Test Equipment

© Brooke Clarke, N6GCE, 2001 - 2024

HP Agilent Serial Numbers to Year
Tests on Radios
General Bench Test Equipment
    DC Power Supplies
DC Voltage Reference
    Meters - F87
          Transistor Testers 
    HP 59000 Series HP-IB Accessory Modules
Table of Mil Test Equipment


When the manual for a military radio is written the equipment listed for bench test is what was standard issue at the time.  To run the same test today you can substitute more modern equipment as long as the newer equipment has equal or better specs.

HP Agilent Serial Numbers

For serial numbers in the format iijjAnnnn adding 60 to ii is the year made, jj is the week, the letter is the country where made.
for example 1848J02842
The series prefix doesn't represent the date of manufacture.  Instead, it represents the date of the last production change that affects form, fit, or function, or for other modifications such as firmware version changes. We use the series prefix to tie production changes (changes in production documentation) to changes in customer documentation.

Tests on Radios

Because of the FM capture effect the way receiver sensivity is measured must be different for FM and AM radios.  AM radios have no capture effect.

SINAD FM receiver sensivity

This is an acronym for "SIgnal Noise And Distortion".  It's defined as:
SINAD = 20 * LOG((RMS Value of Signal, Noise and Distortion)/(RMS Value of Noise & Distortion))

The inclusion of noise and distortion with the signal is the way a distortion analyzer works, i.e. it measures everything then notches out the test tone.  The prior signal to noise ratio was difficult to measure because it required a spectrum analyzer to measure the signal all by itself.

I think the values used for SINAD when the HP 300 series analog distortion meters were popular was 10 dB.  But these meters used a average reading AC voltage detection method that was in error about 2 dB for non sine signals.  With the introduction of the 8903 and other true RMS reading distortion analyzers the spec was changed to 12 dB to produce about the same sensitivity readings as the prior analog instruments.  (The 8903 has an internal jumper option to connect an average reading detector if compatibility with the older 300 series instruments is needed).

The common modern definition of receiver sensitivity is the power level that produces a 12 dB SINAD.

The idea is that there are two factors contributing to the received audio signal to noise ratio in an FM receiver.  First as the signal strength increases from the noise level the audio output gets quieter (this is even when there is no modulation on the carrier).  Second as the signal strength with modulation increases from the noise a 1 kHz tone will get stronger.  The difference between the true RMS audio output with the tone modulation on and the true RMS audio output with the tone modulation off is the SINAD.

Distortion Analyzer

One way to measure this in a single step is to use a SINAD meter or a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) meter.  Both of these methods notch out the 1 kHz tone and can measure both the tone and what's left.  The advantage of this method is that you don't need to turn the 1 kHz modulation on and off.  This would be very good when testing the SINAD in the field from a transmitter at a remote fixed point.

By using a real SINAD meter like the HP 8903B/E Audio Analyzer the transmitter can be sending a constant 1 kHz tone and the meter will notch out the tone and report the SINAD.  This would allow drive testing using GPS in the mobile unit or using a time log to allow plotting SINAD vs. position of the mobile unit.  Note for receiver testing the "E"  version (no audio gen, just the meter) of the 8903 is about 1/2 the price of the "B" version (internal audio gen).

True RMS Voltmeter

Another way to measure SINAD is to just turn on and off the modulation (note the carrier is left on all the time).  This has the advantage that you only need a true RMS voltmeter instead of the SINAD meter or a THD meter like the TS-723 (HP 330 series) distortion Analyzer.  I am using this method with the HP/Agilent 8648A signal generator and HP/Agilent 34401A Multimeter under computer control so that a plot can be made of both the plain AF noise output, the 1 kHz tone output, and the SINAD.  The problem with this is the requirement to turn on and off the modulation.  Easy to do on the bench but more difficult when a mobile unit is driving.

The Distortion Analyzer, THD and SINAD - college experiment that gives the equations and explanation of SINAD
FM Modulation Tutorial -

Receive Audio Frequency Response

By using a signal generator like the HP/Agilent 8648A with option 1EP and a voltmeter like the HP/Agilent 34401A a plot of the audio frequency response can be made.  It's interesting that the PRC-25 has a peaky response centered at 300 Hz but the PRC-126 has a fairly flat response from 100 to about 9,000 Hz.  This is probably because the PRC-126 was designed to support voice encryption over an even wider audio bandwidth and the SPKR audio has been low pass filtered to improve the s/n for clear voice.

This plot was used in a before and after manner when the PRC-25 was upgraded to the PRC-25B to support multiple channel telephony.

Transmit Output

There are a number of parameters to look at on the transmitted signal:


Can be measured with a power meter like the PRM-34 or similar meters.


Can be measured with a filed test meter like the PRM-34 or a modern spectrum analyzer like the Agilent 4395A.  When the transmit output frequency is not known the spectrum analyzer is a great tool to find the frequency.

