Sub Class 1 Automatic Frequency Stabilization using a Phase or Frequency Sensing Means
Sub Class 3 Molecular resonance stabilization
Sub Class 158
Search for 331/158 - 773 hits Jan 2003
158 Crystal Oscillators in General - 867 hits 15 Mar 2006
Sub Class 46 Plrual Timepiece System or System Device (e.g., Primary or Secondary Clocks):
Search for 386/46 - 77 hits on 26 Jan 2003
Sub Class 386/156
Search for 368/156
901 Producing Timing Pulses (Driving Circuits for Stepping Motors
Search for 968/901 - 77 hits Jan 2003Subclass 490; Producing Preselected Time Intervals for use as Timing Standards
Search for 968/490 - 163 hits Jan 2003
Subclass 817; Pulse Technique in General H03K; Control, Synchronization, or Stabilization of Generators in General H03L) [G04G 3/00]
6124764 Stable low-power oscillatorCalls U.S. Patent Documents
2118109 May., 1938 Roberts et al. 250/9. 4204398 May., 1980 Lemelson 36/47. 4316273 Feb., 1982 Jetter 368/47. 4645357 Feb., 1987 Allgaier et al. 368/187. 4650344 Mar., 1987 Allgaier et al. 368/47. 4860268 Aug., 1989 Allgaier et al. 368/47. 5077706 Dec., 1991 Ganter 368/47. 5089814 Feb., 1992 DeLuca et al. 368/21. 5144599 Sep., 1992 Blaich et al. 368/10. 5231612 Jul., 1993 Allgaier et al. 368/47. 5235563 Aug., 1993 Ganter et al. 368/47. 5253226 Oct., 1993 Ganter 368/47. 5270993 Dec., 1993 Besson et al. 368/80. 5297120 Mar., 1994 Yuzuki et al. 368/47. 5329501 Jul., 1994 Meister et al. 368/10. 5331608 Jul., 1994 Umemoto et al. 368/10. 5349570 Sep., 1994 Kaiser 368/47. 5363348 Nov., 1994 Damle 368/47. 5375018 Dec., 1994 Klausner et al. 368/47. 5408445 Apr., 1995 Allgaier et al. 368/47. 5422863 Jun., 1995 Minowa et al. 368/47. 5430693 Jul., 1995 Ganter et al. 368/47. 5444672 Aug., 1995 Kushita 368/47. 5528560 Jun., 1996 Ogiyama 368/47. 5671192 Sep., 1997 Schaffel 368/47.
6556512 | Mobile terminal for a wireless telecommunication system with accurate real time generation |
6141296 | Time-of-day clock assembly |
5978832 | Time to completion determination in a multitasking workstation |
5921938 | System and method for adjusting time associated with medical event data |
5805530 | System, method, and device for automatic setting of clocks |
5757786 | Time synchronization apparatus and a method thereof using a global positioning system of a satellite |
5717661 | Method and apparatus for adjusting the accuracy of electronic timepieces |
5640373 | Secure time keeping peripheral device for use in low-power applications |
2786972 | Mar., 1957 | Dreier et al. | 368/47. |
3590573 | Jul., 1971 | Dietsch | 368/47. |
3811265 | May., 1974 | Cater | 368/48. |
3881310 | May., 1975 | Gerum et al. | 368/47. |
3974457 | Aug., 1976 | Bates et al. | 331/43. |
4020628 | May., 1977 | Vittoz | 368/4. |
4117661 | Oct., 1978 | Bryant, Jr. | 368/47. |
4187518 | Feb., 1980 | Martin et al. | 368/47. |
4254494 | Mar., 1981 | Maeda | 368/200. |
4282595 | Aug., 1981 | Lowdenslager et al. | 368/200. |
4290130 | Sep., 1981 | Lowdenslager et al. | 368/200. |
4315332 | Feb., 1982 | Sakami et al. | 368/47. |
4407589 | Oct., 1983 | Davidson et al. | 368/200. |
4440501 | Apr., 1984 | Schulz | 368/47. |
4448543 | May., 1984 | Vail | 368/202. |
4473303 | Sep., 1984 | Suzuki | 368/202. |
4501502 | Feb., 1985 | Van Orsdel | 368/47. |
4513259 | Apr., 1985 | Frekking | 368/202. |
4525685 | Jun., 1985 | Hesselberth et al. | 368/47. |
4575848 | Mar., 1986 | Moore et al. | 371/61. |
4582434 | Apr., 1986 | Plangger et al. | 368/47. |
4602375 | Jul., 1986 | Inukai | 375/109. |
4633421 | Dec., 1986 | Watson, Jr. et al. | 364/569. |
4633422 | Dec., 1986 | Brauer | 364/569. |
