as those used in the U.S. PRC-6]. The minimum channel spacing is 200kHz and the normal channel frequencies are: Channel A40A, A40B ch.1 47.0 MHz 47.0 MHz ch.2 47.4 Mhz 47.4 MHz ch.3 47.6 MHz 47.6 MHz ch.4 47.2 MHz 47.8 MHz ch.5 48.8 MHz 52.6 MHz ch.6 54.2 MHz 54.4 MHz [the CPRC-26 also has sub model designations such as CPRC-26A through CPRC-26F. These too differ only in the frequencies pre-installed] From the mid 1970s the A40 was progressively replaced by the Clansman PRC-350. The PRC-350 has a 2W RF output, a narrower bandwidth (25kHz channel spacing), weighs 3.1kg and provides reliable set-to-set ranges of 5km on a 1.2m whip. Portage, The A40 differed from the post war WS-88 that it replaced, in that the later consisted of a radio and a separate battery (or battery box) of similar size to the set. These were carried in left and right hand chest pouches slightly larger than the WWII British webbing ammunition pouches[Bren] [The WS-88A & B models opperated on four channels ruffly between 38-42mc with 250mw RF output]. While the A40 is a single unit carried at the operators waist clipped to the back of his combat belt using ‘Harness Web and Pad Assembly W/S A40’ (ZA.46606) or, alternately, it could be carried in the standard small army back pack. Back portage allowed the operator to lie prone without fouling the whip antenna. This could be a problem with the chest portaged of the WS-88. Construction, The A40 front panel is cast in aluminium alloy and the set case and battery box in magnesium alloy. The set is screwed shut, sealed and its internals desiccated. Consequently, most sets are still in good internal condition. The battery box is secured to the set base with a toggle clamped webbing strap.[It would appear that the method of securing the battery box in the A40 differs from that of the CPRC-26 which uses an over center cam (lever/looped spring) arrangement.] The A40 adopts and extends the PRC-10, A41, A42 feature of using plug-in modules similar in size to a B7G valve. The modules contain the pencil valve, coils, semiconductor diodes, capacitors and resistors. Except for the transmitter output and master oscillator, the main stages of the A40 are contained in 14 color coded plug-in modules. This allows rapid servicing by module replacement. Plugs and sockets are also employed between main set assemblies so that it can be stripped to its major parts using only a screw driver.[These modules of the CPRC-26(and possibly the A40) are in large part interchangeable with those of it's larger brother the CPRC-510(PRC-10A clone). This greatly simplified field logistic problems to say the least.] Printed circuit boards were not in general use when the A40 was designed. However, it goes some way to anticipate their arrival. The sockets for the plug-in modules and valves are moulded into one common polythene flat which forms the major component of the chassis deck. The A40 retains the Philips ‘bee hive’ trimmer capacitors used and proved in the WS-88. There are 18 of these trimmers. Even by the standards of the day they were bulky and limited the size reduction of the set that pencil valves and modularised construction could theoretically have permitted. Circuit, The A40 employs a stable, crystal controlled, receiver local oscillator and regulates the transmitter frequency against it via an automatic frequency control (AFC) loop with an offset for the 4.3Mhz receiver IF frequency.[The A40 used same basic method of transmit frequency control used in most FM radios since the beginning of WW-II, including the BC-620, -659, 1335, PRC-6, PRC-10 family, etc. In these the transmit master oscillator(VFO) was directly controlled by the receivers operating frequency via an AFC circuit. In xtal control radios, this is how the use of only one xtal(in the receiver), yet some resemblance of transmit frequency stability was achieved. This method produced the by product of side tone where the user is able to hear himself in the handset while transmitting. This is because during transmit, the receiver is never completely shut off, and is actually receiving it's own transmitted signal, while maintaining it's frequency. The presents of this side tone assures the operator that all is working properly, almost like a self-test feature. I/E if any stage in either the receiver or transmitter were to fail, there would be no side tone heard in the handset during transmit. This method of frequency control, while an effective one, presents some minor problems to the modern, typically spoiled, user in operating, & servicing these sets. All of which require simple modifications in common practice that will outlined later.] The receiver line up is - one CV2237 RF amplifier, a CV2254 mixer with a CV2237 crystal controlled local oscillator, 4 off CV2254 IF amplifiers, one CV2254 limiter, one discriminator and a CV2238 AF amplifier. The transmitter