FM Deviation

Can be measured with a deviation meter like the ME-505 or ME-525 but can also be measured directly on the Agilent 4395A or other spectrum analyzer.  The HP 8901 Modulation Analyzer is a modern version of the ME-505/525.

Harmonic and Spurious outputs

The spectrum analyzer makes this an easy test but it could also be done using a receiver, but finding spurious outputs with a receiver is very tedious unless a computer can do a spectrum sweep.

General Bench Test Equipment

This paragraph is for equipment that I either have now or have used.  Since I do LabVIEW programming, instruments with IEEE-488() and/or RS-232 so that they can be computer controlled are a plus for me.  You can get a lot more out of an instrument when a computer is in control vs. manual operation.


DC Power Supplies

Volts @ Amps
200 @ 17
20 @ 120
60 @ 50
20 @ 30
500 @ 5
60 @ 10

There are a number of supplies in the 663x series, all are 100 Watts, but they have different max voltages and currents.  A key feature for me is that it's a two quadrent supply, i.e. it can source and sink power.  You can charge a battery and then discharge it just by changing the sign of the dirve.
HP-IB and remote sensing.
The metering has ten times the resolution of the E3617A.

Minor complaints: no back light in display and fan on all the time.

Out 1
Out 2
Out 3
Out 4
80W LV
80W LV
80W HV
80W HV
40W LV
80W LV
40W HV
40W LV
40W LV
40W HV
40W HV
40W HV
40W HV
40W HV
40W HV

Low Range
Hi Range
80W LV 7V @ 10A
20V @ 4A
80W HV 20V @ 4A
50V @ 2A
40W LV 7V @ 5A
20V @ 2A
40W HV 20V @ 2A
50V @ 0.8A

Note that you can parallel like outputs.
Voltage (V)
Currernt (A)
0 to +6 V @ 2.5 A
0 to +20 V @ 0.5A
0 to -20 V @ 0.5 A
HP 6236A Triple
                  Output Power Supply
This was purchased very used to replace the HP E3631A Triple Output Digital Power Supply.  The problem with the E3631A is that after a power failure it defaults to all three outputs at zero volts.

The 6236A uses front panel knobs to set the voltage and so comes up from a power failure at the set voltages (+5, +12 and -12 in this case).

Note:  There are only two voltage adjust knobs.  One for the 0-6 Volt supply and the other controls both polarities of the 0-20 Volt outputs.  But there are seperate metering switch positions for each of the three supplies.
when connected to the Thunderbolt GPS receiver,
both the +12 and -12  were at zero and the 5V was low.
C33 s.b. 490 uF @ 85V tests at 54 Ohms ESR & 0.53 uF so is bad.  When removed it tests as an open.  It's across the +7.5V rail, maybe why the +5 output has limited range.
Since this supply also powers the op amps and reference voltages it may be the only problem.  Caps on order 21 Feb 2011.
HP 6236A C33 Date Code 7626L i.e. it's 35 years old
The vent (hole in center on right) is intact, i.e. it has not blown.
Test open for DC and capacitance.
HP 6236A C33

Agilent E3617A 0-60 V 0-1A single range digital readouts but 10T analog controls for Voltage and Current.  4 times the power (and size) of the HP 6216A.  But no computer interface, it's a linear supply that can be externally controlled with the old HP programming box.  The Voltage display reads to 0.01 Volts (i.e.. 10 mV, but it is not that accurate according to my Fluke 86 DMM in 6 digit mode.  Current display resolution to 1 mA, but have not checked it.
This has been my go to power supply for most things where there is not a need for more than an Amp.

V @ A
8 @ 3 or
15 @ 2
20 @ 1.5 or
35 @ 0.85
E3612A 30
60 @ 0.5 or
120 @ 0.25

E3614A 48
8 @ 6
E3615A 60
20 @ 3
E3616A 60
35 @ 1.7
HP E3617A Power
This is my most used power supply.
60 @ 1
E3620A 50
25 @ 1 and
25 @ 1
6 @ 2.5 and
+20 @ 0.5 and
-20 @ 0.5
Not suitable for long term use.
It resets when the power fails.
6 @ 5 and
+25 @ 1 and
-25 @ 1
15 @ 7 or
30 @ 4
8 @ 20 or
20 @ 10
25 @ 7 or
50 @ 4
8 @ 3 or
20 @ 1.5
E3641A 30
35 @ 0.8 or
60 @ 0.5
E3642A 50
8 @ 5 or
20 @ 2.5
E3643A 50
35 @ 1.4 or
60 @ 0.8
E3644A 80
8 @ 8 or
20 @ 4
E3645A 80
35 @ 2.2 or
60 @ 1.3
E3646A 60
2X 8 @ 3 or
2X 20 @ 1.5
E3647A 60
2X 35 @ 0.8 or
2X 60 @ 0.5
E3649A 100
2X 35 @ 1.4 or
60 @ 0.8

Mesa Power Systems Model 10199 Power Supply Aircraft

My hope was that this would contain a 400 Hz 3-phase supply, but instead it has a number of DC power supplies.
Note aircraft "14 Volts" is exactly the same a ground vehicle "12 Volts" just as aircraft "28 Volts" is the same as ground vehicle "24 Volts".
These power supplies are set for the upper end of the range for each voltage (12V = 10 to 15 and 24V = 20 to 30).