4708491 | Nov., 1987 | Luitje | 368/200. |
4768178 | Aug., 1988 | Conklin et al. | 368/47. |
4803708 | Feb., 1989 | Momose | 364/200. |
4899117 | Feb., 1990 | Vig | 368/202. |
4903251 | Feb., 1990 | Chapman | 368/200. |
4921467 | May., 1990 | Lax | 368/200. |
4993003 | Feb., 1991 | Fechner et al. | 368/47. |
6466517 Global travel clock4768178 High precision radio signal controlled continuously updated digital clock 368/47; 375/356; 968/907; 968/922; 968/DIG1
6118320 Clock input circuit
5930697 Heterodyne receiver with synchronous demodulation for receiving time signals
5923618 Leap-second cure for 1999 GPS rollover problem
5921938 System and method for adjusting time associated with medical event data
5881022 Frequency shifing device and method for automatic clock adjustment
5818851 Method for detecting the time messages in the faulty signal of a time-signal transmitter
5805647 Method for detecting the beginning of time messages
5596552 Circuit for resetting time of timer
5469411 Method and apparatus for accurate time maintenance and display
5448533 Method and apparatus for accurate time maintenance and display
5297120 Radio wave-standardized electronic timepiece
5289497 Broadcast synchronized communication system6141296 Time-of-day clock assembly5274545 Device and method for providing accurate time and/or frequency 368/156; 368/200; 368/202; 968/906; 968/907; 968/DIG1
5978832 Time to completion determination in a multitasking workstation
5921938 System and method for adjusting time associated with medical event data
5805530 System, method, and device for automatic setting of clocks
5757786 Time synchronization apparatus and a method thereof using a global positioning system of a satellite
5717661 Method and apparatus for adjusting the accuracy of electronic timepieces
5640373 Secure time keeping peripheral device for use in low-power applications2786972 Commercial Power Frequency Cordless Synchronous CLock Mar., 1957 Dreier et al. 318/16; 318/85; 318/724; 368/47; 379/55.1; 968/510; 968/DIG1
3590573 System for Synchronizing Timing Devices Jul., 1971 Dietsch 368/59; 318/127; 368/47; 368/187; 968/510; 968/512; 968/518; 968/DIG1
3811265 Coded Time Indicating Transmission System May., 1974 Cater 368/48; 368/52; 968/927; 968/DIG1
3881310 Clock Adapted to be Synchronized by Alternating Current in a Wireless Manner May., 1975 Gerum et al. 368/47; 368/52; 968/490; 968/510; 968/DIG15274545 Device and method for providing accurate time and/or frequency3974457 Time and frequency control unit Aug., 1976 Bates et al.
5134638 Shift register connection between electrical circuits
4103250 Fast frequency hopping synthesizer
331/1A; 327/160; 331/39; 331/41; 331/43; 331/175; 377/50; 377/54; 455/2573560880 Crystal Oscillator with Automatic Compensation for Frequency Drift due to Aging Feb., 1971 Easton et al. 331/158; 331/1754020628 Automatic regulation of an electronic watch May., 1977 Vittoz 368/4.2959742 Constand Frequency Source Nov 8, 1960 E. P. Flech 331/14; 331/26; 331/35; 331/1653662269 Remote Drift Rate Compensator for Frequency Standards May., 1972 Osborne et al. 455/71; 331/35; 331/175; 455/76; 455/119; 968/922; 968/DIG1
3428916 Compensated Crystal Oscillators Feb 18, 1969 331/116R; 331/109; 331/176; 331/177V2658146 Servo System Nov 3 1953 331/30; 318/606; 331/2; 331/13; 331/36R; 334/28 - motor control oscillator frequency
3488605 Oscillator with Digital Counter Frequency Control Circuits Jan 6, 1970 331/17; 331/1A; 331/18; 331/36C; 331/175
3560880 Crystal Oscillator with Automatic Compensation for Frequency Drift due to Aging Feb., 1971 Easton et al. 331/158; 331/175