has a CV2237 AFC driver supplied from the receiver mixer, an AFC discriminator, a CV2237 modulator, a CV2240 master oscillator and a CV2240 PA output stage. The A40 provides side tone, i.e. the transmitted signal is heard on the receiver ear piece to provide a partial check that the set is operating correctly. Side tone is derived from the transmitter AFC discriminator The set introduced a WHISPER mode to British military manpacks. This increases the microphone gain by a factor of about 10 (20db) to allow the operator to whisper when working close to an enemy. The WHISPER mode also decreases the receiver audio gain to reduce noise leak from the headphones or the handset earpiece. The A40 has no squelch and no volume control. The performance of an A40 with a battery in good condition is: Receiver, Sensitivity 20db signal plus noise to noise ratio for a 2 microvolt signal. IF bandwidth 65 to 85kHz at 6db down and 60db down at 250kHz. Transmitter, RF output greater than 275mW. Deviation +5 to +11kHz for an AF input of 250mV in NORMAL and 25mV in WHISPER. Battery, The set battery is ‘Battery Dry, 90/45/1.5/-3volts No.1’, NATO Pt.No.6135-99-901-2230, interchangeable with the NBA-289. The battery powers the set for approximately 18 hours in a 9:1 receive:transmit operating regime. Maximum battery drains are tabled below: Transmit Receive 90V 37mA 3.5 mA 45V 10mA 15.5mA 1.25V 975mA 600mA A test meter for the A40, BA289 battery and the A41, A42, BA279 was available to the operator. The battery life can be significantly degraded if it is exposed to sub zero temperatures. For cold weather working a battery extension lead (ZA50320) was provided to allow the battery to be detached from the set and worn under the operator’s clothing and take advantage of his body heat. Audio Accessories, For connecting its headset and handset the A40 has two 5 pin in-line sockets for plugs of the type used with the A41 and A42 No.1 sets the Canadian CPRC-510 and CPRC-26. This allows the operator’s headset to be connected together with a second set of audio gear for an officer or monitor. Once fitted the audio plugs are retained by a spring loaded swinging arm. The arm was a service modification. The headset is the same as for the A41 No.1 i.e. Microphone Receiver Headgear Assembly YA.1017 or the later Headset/Microphone S.I.No.1A (4146) The handset is Telephone Hand S.I.No.4G (YA10708).[semilar to the H-33 except for it's 5 pin in-line connector, and it's switching of sigle pull/double single throw rather than double pull/single throw.] An audio adaptor (Z1/ZA.47706), ‘Adapter Socket 5/10 Way’ was available to increase the number of audio connections to the set. Also available were 6m audio extension cables (7350). Up to three of these could be connected in series for the remote control of the set. (See the notes under T/R switching). The accessories were carried in Haversack No.1 (Z1/ZA/1/8465-400047) or Satchel Signals No.1, Mk.1/1 (Z1/ZA.27294). T/R Switching, The A40 has no T/R relay. The filaments of valves powered in both transmit and receive, e.g. the receiver mixer, are switched on via the front panel OFF-WHISPER-NORMAL switch. The filament supplies to the other valves are routed through the pressel switch in the handset or headset from the front panel switch. When the pressel switch is operated the transmitter valves filaments are energised. When it is released the receive only valves are energised. On early sets it was possible for the operator’s pressel switch to select RECEIVE at the same time as the officer’s pressel switch was selecting TRANSMIT. This powered all valves in the set at the same time. The set transmitted but the battery drain increase significantly. On late model sets only the socket designated as OPERATOR is wired to control TRANSMIT/RECEIVE switching. A feature of this form of T/R switching is that the filament current passes through the headset or handset cable. The cable has a voltage drop so that the voltage reaching the valve filaments is reduced. The longer the audio leads the worst the loss of filament voltage. When using the audio extension leads their voltage drop is excessive and virtually no filament voltage reaches the set.[This same heater voltage drop versus handset cable is also true in the U.S. PRC-6, and CPRC-26. For this reason, some audio accessories that would normally appear easily modified for use on these radio, will not work. A case in point is the very attractive combination headset/boom mics often used on other radios, and telephone switch boards. The cable/wire resistance in these is too great to allow transmit operation.] To overcome this, a T/R relay unit (number unknown) was produced to plug into the set audio socket. The audio accessories or extension leads were plugged into the relay unit. The pressel switches controlled the relay and relay contacts directly on the set audio socket switched the filament supplies. The operator’s handbook suggests that the voltage lost in the handset/headset cabling alone can be significant as the battery reaches the end of its life. To squeeze the most out of the battery it suggests the T/R relay unit be used for portable operation. Antennae, The A40 antenna base is identical to the A41, A42 and CPRC-510 short antenna base. (It also has a tapped center hole which accepts the PRC-10 series laminated steel tape antenna with gooseneck.) All three sets plus the CPRC-26 can use the same short whip antennae. Two short sectional whips were normally carried with the set because of the risk of damage in the field.