Instruments in my Office when I did this web page
HP 59501B Isolated DAC Power Supply
HP 34401A Multimeter
HP 53132 Universal Counter (traded it for
the SR620)
Gibbs Frequency Standard based on Bliley 5
MHz crystal
HP 5328 Frequency counter
Tek 515 Oscilloscope
Upper Right is
59501B Isolated
DAC/Power Supply Programmer
This was intended as a way to add HP-IB programming to a power
supply that has provision for external voltage or resistance
programming. It has a DAC with voltage output that I use to
control my SRS SC-10 ovenized crystal oscillator.
Left Top is
This is a very cost effective HP-IB or bench top multimeter and is
my standard for many measurements. Below the 59501A is
53132A option-012 option-030 Universal Counter
The -012 is the Ultra High Stability Crystal Oscillator and -030 is
the 3 GHz BNC Chan 3 input. This is a nice HP-IB Universal
counter. But is is difficult to use because the behavior of
the HP-IB commands is not clear. The HP 53132 has been
replaced by a . . .
Not shown in photo above. (see SR620)
This counter was designed for measuring many things, but it is very
good for working with 1 PPS time intervals. I got the plane
jane version and use my PRS10 Rb
oscillator as the external frequency standard and the PRS10 1 PPS
output as the A channel trigger signal. The PRS10 is locked to
the 1 PPS from a Motorola VP GPS receiver.
Gibbs Manufacturing & Research
Corporation Model 1047 - 5 MHz Frequency Standard (now SRS 10 MHz)
Under the HP 34401A and HP 53132A in photo above.
This is a 3U high rack instrument that contains a couple of series
connected 723 based power supplies. One to drop the AC line to
20 VDC to charge 3 series connected 6 Volt (18 V total) lead acid
batteries and the other to supply the double oven quartz oscillator
that used a Bliley
glass bottle rock. The problem was that the lead acid
batteries were in the same rack chassis as the oven. When the
acid fumes got inside the oven they literally etched through the
printed circuit board traces. I repaired this a number of
times but finally gave up. The box now houses a Stanford
Research SC-10 ovenized oscillator and a circuit that divides it
down to 1 PPS. The SC-10 has an input for a voltage to fine
tune the frequency. By comparing the GPS 1 PPS to the SC-10 1
PPS I can tune it to better than 1E-11 in about a half a day.
It takes over 4 hours to measure the drift rate of an oscillator
this good. See HP 59501B above for the
source of the control voltage. The control and analysis is
done with LabVIEW.
This is the cord wood construction oscillator
Below the Gibbs is:
5328A-H99 500 MHz Universal Counter
These are available as surplus. They have time interval
capability and are HP-IB programmable. The H99 option
adds a nice ovenized crystal oscillator, but not as good as the SRS
SC-10 or the option-012 in the 53132A. Below this counter, and
out of sight is a
Tektronix 515 Oscilloscope
Although this tube type scope is old it is still very
serviceable. One of these days I will get a DSO with an HP-IB
interface (See RigolDS1052E)
Tektronix Compensated Probe Patent 2883619 Electrical probe
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