28 (30V ?)

I'm going to remove each supply and use No. 2 and 4 by connecting "12 Volt" Power pole connectors.  Note "12 Volts" means 10 to 15 Volts so these are perfect.
No. 1 will have a "24 Volt" power pole connector added.  No. 3 will go on the shelf.

Mesa Power Systems Model 10199 Power Supply
Front panel only has circuit breaker and pilot lamp
Top View with numbers for each power supply
Mesa Power
                  Systems Model 10199 Power Supply Aircraft

Topward 33010D  0-30V, 0-10A.

Switching Mode Power Supply Modules

On eBay you can buy ready made printed circuit boards with a SMPS circuit.
Note: a SMPS can be thought of as a transformer for DC.
If you look at the voltage x current at the input it's about the same as a voltage x current at the output.
While in operation the output power as a fraction of the input power (efficiency) is  typically in the mid 90% range.

DSN2596 based on LM2596

40/4 VDC input, 35/1.3 VDC adjustable output step down only.
DSN2596 based on LM2596

DC Voltage Reference

Precision Voltage Reference 5V .01% Accuracy Calibrator

 is the eBay title.  From Malone Electronics, WA.

Malone 5 Volt
        ReferenceCalibrated using an HP 34401.  Very low cost ($27.50).
The data sheet that came with it said 5.00005 at turn on and 5.00021 after 15 minute warm up.
You can see I'm getting 5.00012.

The more accurate Geller SVR Voltage reference is on order.

The Linear Technology LTZ1000 - this is what's used in the HP3458 and other high end equipment as a voltage reference.  There are some patents about improving it's operation:
4217651 Electrical Measurements, John R. Pickering, Aug 12, 1980, - using a computer to characterize the uncertainty of a voltmeter
5369245 Method and apparatus for conditioning an electronic component having a Characteristic Subject to Variation with Temperature, John R. Pickering, Nov 29, 1994, 219/209; 257/467; 323/907; 324/224; 327/513; 327/538; 438/466; 438/795 - sort of like annealing metal
6342780 Zener diode reference voltage standards, John Robert Pickering, 29 Jan 2002, 23/313; 323/901 - pulsing used to control temperature
2654066 Q Meter, Rosenbaum, 5 Nov 1951, 324/653
2413389 Aditive Multirange Electronic Measuring Instrument, Smith, 31 Dec 1946, 324/115 ; 324/123R - Q meter
2602838  Electrical Measuring Instrument, Boisblanc, 8 July 1952, 324/658 ; 324/619; 324/653 - material testing
Extech 380950 AC/DC Clamp MeterThis 4000 count meter has the ability to work for DC amps which is the key thing I got it for.  The lowest DC Amp range is 4.000 A full scale.  To use the range after powr on and waiting a little for the meter to stablize press the ZERO button.  Then connect to the wire carrying the current.

Note that for small DC currents you can put multiple turns of wire in the 0.49" ID hole and divide the displayed current by the number of wires going through the hole.  With 10 turns the full scale range changes to 0.4000 Amps.

In addition to the AC and DC clamp Amp ranges the meter also supports:
VAC & VDC using the supplied test probes, Resistance, Continuity (but slow), diode test, capactance, Frequency or Duty Cycle and Analog Amp output (10 mV/A) to a scope or DMM.

Powered from two AAA batteries under cover with two (+) screws.

The manual is both English (shown) and Spanish (from back cover), to so reduce it's size I cut off the Spanish half.

This is THE DMM to have.  Got it because the OFF switch on my Fluke 87 (first version) DMM does not always turn it off, so the battery goes dead.
The 87V is the standard of comparison at EEVBlog by David L. Jones.

Transistor Testers

Heathkit IT-10 Transistor-Diode Tester - simple way to ID diode and transistor polarity and get a rough idea of beta.  The IT-27 may be the same tester with different color paint.

This tester is very simple and seems to be very reliable.

You get some idea of relative beta.
Heathkit IT-10
                  Transistor Tester

Heathkit IT-121 Transistor & FET Tester
Uses a couple of "D" batteries and a 100 uA meter movement to test Beta, gm, and a number of leakage currents.
Needed some contact cleaner in the switches and pots (was used by a heavy smoker).  The 166 Ohm cal resistor is supposed to be taped to the inside of the front panel (it's used for setting the pot on the PCB, but if not you can make one by connecting two 100 ohm resistors in series then connecting that 200 ohm resistor in parallel with a 1000 ohm resistor.
Front Panel
IT-121 Front
Back Instructions
IT-121 Back Instructions
IT-121 Inside

GE Transistor Manual "Safe and Simple Transistor Tester'.  Made this for work when we were buying Ge microwave transistors and characterizing them ourselves rather than pay TI a lot extra to sort them.  The 150 Ohm cal resistor is built in on S4 so to do the full scale cal just press BATT TEST and S3.
You can get numbers for beta, and a number of leakage currents.
GE Transistor

  TS-1836C/U - Military in and out of circuit tester also tests FETs and diodes.  Uses self rectification of square wave input to generate a DC output when xixtor is in a common base configuration.

