HP 59301 ASCII to Parallel Converter
HP 59303 Digital-Analog-Converter
HP 59304A Numeric Display
HP 59306 HP-IB Relay Actuator
HP 59307 Dual VHF Switch
HP 59308A Timing Generator
HP 59309 HP-IB Digital Clock
HP 59313 4 Chan A/D Converter
HP 59401 Bus System Analyzer
HP 59403A Common Carrier Interface
HP 59500 Multiprogrammer HP-IB Interface
HP 59501 Isolated DAC/Power Supply Programmer (Isolated DAC)
HP K10 59992A Standby Power Supply
Related Instruments
11713A Attenuator/Switch Driver
3488A Switch Control Unit
When HP first came out with HP-IB they
also offered a line of HP-IB "Glue" accessory modules to help in
constructing automated test systems. All these instruments
predated IEEE-488.1 and do not have any of the IEEE-488.2
capability. That's to say they all use the "R2D2" type of
commands. The example code is typically based on something like a
9825 calculator.
59000 Series Accessory Modules
Most of these modules have their covers
held on with Pozi Drive 2 screws. Instead of trying to use a
Philips and doing a poor job, get a set of "secruity" bits that
includes Posidrive and Torx.
HP 59301 ASCII-Parallel Converter
Used to add HP-IB drive capability to
instruments that have parallel external programming, typically by means
of large pin count connectors.
No front panel controls. On and Listening lamps.
HP 59303 Digital-Analog-Converter
Front panel range switch and output 5-way binding posts. On, Remote, Listening and Local lamps.
HP 59306 HP-IB Relay Actuator
Has 6 front panel independent latching
push button switches to allow manually controlling the relays which can
also be controlled remotely.
HP 59307 Dual VHF Switch
Two SP4T switches that can be
controlled either from the front panel radio buttons or remotely.
Very handy to have for signal routing.
BNC connectors on the rear panel.
HP 59308A Timing Generator
HP 59309 HP-IB Digital Clock
Front Switches
Top Inside
Month-Day as well as HH:MM:SS LED clock
on front panel with backup battery provision as well as the ability to
use an external 1, 5 or 10 Mhz frequency standard as it's
heartbeat. The lower front panel hinges up (notch in lower right corner) and there are:
Ext or Int oscillator selection, Push to Read button, 365/366 Days in
the year switch, Reset button, Run/Hold switch, Set Day Button, Fast
set time button and Slow set time button. Setting time is tricky
since the buttons only increment the time and MM:DD is one button and
HH:MM:SS is either a fast or slow button. But note that the clock
is in hold mode during setting so you want to overshoot the time, then
switch to run when the clock time matches the actual time.
Provision for internal 9 Volt battery for a 1 day backup or an external
9 Volt supply via a BNC connector for longer term backup. Will
send the time stamp when queried via HP-IB.
Manual scanned and cleaned & has bookmarks.
HP 59313A 4 Channel A/D Converter
HP 59313A 4 Channel A/D Converter Front
HP 59313A 4 Channel A/D Converter Rear
This is a general purpose instrument. One of it's applications was for the automated version of the
HP 8410 Network Analyzer.
addition to the 4 input analog channels there is one reverse channel
that's an open collector transistor rated up to 80 V that can be turned
on and off from the bus. This could be used to press the button
on a polar display the centers the beam. When using the polar
display manually you press the button and then adjust the Hor and Vert
controls to bring the beam to the center of the polar chart
overlay. But in an automated system you "press the button" by
using the output from the 59313A and then read the X and Y
voltages. Later when a reading is taken the measured voltages
have the zero voltages subtracted prior to making any computations to
correct for the zero offests (beam centering).
3 Dec 2007 - The manual has been scanned and cleaned working on the bookmarks.
HP 59401 Bus System Analyzer
Could be used to monitor the HP-IB bus, but a much much better way is to use one of the NI interface cards in the TNT family.
HP 59403A Common Carrier Interface
Can be use to link two HP-IB systems using either two pair of dedicated lines or the POTS.
HP 59500 Multiprogrammer HP-IB Interface
This interface was specifically made
for the HP 6940 Multiprogrammer card cage. The 6940 could be
controlled by the HP 1000 computer or an HP calculator like the 85, 86,
87, 9826 or 9836. The 1987 HP catalog page for the 6940 mentions
the "GP-IB" as being a 16 bit interface bus. Note HP-IB is an 8
parallel bit but with additional control lines.
HP 59501 Isolated DAC/Power Supply Programmer (Isolated DAC)
HP power supplies (and the Harrison
line they acquired) typically have on the rear panel provision for
external programming. This could be done using a remote pot or a
remote voltage source. Some power supplies also allowed for
programming of both current and voltage. The manual for the 59501
has many pages devoted to the many ways of connecting the 59501 to most
of the HP line of power supplies then offered.
But in addition the DAC can be used in stand alone modes. 0 to 1
Volt, 0 to 10 Volts, -1 to +1 Volt and -10 to +10 Volts. When in
the bipolar modes you loose 1 bit of resolution in exchange for the
wider range. This is a very handy way to get an HP-IB analog
voltage output.
.pdf version of Manual on CD-ROM
Title: 59501B
for serial prefixes 2308A-00101 and above
pub # 59501-90004
April 1983
Product page for ordering information.
Related Instruments
HP 11713A Attenuator/Switch Driver
A handy instrument when working with
Attenuators and/or switches. Includes driver circuits for the
current latching type switches and attenuators and there are cables
that are specific to many of them making it very easy to use. 10
independent push buttons with LEDs in each. 11707A Attenuator/Switch Rack Mount Kit
HP 3488A Switch Control Unit
The unit shown in the photos has the feet removed and so will fit into
a rack. In the rear view you can see the upper left two plug-in
cards have the wire interfaces but the top two cards on the right are
missing the wire interfaces, making it near impossible to use these
two. The bottom left slot is has the 44472A Dual 4-way VHF switch
(same function as the 59307A
I used many of these in various test
systems. There are a number of plug-in cards that are very
flexible. The manuals for the 3488A are the best HP manuals I
have seen for telling you what you need to know in a clear and concise
manner. The box is a 2 unit
size, much smaller than the multiprogrammer boxes and the rack ears are
optional, so it makes a convenient bench top instrument (has the slot
on top front and mating feet to allow stacking). Will accept up
to 5 cards.
Keithley and Racal Dana make similar boxes but for most things they don't equal the cost performance product of the 3488A.
44470A Multiplexer DP10T Switch
44471A General Purpose Relay10 each SPST Switches
44472A Dual SP4T Coax Switch
44473A Matrix Switch 4 pair x 4 pair
44474A 16 Bit Digital I/O + 4 handshake lines
44475A Breadboard