3569613 Color Subcarrier Oscillators May 9, 1971 RCA 348/507 -
4117661 Precision automatic local time decoding apparatus Oct., 1978 Bryant, Jr. 368/47.
4187518 Timing device Feb., 1980 Martin et al. 368/47.
4254494 Accuracy correction in an electronic timepiece Mar., 1981 Maeda 368/200.
4282595 Method for digital frequency trimming an oscillator in an electronic timepiece Aug., 1981 Lowdenslager et al. 368/200.
4290130 Digital frequency trimmed electronic timepieceSep., 1981 Lowdenslager et al. 368/200.
4315332 Electronic timepiece radio Feb., 1982 Sakami et al. 368/47.
4407589 Error correction method and apparatus for electronic timepieces Oct., 1983 Davidson et al. 368/200.
4440501 Method of automatic adjustment of self-contained radio-clock by means of time mark Apr., 1984 Schulz 368/47.
4448543 Time-of-day clock having a temperature compensated low power frequency source May., 1984 Vail 368/202.
4473303 Electronic timepiece Sep., 1984 Suzuki 368/202.
4501502 Apparatus and method for timekeeping and time correction for analog timepiece Feb., 1985 Van Orsdel 368/47.
4513259 Closed loop temperature compensated frequency reference Apr., 1985 Frekking 368/202.
4525685 Disciplined oscillator system with frequency control and accumulated time control Jun., 1985 Hesselberth et al. 368/47.
4575848 Methods and apparatus for correcting a software clock from an accurate clock Mar., 1986 Moore et al. 371/61.
6205091 Method and apparatus for controlling a solar-powered radio-controlled timepiece when a storage element is inadequately charged4823328 Radio signal controlled digital clock
6128337 Multipath signal discrimination
6069850 Method and apparatus for driving a battery-backed up clock while a system is powered-down
5970400 Adjusting the timing and synchronization of a radio's oscillator with a signal from an SATPS satellite
5940458 Method and compensating for time error of time/frequency generator using global positioning system
5921938 System and method for adjusting time associated with medical event data
5901115 Analog radio clock with time zone conversion
5899957 Carrier phase differential GPS corrections network
5881022 Frequency shifing device and method for automatic clock adjustment
5757786 Time synchronization apparatus and a method thereof using a global positioning system of a satellite
5657297 Clock apparatus having high accuracy
5621703 Radio wave-corrected timepiece
5596552 Circuit for resetting time of timer
5557585 Broadcast signal receiver which automatically sets an internal clock
5469411 Method and apparatus for accurate time maintenance and display
5448533 Method and apparatus for accurate time maintenance and display
5440313 GPS synchronized frequency/time source
5422863 Automatically correcting electronic timepiece for selected signal receiving wireless receiver
5375018 Location acquisition and time adjusting system
5367572 Method and apparatus for personal identification
5329500 Video cassette recorder having automatic time setting function
5297120 Radio wave-standardized electronic timepiece 368/47
5274545 Device and method for providing accurate time and/or frequency
5265070 Receiving device with timekeeping function
5237614 Integrated network security system
5168520 Method and apparatus for personal identification
5138707 Method of operating a timer in a digital data processing system
4823328 Radio signal controlled digital clock
4768178 High precision radio signal controlled continuously updated digital clock 368/47; 375/356; 968/907; 968/922; 968/DIG1 Precision Standard Time Model 1020
4933920 Sidereal clock 368/15; 368/155; 368/184; 368/200; 968/902; 968/938; 968/DIG1 - switches between 50 and 60 Hz to get sidereal time