So far not very useful. . . . does not work, why?

TL-120 - rechargeable battery powered tester, automatic detection of NPN or PNP, no settings or meters, just LEDs for PNP, NPN & Fail LEDs.  NSN 6625-00-367-9323
patent 3870953  In-Circuit Electronic Component Tester  324/72.5; 324/537 made by Testline.  Uses a single probe that has three plunger type pointed tips so you can contact all three transistor PCB pads with one hand.  Handy probe and quick check.
Trendline R-120 In-Circuit Transistor Tester

This Electronic Goldmine tester uses a 555 oscillator driving a Flip Flop to act as a DPDT switch reversing the polarity to a common emitter configuration.  By noting which of two LEDs turns on you can tell the polarity of a transistor.  But you need to which terminals are the Emitter, Base and Collector. 

Not too useful.
The schematic diagram for this kit should win an award for the most convoluted, upside down and twisted schematic  possible for such a simple circuit.
                  Goldmine Xixtor Tester

M3 Semiconductor Analyzer - 2004? - my Ver 3 kit was built in 2007
This is the most advanced unit for the price.  Although there are a number of things I'd do to improve it. 

There are three test leads, each of which is fed using a series resistor that's selectable (100k, 10k, 1k or 100 Ohms) and that resistor can be connected to either +5 or ground.  There's a DC voltmeter on each lead.  So by driving the leads two at a time and subtracting voltages you can find the voltage across the DUT.  Also since the voltmeters are after the series resistors you can also find the current at each lead.

I'm having a problem with calibration.  It may be that I've just got some high resistance mux chips (M3 is sending 3 more chips at no charge, good support by Mike).  It turns out that if there's solder flux left on the board it can allow leakage to the high impedance voltmeter inputs.  Radio Shack no longer carries flux cleaner, so it's not available in my small town.   Isopopropal alcohol did not work.  But acetone did work.
The problem was poor solder joints caused by using a fine tip soldering iron on a PCB with 2 ounce copper.  You MUST use a high wattage soldering iron in order to heat this PCB.

Note you can see that the solder is not shiny, it's dull when inadequate heat is used.

The neat thing about it is that it not only figures out which lead is which for transistors, FETs, etc. but it also shows some variable parameters like Vbe, HFE, whether it's a PNP or NPN, or N-JFET or P-JFET, etc.  The display cycles automatically which may be good for an experienced user, but I'd  rather have a "next" button to make writing down the answers easier.

It's great for sorting out grab bags of 3 leaded devices.  I'm planning on adding a machined pin IC socket cut down to 3 terminals in addition to some nice E-Z-Hook grabbers to replace the cheezy ones that come with the kit.

Based on the PIC 16F876 uC and using three each 74HC4052 Dual 4-Channel Mux controlling resistors of 100k, 10k, 1k or 100 Ohms on each of the three test pins.  The MAX4618 has much lower On resistance and has the same pin out.

M3 Semi Anal Ver 3 (M3SA_Manual.pdf)
Kripton2035: Semiconductor Tester Repository -

M3 semi Ana

Peak Atlas DCA - Semiconductor Analyzer  - looks to be a very similar to the M3 above

Shenzhen DY294 Digital Transistor DC Parameter Tester

This unit runs from 6 VDC, either 4 internal AA cells (although the battery compartment can hold 6 cells, but two positions have no electrical contacts) or using a female plug wall wart.

It can test transistors for: VBR, VCEsat, hFE, Iceo.  3-terminal voltage regulators with 27 Volts input.
Withstanding voltage on electrolytic caps up to 1000+ VDC.  This tester has a current limited high voltage supply that is activated when the TEST button is pressed (the red LED warning lights when high voltage is present).  When measuring the forward voltage drop on a semiconductor at 800 mA or 2 A the external 6 V @ >=2A power supply should be used.
Shenzhen DY294
                  Digital Transistor DC Parameter Tester

YouTube: Teardown and Review of the VC60B+ Insulation Tester/Megohmmeter, 18:42 -

Professional Type Semiconductor Analyzers

I wrote many HP Basic programs to drive the HP semiconductor analyzer boxes like the 4142 & 4145 DC box and the related LCR meters.

Transistor - L/C ESR Tester

Shown measuring a 470 uF 10 V cap as 482.6 uF & ESR=.01
The ESR-micro V4.0 measures it as       498   uF & ESR= .05

Also has provision for SMT parts.  If the SMT LED was removed it might also be used to test LEDs?
DUT needs to be able to fit into socket eliminating things with fat leads.