[This sectional short whip design is a direct carry over from WW-II British types which were copied for use on the US BC-1000/SCR-300, and still existed in service as late as the solid state PRC-349 of the mid 70's. Canadian manuals for the CPRC-26 suggest the used of the US PRC-6 tape antenna as an alternate, and for the Direction fiding work, the US AT-339(for the PRC-10/PRC-6) was used.] There are two common versions of the whip antenna. ‘Aerial Vertical 4 Foot No.5’ (ZA47360) is a single assembly incorporating the whip, the flexible base section and the mounting to match the set base. The later version is a 3 part assembly with an overall height of nearly 5 feet, consisting of separate base adapter (4216), gooseneck (4215) and whip (4217). To improve reception, a counterpoise wire earth (Z1/ZA.32962 or ZI/ZA.47202) ‘Aerial Horizontal Wire 4ft.2in’, can be plugged into the set front panel and tucked into the operator’s clothing. For very short range working, about 0.8km, the counterpoise wire could be used in place of the whip. Since the goose neck has to be bent through 90 degrees for both recommended portage methods, it is illogical that the set was not provided with an antenna base at right angles to the existing one. Also provided was a 50 ohm BNC connector to feed a ground mounted antenna. This consists of a 10 foot, self-erecting whip antenna, (a half wave vertical), ‘Aerial 10 Foot No.2’ (0960) for use with a remote antenna base (7959) containing a broad band, tuned matching transformer. The base mounts on a ground spike (ZA34630). The set couples to the antenna base with of 50 ohm co-axial cable, i.e. 1.4m BNC adapter cable plus one or two 7.6m lengths of co-axial cable. In favourable conditions set-to-set ranges of 2km are obtainable on the set mounted whip antennae. With both sets operating on the 10 foot remote antennae ranges up to 8km are possible. A BNC mounted torch[light] bulb RF output indicator (2069) could be connected across the antenna socket and was normally carried. The belt pad harness had pouches for the whip antenna. Other Nations, The multiplicity and weight of ‘bits and pieces’ that the A40 operator might have to carry in addition to the basic set contrasts with the American, German and French approach. Their equivalent sets, the PRC-6, PRC-6/6 and PP-8A ‘handie-talkies’, were self contained. No ancillaries were necessary other than an H-33*/PT handset if the set was to be shoulder portaged but even that was unusual. [While this is true, the field versatility, and serviceability of the A40/CPRC-26 was far greater than that of those other models noted. The proof of this is in the fact that only those countries being supplied by the US, and were dependant on the US for their equipment & support opted to use, or clone the PRC-6(France, Germany, Israel etc). All other countries which were in production of their own equipment independently, or felt no obligation to maintain US designs, chose to use the CPRC-26. These included at least Canada, England, Australia, and the Netherlands. The later saw sufficient merit in the design to later expand on them with identical sets converted to solid state(DA/PRC-260 & DA/PRC-261). The US too toyed with the design of the CPRC-26 both in it's original form, and in a solid state radio of very similar appearance(the PRC-35XC), more on this later.] The A40 operator could be faced with a Meccano set of bits and pieces. This arose because the technology of the day could not provide a set with all the in-built performance the army desired. External add-ons became the order of the day. With the arrival of the Clansman sets technology caught up with desire and the options were bundled into the basic set. However, by carrying and using the remote half wave antennae the A40 range could be up to 4 times greater than the ‘handie-talkies’. Information, The above is a brief outline of the A40. If a reader wants more information the CES (kit list W.O. Code 12336), the Operator’s Instruction Plate (ZA.47823), the Operator’s Handbook (W.O.Code No.12045) and the EMERs (Tels.F462) are available off the shelf from the sources listed at the end of this note. Next Stage, Though interesting in its own right, my A40 