4920365 Electronic digital timepiece having a separate key for controlling the switching of the display from standard to daylight savings time
4899117 High accuracy frequency standard and clock system 331/3; 331/44; 331/47; 331/176; 368/56; 368/202A high accuracy atomic frequency standard and clock which utilizes a micrmputer (sic). The microcomputer compensates for aging and temperature variations in the atomic standard and its slave crystal oscillator and generates an error signal which is used to either correct the frequency of the slave crystal oscillator or to adjust the number of clock pulses per unit time interval. No C-field adjustment is employed. A reference standard is connected to an atomic standard and the error signal is used by a microcontroller to adjust the output frequency of a crystal oscillator that is locked to the atomic atnadard. This avoids the problem of having a Rb standard which after about 7.5 years has drifted outside the range where it can be brought back on frequency.4885778 Method and apparatus for synchronizing generation of separate, free running, time dependent equipment4476445
4582434 Time corrected, continuously updated clock Apr., 1986 Heath Company (St. Joseph, MI) Plangger et al. 368/46; 368/47; 968/907; 968/922; 968/DIG13530663 Automatic and Continuous Time Adjusting Device for a Clock Sep., 1970 Marti. 368/184; 331/105; 331/172; 368/47; 714/814; 968/907; 968/922; 968/DIG1
4117661 Precision automatic local time decoding apparatus Oct., 1978 Bryant, Jr. 368/47.
4234958 Radio synchronized time-keeping apparatus and method Nov., 1980 Pipes et al. 375/356; 368/47; 375/371; 968/922; 968/DIG1
4440501 Method of automatic adjustment of self-contained radio-clock by means of time mark Apr., 1984 Schulz 368/47.
4602375 Jul., 1986 Inukai 375/109.
4633421 Dec., 1986 Watson, Jr. et al. 364/569.
4633422 Dec., 1986 Brauer 364/569.
4708491 Nov., 1987 Luitje 368/200.
4768178 Aug., 1988 Conklin et al. 368/47.
4803708 Feb., 1989 Momose 364/200.
4899117 Feb., 1990 Vig 368/202.
4903251 Feb., 1990 Chapman 368/200.
4921467 May., 1990 Lax 368/200.
4993003 Feb., 1991 Fechner et al. 368/47.
4117661 Precision automatic local time decoding apparatusOct., 1978 Bryant, Jr. 368/47; 340/825.26; 375/355; 455/502; 968/924; 968/DIG14650344 Radio controlled timepiece
4440501 Method of automatic adjustment of self-contained radio-clock by means of time mark Apr., 1984 Schulz 368/47; 368/202; 968/907; 968/922; 968/DIG1
4525685 Disciplined oscillator system with frequency control and accumulated time control Jun., 1985 Hesselberth et al. 331/10; 331/11; 331/18; 331/25; 331/64; 368/47; 375/362
4556988 Indoor unit of receiver for broadcasting satellite Dec., 1985 Yoshisato 455/182.2; 455/183.1; 455/192.2; 455/208; 455/260; 455/302
4582434 Time corrected, continuously updated clock Apr., 1986 Plangger et al. 368/46; 368/47; 968/907; 968/922; 968/DIG1
Disciplined oscillator system with frequency control and
accumulated time control June 25, 1985 331/10; 331/11; 331/18; 331/25;
331/64; 368/47; 375/362 - although this is a WWVB patent it's called
out in the Spectracom 8195 data sheet. spec 1E-10 GPS disciplined
xtal oscillator
4358742 Transimpedance oscillator having high gain amplifier
Nov 9, 1982, Singer, 331/158 ; 331/108D
4283691 Crystal oscillator having low noise signal extraction circuit,
Aug 11, 1981, Burgoon; John R.,HP, 331/116R ; 331/158 (HP 10811)
4079280 Quartz resonator cut to compensate for static and
dynamic thermal transients, Kusters; John A.,HP, March 14, 1978,
310/318; 310/361; 331/37; 331/60; 331/69; 331/158; 331/176
Phase detector with high precision
Feb 26, 2002 327/2; 327/3; 327/10; 327/12 - improvement on the
HP K34-59991A Linear Phase Comparator
5723989 Phase-measurement device
March 3, 1998 327/3; 327/2
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