The Markus Frejek tester based on the AVR uC dates to 2009.
Karl-Heinz Kubbler Arduino based tester dates to 2018 - includes rotary encoder for function selection.

EEVblog Electronics Community Forum: $20 LCR ESR Transistor checker project - February 23, 2013

ArduTester - Arduino & prototype board. - same as the multi-tester with the rotary encoder.

Transistor LCESR Tester

LC100-A L/C Tester

This tester is limited to testing inductors or capacitors, but it does that better than the more general purpose testers.
Powered by either a Mini-USB cable (included) or a Wall Wart supplying 5 VDC (not included).

Comes with short test leads that are connected to screw terminals.

Pushing the red button at the lower right displays the test frequency (which changes with component value because this tester works be resonating the DUT with a component that's part of the tester.

May be a knockoff of the AADE L/C Meter.

Note (Up/Down) the White (/HiC), Blue (/HiL) and yellow (C/L) buttons are latching.

LC100-A L/C Tester

Fluke 87 (or any DMM with a diode test) can be used to check for the Base-Emitter and Base-Collector junctions of a transistor.  This is a very powerful method that's also simple.  But it's more time consuming than more advanced test methods. In diode test mode the red lead is positive and the test current is 1 ma (this is a very good way to do this since the Vf of most diodes is specified at 1 ma).  If a transistor tests as two forward diodes with the red lead common then the transistor is an NPN but of the black lead is common then it's a PNP.

Most silicon PN junctions have a Vf of about 0.6 volts.  Silicon Schottky junctions range over 0.28 to 0.35 depending on the barrier metal.  Germanium is more like 0.4 volts.

The 87 is the first piece of test equipment that I use.  If you're going to only have one test instrument this is it.  The only time it failed me was when checking a lawn sprinkler system and the 87 showed voltage at the valve but the valve was not activating.  The Fluke 12 showed no voltage in the "V-check" where the input impedance is 1 k ohm.
Fluke 87 DMM
                  in Doide mode
2024 May 15 TC1 Multi-Function Component Tester
These have been on the market for maybe a half dozen years and are an iteration of the M3.
Claimed Specifications:
Built-in rechargeable Li battery (battery voltage show on most screens).
3.5 x 3cm TFT color screen (with graphic device symbols)
Diodes with Vf up to 4.5 V
Zener diodes up to 30V (when correctly inserted into KAA sockets)
Transistor dect 0.01 - 4.5V
Triac Range: Igt < 6mA
Capacitance: 25pF - 100mF
Resistance: 0.01 Ohm - 50 MOhm
Inductance: 0.01 mH - 20H
Battery Voltage Test 0.1 - 4.5V (DO NOT EXCEED 4.5 V)
Reads some IR remote codes.

YouTube 433 How Transistor Testers Work and How to Use them?, 21:29 - overview of how they work

TC2 Multi-Function Component Tester

This version has many more IR remote protocols, and maybe other differences.

TC-T7-H Full-Color Multi-Function Tester

It's not clear what the differences are between the TC1, TC2 and T7-H.

Transistor Test Set Related Patents

Class 324/768 Electricity Measuring & Testing/ (537) Of individual circuit component or element Bipolar transistor(768)
 Moved to the TS-1836  Patents

Because of the difficulty in measuring transistor "h" parameters (defined under conditions requiring a short or open) HP came out with the 8410 network analyzer that terminated the input and output of the transistor in 50 Ohms and thus got around the oscillation problems caused by the opens and shorts.  S-parameters were measured and used in design.

HP 59000 Series HP-IB Accessory Modules - seperate web page

Table of Mil Test Equipment

These are instruments that show up in the military radio manuals but that I don't have.  Just for info. 
Mil Nomenclature
Commercial Nomenclature
Key Spec(s)
SWR Test Set
HP 415 + Slotted lines
1 kHz narrow band amp.
Tek 7603N11S
TM 11-6625-1703-24P
HP 180+
PL-1186A  PL1187A
Tek 465M
115/230 or 
24 VDC Batt
 TM 11-1214
TM 11-6625-252-20
 TM 11-6625-640-24P
TB 9-6625-342-35
solid state
Tek 531?
Sig Gen
AUL 6201B
TM 11-6625-2952-24P
3.8 - 7.6 GHz
Sig Gen
 TB 11-6625-586-12/1
18 - 80 MHz FM
2 tone IF Sig Gen
 497.5, 498.5, 501.5, or 502.5 KHz
2 tone Ref Sig Gen
2, 3.6, 4, 14.4, 16, 28.8 MHz
Sig Gen
 TM 11-5551B
TM 11-6625-278-20P
TM 11-6625-603-40P
10 KHz to 50 MHz AM
Sig Gen
4 to 405 MHz AM-CW-Pulse
Sig Gen
Wavetek 3001
TM 11-6625-2952-24P
TM 11-6625-3029-14,-24P
TM 11-6625-3051-12, -24P, -40
TB 9-6625-2094-35