was acquired to prove the point that it could be used as a portable, operating from the French inverter for the PP-8A handie talkie. Part 2 of this note will describe attempts to do so. Sources, Bob Eggerton (MWARS 9) has handsets, headsets, both types of whip antennae, signal satchels, counterpoise earths, RF output indicators, remote antenna bases, 10 foot whips, co-ax leads, aluminium instruction plates, audio extension leads, operators handbooks and CESs for the A40. Ian Mant (MWARS 70) has A40 EMER Tels. F462. and the CES. Peter Gray (MWARS 340) had PP-8A inverters. No source of A40 sets themselves is known. If a reader has knowledge of one, share it with the Bulletin. Murry McCabe Ed) Other than as noted in the description of the CPRC-26 below, there is no evidence to suggest that the US government was involved with the design of the CPRC-26. The ingenious development of this radio system appears to be purely a Canadian initiative born out of their further development, & subsequent adoption of the US PRC-10A family of equipment(CPRC-510 etc). While no evidence survives to show RCA involvement in the CPRC-26 design, it is not at all out of the realm of possibility, is quite probable, and would have been expected. Though not via an official US government directive. It is possible that the Canadian Government opted to solicit the US Army for their input and to conduct field trials of the finished radios, and there is evidence to support this assumption. In subsequent years, the US did reciprocate in providing a quantity of the experimental PRC-34(helmet transceiver), and PRC-36(same, but belt worn) for evaluation by the Canadians. Is it coincidence that the PRC-34, -35, -36, CPRC-26 etc were all born out of RCA? It's fact that the US government did conduct field testing of the CPRC-26, their own official response(as noted below) would tend to indicate an air of indignance towards a NON-US design however viable it might have been. In our own defence, while the CPRC-26(in contrast to the official response) would have represented a significant advantage over our PRC-6, the state of experimental technology at the time the 26 was introduced would not have warranted the mass fielding(and associated cost) of a set that would have been rendered obsolete within a couple years, or even months. The powers that were probably should have modified their response to read: "the advantages represented in the CPRC-26 over the PRC-6, though significant, would not warrant the cost in time & money needed for it's adoption given the limited time span it might be used in the field. This in the light of rapid advance in the current state of technology, and our on going developments". Remember, the design of the CPRC-26, though probably new to other countries using equipment of WW-II origin, was nere 15 years old to the US by the time of it's introduction. Additional information on the CPRC-26 and it's clones might be found in the following: MCGP Backmail #55: UNIVERSAL INVERTER POWER SUPPLY, PART III; Applications (PRC-6 & CPRC-26), by Dennis Starks MCGP Backmail #63: MEMBERS WRITE #2; British CPRC-26? MCGP Backmail #52: CURRENT AUSSIE RADIO EQUIPMENT;(Circa 1966) from Dave Prince Additional information on the WS-88 can be found in: "Wireless for the Warrior" Vol.1 Wireless Sets No.1-88, by Louis Meulstee. Louis is one of our members, and it is my understanding that he has a web site that would be well worth looking up. Additional Information on the PRC-6, PRC-6/6, CPRC-26, PRC-35, PP-8. DA/PRC-260, & DA/PRC-261, follow as extracted from "Military Radio Equipment Vol.I, PRC Designated Equipment" by Dennis Starks(a greatly abbreviated version of this same book exist on Tom Norris' Web Site at: HTTP:// PRC-6/RT-196;VHF FM handheld transceiver.Intended to replace the BC-611 of WW-II. Development started before the end of that war. The PRC-6 interred service in 1951, preliminary manuals were printed in 1949, and at least one production example has been encountered with this date. It remained in service at least until the late 1960's though it was officially replaced by the combination PRT-4 & PRR-9 in 1965. Ops 47-54mc, approx RF output 350mw, 1 channel xtal control.Requires 1.5v/850ma, 45v/8ma, 90v/30ma(trans), 1.5v/550, 45v/12ma, 90v/3ma/, -3v/bs(rec), supplied by BA-270 battery.Size, 4.75 x 4.75 x 14.5, 3.5lbs. Accessories include H-33 handset,short tape antenna, AT-249 or AT-340 homing antennas, ID-292 channel alignment indicator,CK-6 xtal kit(42 CR-23 xtals in metal box). The PRC-6 has been "cloned" by a number of countries(at least Germany & Israel)additionally, both foreign & domestic examples can be found that have been converted to solid state. Original cost circa 1952 $104.50-$185.90. Ref.