
 © Brooke Clarke 2000-2021

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Web Page Layout

Instead of using a flat file system, like was used on the old pages, here products for sale are in the "P" folder.  Informational web pages are in the "I" folder.
So when you click on the Products link above the initial web page will have a URL like 
In a similar manner when you click on the Information link the URL will be like:  

Report Broken links

When the web pages were moved here there was an automated bulk move and some links were broken.  Also Netscape Composer, used to make the web pages changes the URL when the file is uploaded and if any local links are changed and the page uploaded again the changed links will be wrong (they point to the C: drive).


This is what Google calls a Site-flavored search.  The search results from this search should be flavored by the content of this web site.

On the Alpha web page is a list of all the web pages ordered by their name.  Remember you can use <CTRL><F> to find something either in the URL or in my description of it.

The old stock Google search of these pages is still on line.

Custom Search

Recommend a web page

If you would like to see a web page that's related to what's here now click the link above to send email.  Not promising to make it but will consider.
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created 25 Apr 2007