Sig Gen
P TM 11-6625-2954-14&
TM 11-6625-2954-24P
50 kHz - 80 MHz
Sig Gen
TM 11-6625-586-12,
-12/1, -24P, -45
HP 8350B
TB 9-6625-2124-35

Digital Counter

TM 11-6625-700-10
-14-1, -25, -24P

HP 5245L
TM 11-6625-1682-24P

Digital Counter
HP 5328
TM 11-6625-2941-14&P
TM 11-6625-2701-35
TB 9-9925-2334-35

Sig Gen
HP 8640B-323
500 KHz to 512 MHz AM-FM-Pulse
Sig Gen
TM 11-5091
HP 616B
1.8 - 4.2 GHz
Sig Gen
3.8-7.5 GHz
Time Mark Gen
Ballantine 6130A
Spectrum Analyzer
10 MHz to 44.88 GHz 
AC-DC Voltmeter
20 Hz to 100 MHz
1 to 300 V fs
to 15 kV
Diff DV VM
Fluke 896A
1 kV
0-10-100-1000 VDC
Multi Meter
6-PXB1  1.3 V
2 AA + 1 C
2.5 V - 5 KV
0.25 - 10 A DC
1K - 10 M Ohm

HP 3478
TM 11-6625-3071-14

Volt - Ohm
 TM 11-6625-203-12,
-24P, -35
2 ea. AA
22.5 V?
1 - 1000 V AC/DC
2k - 20 M Ohm
30 Hz-10KHz
Audio Osc
 TM 11-6625-683-14, -24P
TB 9-6625-1998-35
solid state
20 Hz to 200 KHz

Audio Osc
HP 202C
TM 11-6625-589-15

Dmy Ld &
Watt Mtr
0.2 to 20 MHz
2 to 100 W
 TS-3329/U    HP 236A
TM  11-6625-2903-14&P
Power Meter
30 to 600 MHz
50 and 150 W ranges
SWR Meter
TM 11-6625-333-15, -24P
TM 11-809-20, -35
up to 30 MHz
600 W
Watt Meter
2 to 1000 MHz
10 to 1000 W
Dmy Ld
TM 11-6625-446-15
2 to 1000 MHz
10 to 1000 W
Watt Meter
 M 11-6625-595-34
50-600 MHz
120 W
Dummy Load
600 to 1850 MHz
40 W
Dummy Load
30 MHz
800 W
DC Bridge
TM 11-2019
TM 11-6625-249-12P, -34P
TB 9-6625-388-35
3 each D
 no active devices
1 ohm to 1,011 M Ohm
AC Bridge
Navships 91704A
TM 11-5511
TM 11-6625-239-12, -34P
TM 11-6625-524-14 
HP 410
TM 11-6625-200-12,
-15, -24P, -35
TM 11-6625-366-10,
-15, -24P
Spectrum Analyzer
TM 11-6625-255-14, 
-24P, -34P
HP 330x Distortion Ana
Modulation Meter
TM 11-6625-3017-14
TF 2300A

Modulation Meter
TM 11-6625-3059-10

Modulation Meter
TM 11-6625-400-20P, -35, -40
TM 11-6625-2629-14&P, -24P
TB 9-6625-2004-35
tube type