#23,#28,#30, any TM11-487 post 1950 PRC-6/6;This West German produced radio is physically identical to the original U.S. version and uses a common case. The original case has been modified to allow for the radios different internal construction and extended six channel capacity. The external antenna connector(BNC) has been replaced with a channel selector switch, and a window has been placed on the side of the back cover for a selected channel display. While this version also uses sub-miniature tubes in it's design, the circuits are completely different from the original U.S. types. Even different crystal types are used. The only internally compatable component is the radio's battery. As similar, if not the same radio is also reported to have been built in France as the TR-PP-8-A Ref.#23 PRC-26;This number was originally intended to be used on the PRC-35.However it was skipped in US inventory to avoid possible confusion with the Canadian CPRC-26. A quantity of which were procured by the US in the mid 1950's to be tested as a possible replacement for the PRC-6.For more info see CPRC-26. Ref.#14,#23 CPRC-26/CRT-1;Portable Canadian VHF/FM transceiver.Intended as a squad radio similar in purpose to the US PRC-6.Variant models of CPRC-26 exist I/E CPRC-26(A-F),the only deference in these being the frequencies of the 6 channels supplied. The CPRC-26 could be carried in a variety of different manners I/E it could be hand carried, worn on a standard pistol belt, shoulder carried with a canvas strap, or it's harness allowed it too be worn as a back- pack, under the arm, or on the chest offset to the right or left. In the mid 1950's the US acquired a quantity of CPRC-26's to be tested as possible replacements for the PRC-6. It was officially judged as "having no significant advantage ".In fact the set had many advan- tages including it's 6 channel capacity,ability to use a sorted array of antennas & batteries,replacement of the battery did not require de- assembly of the radio as it used a separate battery box,multiple carry options,smaller size & heavier construction,field serviceability with lesser logistic problems(the CPRC-26 uses plug in modules that are in large part interchangeable with those in the US & Canadian variants of the PRC-10). On the other hand,the US PRC-6 used discrete components few of which were interchangeable with anything else,It was a very ungainly radio to repair,aline(it's numerous tuning coils are rather fragile) & use. The CPRC-26 was also adopted by Holland,who later improved it by conversion to solid state.It is possible that this version too was tested by the US. Ops 47-54mc, on any of 6 independently tuned channels, using the same xtals as the US PRC-6.RF power output approx 300mw.Requires 1.5v/850ma, 45v/8ma, 90v/30ma(trans), 1.5v/550ma, 45v/12ma, 90v/3ma, -3v/bias(rec), supplied by BA-289. Accessories include,H-5001 handset,H-5002 headphone,CTS-4 battery test set,CCX/CPRC-26 battery cable(for arctic use),Type 88 British antenna(in addition any of the common US short steal type antennas can be used),US type AT-339 homing antenna,CAT-3 long wire antenna,CCW-1 canvas bag,CTS-3 test set. Other known users include Australia and Britian (as the A-40) Ref.#14,#23,#30,#42(BM#52) PRC-35(XC-2);Experimental VHF,FM portable transceiver.Designed by RCA in conjunction with the PRC-25/VRC-12 equipments as a replacement for the PRC-6.It's original designation of PRC-26 was changed to avoid confusion with a very similar Canadian set(see CPRC-26). The PRC-35 was a first attempt at a 100% solid state,synthesized, multi channel squad radio that was also compatible with the now standard 150cps tone squelch system. In RCA's zeal designing it with all the required features of a squad radio,the results were judged as too large & expensive(projected cost $1500-$2000.00).Current estimates of this cost in comparison to that of the PRC-25 & 77,would have been around $500.00.This combined with a change in requirements & the on going development of the PRT-4 & PRR-9 ended it's further consideration. Ops 30-69.95 on any 4 presettable frequencies out of 800 synthesized channels spaced 50kc apart.RF power output 600mw.Requires 11.7v/56ma & 26v/7.3ma(rec),11.7v/71ma & 26v/120ma(trans).Size 11 x 6 3/8 x 3 3/4, 9.5lbs.Known accessories include battery box,handset & antenna(common with PRC-25). Ref.#14,#23 DA/PRC-260;Portable VHF,FM transceiver.This Danish radio set is outwardly identical to the Canadian or Danish CPRC-26,having only a slightly shorter battery box(3/4"tall).Internally it has been converted to solid state,& operation is from 12vdc/125ma. Operational parameters & accessories are the same as for the CPRC- 26.It is possible that the US Government obtained a small quantity of these radios for evaluation. See also DA/PRC-261. Ref.#14 DA/PRC-261; This radio is identical to the DA/PRC-260 excepting for the addition of a two position bank switch which doubled it's original channel capacity of 6 to 12 channels. Power is derived from internal AA cells providing 15vdc. Built by N.V. Philips Telecommunicatie with known examples being produced Under License of A/S Bravour. Ref.