Sig Gen
HP 608
Distortion Analyzer
HP 333A

Distortion Analyzer
Tek DA 4084 ?
NSN 6625-01-217-0054
TM 11-6625-3152-14

Tek 1502
TM 9-4935-601-14-3&P 115AC/230AC/12DC

1 to 2,000 feet of line

HP 530x Counter
TB 9-6625-2215-35


HP 5233L Counter
TM 11-6760-242-24P


5001A Stanford Telecom 5001A Navstar Test Transmitter - made to test their GPS receiver ICs
AMREL EL-1132 Electronic Load
BatTst  Battery Testers
Beltone 12D Audiometer - hearing test - audio
Capacitors table with ESR and Cap measurements for different types - table of test data
CEI CEI Tempest test Receiving System & TEMPEST related
CI (Crystal Impedance) Meters
Crystal Activity Meter
DC Gaussmeter Model 1
    AMY6 Magnetic Polarity Tester
    GE Gauss Meter & Reference Magnet
DDD Digitech Digital Data Signal Generator System
Dig2150A Digitech Serial Data Generator model 2150A
DMM Digital Multimeters
Eppley Standard Cells & Pyranometers
ESR-micro - ESR Tester & Coil ring tester
Exotech 100BX Radiometer - optical spectrum test
F600 Frederick Electronics 600A BER Tester
F91120 F91120 Field Radio BER Test Set
FCP Frequency Counter Patents
Frequency Standard, Audio (Anti Reverse Engineering design)
F.W. Bell 640 Incremental Gaussmeter -
GDO Millen 90651 Grid Dip Meter
GMQ-33 Cloud Height Set
GPend Onset G-Pendant, 3-axis accelerometer data logger.  also see the Hobo 4 external channel - data logging
GravityMeters Gravity Meters
GR 358 Wavemeter
GR650A General Radio GR 650-A & GR 1650B Impedance Bridges
GRsound General Radio Sound Measurement Instruments
GRM55 TS-1755A/GRM-55A for the PRC-25
Harris TS1000 ADSL Test Set
Harris TSP-21 Telephone Test Set Plus (like but set, but belt-clip & operators headset)
Helmholtz Coil
    Sensitive Research Instrument Co. Fluxmeter
    Annis M25 Pocket Magnetometer
    Cenco Scientific 79860 Dynamo Analysis Apparatus - works with Fluxmeter
Hilger & Watts Spectrometer D 168.3/290 - optical spectrum
Home Built Magnetometers
Honda Optimate 3+ Desulfating Battery Charger, Maintainer, Tester
HP 117A HP 117 WWBV time standard receiver
HP 204B Audio Oscillator from HP 3350 Carrier Test Set (AN/USM-181 Telephone Test Set
HP 241A Audio Oscillator w/Radio Buttons
HP 2748B High Speed Rack Mount Paper Tape Reader
HP33120 HP 33120 Function Generator
HP 3437A System Voltmeter
HP 3458A DVM (very accurate if it can be fixed)
HP 415E SWR Meter
HP 4260A Universal Bridge
HP 4261A LCR Meter
HP 427A Voltmeter AC & DC Volts & Ohms
HP 4274A & HP 4275A LCR Meters
HP 4328A Milliohmmeter
HP 4332 LCR Meter
HP 4395A Combination Network, Spectrum, Impedance Analyzer
HP 5004 Signature Analyzer
HP5060A HP 5060A Cesium Beam Frequency Standard
HP5100 5110A Synthesizer Driver & 5100A Frequency Synthesizer
HP 5110A Synthesizer Driver & 5100A Frequency Synthesizer
HP 5216 HP 5216A 12.5 MHz Nixie Tube Electronic Counter
HP 5342A Microwave Frequency Counter
HP 5345 Counter
HP 54501a HP 54501A Digital 100 MHz Oscilloscope
HP 59000 Family HP-IB Accessory Modules
HP 6038A Power Supply
HP 6200 Scanner Problem (was WIN98 Problem)
HP 66311A Mobil Communications DC Source
HP 71100C 2.9 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
HP721A HP721A Power Supply
HP8406 HP 8406A  Frequency Comb Generator
HP 8648A 100 kHz to 1 Ghz Signal Generator w/ pager option
HP 8702B Lightwave Component Analyzer - Electro Optical Network Analyzer - 8753A Network Analyzer
HP AC-4A Decade Counter module (4 tubes + Neon bulbs)
HP-IB Controllers
HP E1938 Ovenized Crystal Oscillator
HP E6450B GPS Drive Test Receiver
HP K79 Custom In House Diode Test Set K79 0981C
HP Z3805A Time & Frequency GPS Receiver
HT20 2000 mT Magnetic Flux Meter
Huntron Tracker In Circuit Component Tester
Inductors Inductors
James V-Meter V-Meter Mk I -measure concrete properties
Kelvin Connection Measurements
KGS Electronics SPC-6-1000-3PH 50/60Hz to 400Hz 3-Phase Frequency Changer - AC source
KS8455 KS8455L2 Line Loop Tester Telephone Installers & Repairman's Meter
KS-24361 (Lucent ) HP/Symmetricom Z3809A, Z3810A, Z3811A, Z3812A GPSDO System
Length & Weight Measurements - tools
LM631A Amprobe (Meterman) LM631A Digital Light Meter
Marconi TF-2700 Universal Bridge
MC1 MC-1 Magnetic Compass Calibration Set similar to AN/ASM-344
ME-165/G Standing Wave Ratio - Power Meter
ME61 ME-61/GRC Meter, Field Strength, H.F.
Megger - Holtzer-Cabot Meg Ohmmeter ZM-14A/PSM-2
MHC777P2 Maha C777 Plus II Battery Charger, Analyzer, Cycler
MHC9000 Maha MH-C9000 AA/AAA Charger, Analyzer, Discharger, Break-in, Cycler
Microwave Test Equipment - Network (Vector & Scalar), Power
Millen 90651 Grid Dip Oscillator (Meter)
MK2137 MK-2137/PRC-68 Maintenance Kit
ML-OSA Monolight Optical Spectrum Analyzer
                & Beseler PM1 Darkroom Color Analyzer
                & Wollensak L3524D Direct Vision Spectroscope
                & Ocean Optics HR2000 Spectrometer
Model NS-LB White Noise Generator
Noisecom 7110-FAC Programmable Noise Generator
NTgpsSTR2760 Northern Telecon GPS Satellite Sumulator STR2760
NSLB Model NS-LB Noise Generator
office_equip Instruments in my Office when I did this web page
PC based Oscilloscopes - Went with the Rigol box scope
PP2953 see PP-6224 Line Powered 24 Volt power supply
PP6224PwrSup PP-6224 24V Power Supply & Harris RF-5051-PS001
PP7286 PP-7286/U Battery Charger Time & Current
PP7601 PP-7601 6 Station Battery Charger Navy/Marine charger for PRC-68 family batteries
PP8249 PP-8249 SINCGARS Battery Charger, mainly for tanks, but I don't think it was ever used?
PP8444 PP-8444A/U Universal Portable Charger (UPC) small suitcase charger for BB-xx90
PP8496  PP-8496/U Self Discharge Device w/Capacity Meter
PP8498 PP-8498/U Soldier Portable Charger (SPC) Multi-Port Universal Battery Charger AC or DC input
PRC2577TstAdp PRC-25 & PRC-77 Test Adapter for POWER connector
PRM32 PRM-32 (TS-20) Test Set, Survival Radio
PRM34 TS-3951/PRM-34 VHF Low Band "God Box"
Probeye Hughes Probeye Infraed Thermal Viewer
PSA-45D Avcom PSA-45D Portable TVRO Spectrum Analyzer - looking at signals coming from the LNB
PSM13 PSM-13 Battery Test Set
PSPatent RF & Microwave Power Sensor Patents
PTR Phase Tracking Receivers
PTS 160 Frequency Synthesizer
Q Meters
RF204 Detector RFI,  RF-204 (not really bug detector, though might work)
Rigol DS1052E Oscilloscope
Seismometer - Seismometer & Geophone
SG-1144/U Signal Generator 50 kHz to 80 MHz
SG-886A/UR Interference (Noise & Tone) Generator
Shielding Integrity Monitoring System II RP98G & RP98D for screen-SKIFF rooms
SidekickTandN Tempo Sidekick T&N Telephone Line Tester
SOC Chemtronics LS 91 & LS 94 TS-4403/U & TS-4403A/U Battery State of Charge Meter LiSO2 7 to 9 AH
SR715 LCR Meter
Standard Electric Time Co. S-1-24 Timer (Stop Clock)
Subscriber Loop Analyzers
TandFTE Time & Frequency Test Equp:
    Gibbs Crystal Oscillator 
    Stanford Research SC10 Crystal Oscillator 
    Stanford Research PRS10 Disiplined Rubudium Oscillator 
    HP 53132A Counter 
    Frequency Standard 
    Stanford Research SR620 Counter 
    HP 33120A Function ARB Generator 
    HP 8648A Signal Generator 
    Stanford Research DG535 
    HP 54501 Scope
Tektronix 1502 Metallic Time Domain Reflectometer
Teledyne Avionics TA-3D Acoustic Impedance Meter
TelephoneToolKit  Telephone Tool Kit
Telephone Tone and Probe
Testing Small DC PM Motors, DC PM Motors, Flywheel
TF2700 Marconi TF-2700 Universal Bridge
TF_rack Time & Frequency Rack anotated photo
TMQ34 TMQ-34 Meteorological Measuring Set
Triton2 Charger Discharger Cycler
TS183 TS-183B/U Battery Tester & Large Table of Military Batteries
TS1775 TS-1775 Relay Test Set
TS1836 TS-1836 Transistor Test Set
TS23 TS-23 Light Output & Battery Tester for SDU-5/E Strobe Light
TS24B TS-24B survival Ratio Test Set
TS-2839/GY German Audio Test Set - H-3 & related audio connectors
TS3354 Squad Radio Test Set TS-3354
TS-3647/G, Control Orderwire Unit (COU), Telephone Test Set
TS4082PTPT100 TS-4082/URC PTPT-100 Test Set for the PT-25A, PT-25E, URC-100, URC-101, URC-104, URC-110, URC-111
TS585 TS-585 Audio Level Meter
TS799 TS-799/UGM-1 TTY Test Set (Pattern Generator)
URM106 Stoddart URM-6 Set, URM-106 Field Strength Meter 14 to 250 Kc
URM182A URM-182A TS-3754/U VHF Low Band Power Meter
USM-159A Hetrodyne Frequency Meter - transistorized version of the BC-221 (SCR-211) and LM series
USM481 USM-481 Test Set VINSON Interconnecting Boxs & Cables
Victor VC2000 Crystal & Frequency Meter
Walker Scientific MG-3D Gaussmeter
Wavemeter GR 358 Kit
Weston594Photronic Weston Model 594 Photronic Cell light sensor, & Weston 614 & Weston 615 Foot Candle Meters
Xam Crystal Activity Meter
Xec Crystal Unit Equivalent Circuit
Xtal Electronic Crystals
Xtal Impedance (CI) meters
Z Impedance Measurements
ZM-11/U Capactance-Inductance-Resistance Bridge, line powered
ZM-4 Bridge battery powered


Online Museum and Technical History of Hewlett-Packard (now Agilent Technologies) Electronic Test Equipment - by Ken Kuhn
Heathkit Test Equipment -  Summary Table w/ Links

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[an error occurred while processing this directive] page created 11 Nov. 2001.