#31 Dennis Starks; Collector/Historian Midwest Military Communications Museum email: *********************************************** MEMBERS WRITE; PRC-68B Accessories? a) Does anyone know if the Magnavox repeater cable for use with the PRC-68B is electrically equivalent to the CX-4656()/GRC Retransmission cable used with the VRC-12/PRC-25/77 series? b) Does anyone have a circuit for either the Magnavox Ni-Cd charger or an equivalent that will charge a PRC-68B battery @ 18 volts/50mA? Thanks! -- Jack Sullivan *********************************************** HUMOR; Psychological Christmas Songs SCHIZOPHRENIA - Do You Hear What I Hear? MULTIPLE PERSONALITY - We Three Kings Disoriented Are. DEMENTIA - I Think I'll Be Home For Christmas. NARCISSISTIC - Hark The Herald Angels Sing (About Me) MANIA - Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town ... or Deck the Halls and Spare No Expense! PARANOIA - Santa Claus is Coming... To Get Me. PERSONALITY DISORDER - You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, then MAYBE I'll tell you why. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE - Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell... BORDERLINE PERSONALITY - Thoughts of Roasting in an Open Fire. PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE - On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me (and then took it all away). ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Top Ten Books Doctors Read 10- How To Turn and Ordinary Little Lung Transplant Into a Vacation Home 9- Turn Your Waiting Room Into a Financial Bonanza Through The simple use of Vending Machines and Pay-For-View TV. 8- All the Things that 9 Out of 10 of Us Recommend 7- Chicken Scratch.....How to Not Only Write it, But Speak It 6- There's Big Money in Second Opinions 5- "Cat Scans to Bed-Pans".....The novel that finally puts some humor into diseases. 4- Bedside Jokes to tell the terminally ill. 3- Getting Your Fair Share of the Hypochondriac Market 2- 101 Places You Can Buy 6-Year-Old Magazines For Your Waiting Room 1- How to Convince Your Patient That He or She Needs the Entire Battery of All 37,513 Tests Available to the Medical Community. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a Professional? This quiz consists of four questions that tell you whether or not you are qualified to be a professional. SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ANSWERS. There is no need to cheat. The questions are not that difficult. You just need to think like a professional. 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door. This question tests whether or not you are doing simple things in a complicated way. 2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * Incorrect answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and shut the refrigerator. Correct answer: Open the refrigerator, take out of the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This question tests your foresight. 3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend? > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * Correct answer: The elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator! This tests if you are capable of comprehensive thinking. OK, if you did not answer the last three questions correctly, this one may be your last chance to test your qualifications to be a professional. 4. There is a river that is known to have many crocodiles in it. How do you cross it? > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * > > * Correct Answer: Simply swim through it. All the crocodiles are attending the animal meeting! This question tests your reasoning ability. So... If you answered four out of four questions correctly, you are a true professional. Wealth and success await you. If you answered three out of four, you have some catching up to do but there's hope for you. If you answered two out of four, consider a career as a hamburger flipper in a fast food joint. If you answered one out of four, try selling some of your organs. It's the only way you will ever make any money. If you answered none correctly, consider a career that does not require any higher mental functions at all, such as law or politics. *********************************************** The preceding was a product of the"Military Collector Group Post", an international email magazine dedicated to the preservation of history and the equipment that made it. Unlimited circulation of this material is authorized so long as the proper credits to the original authors, and publisher or this group are included. For more information concerning this group or membership contact Dennis Starks at, . A list of selected articles of interest to members can be seen at: ***********************************************