
© Brooke Clarke 2015

    U-60 Ultraviolet Sterilization Lamp
    TigerUV 790 ALS
    Mercury-vapor lamp
    Fluorescent Lamp
    Grimes_AN-3038-1 Aircraft Cockpit Instrument Light
    Low Pressure Gas Discharge Lamp
    Welsh Mercury Light Source
    Filament Hg Arc Lamp
    Halogen Desk Lamp
    Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight
    Deuterium Lamp
    Negative Ultraviolet (NUV)
    ZWB UV Filters
    Blak-Ray Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221
    ILT Model IL1400A
    Flame Detector Tube
    General Tools & Instruments - UV513AB
    Low Cost OSA (see Radiation Detectors Ref 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9)
    Aircraft Panel Instruments
    Laundry & Other Whiteners
    Paper Money
    Driver's License
    Charge Cards
    Glow in the Dark Items


This web page is part of my interest in optics and light. When optics is combined with electronics you get electro optics.
bigclivedotcom: Good UV versus bad UV. All available on eBay - good overview of UV


Ultraviolet light (Wiki) has a wavelength shorter than visible violet light (Wiki, 400 nm) and longer than X-Rays (Wiki, 100 nm).  Atmospheric absorption stops the shorter wavelengths from getting to the earth's surface, but the longer (near violet) wavelengths do get to earth can cause sun burn.
Table from Wiki Subtyypes

WL nm
UVA 315 - 400
Long wave black light
Causes sun tan.
Blue when off
UVB 280 - 315
Medium wave
mostly absorbed by ozone layer
White when off
100 - 280
Short wave, germicidal,
completely absorbed by the ozone layer and atmosphere
Clear Quartz


For general information about various sources of light see my lights web page.

Sun [Wiki plot altitude vs. altitude (ozone)] - being a black body (Wiki), as are filament lamps, the sun emits UV radiation, but the atmosphere does not pass all of it.

Incandescent light bulb (Wiki) - and especially Halogen lamps (Wiki) because the quartz bulb passes UV, but even a normal filament lamp but with a quartz bulb will make a usable UV source.

U-60 Ultraviolet Sterilization UV-C Lamp

The eBay title is "UV Sterilizer Light Air Purifier DC5V Ultraviolet Ozone Kitchen Toilet J6H4. Under $15 including shipping.
185 - 254 nm UV-C , 5 Watts.
1. Press and hold the button until the LED turns Blue.  This same LED will be Red when charging.
2. Place lamp in confined space and leave before it turns on.  Note time.  After a time delay the UV lamp will turn one.
3. After more than 15 minutes the lamp should have run out of power.  Check if light is still on by looking away and if still on close door and wait a few minutes.
4. When light has turned off you can recharge it.
Fig 1
U-60 Ultraviolet
                      Sterilization Lamp
Fig 2 USB-C for charging.
U-60 Ultraviolet
                      Sterilization Lamp
Fig 3 You can smell the ozone.
U-60 Ultraviolet
                      Sterilization Lamp
This puts out plenty of ozone.

TigerUV 790 ALS

New in carry case with goggles and extension cord + spare 160W 120 VAC lamp.
Sirchie TigerUV 790 UV

Sirchie web page for the 790UV - Alternate Light Source (ALS) - "A wide beam of 365nm UV light is useful to scan large areas for evidence at the crime scene. Evidence such as fibers, bone fragments, physiological fluids, and others can fluoresce in the presence of UV light, uncovering what was hidden without it."

Mercury-vapor lamp

 (Wiki) - typically high pressure tubes.

Fluorescent lamp

(Wiki) -

2 Foot Glowing Blacklight

From Halloween Club.  Uses 20T12-BLB lamp. UV-1 368 nm (see: GE)

2 Foot
                        Glowing Blacklight Fluorescent lamp
On/Off switch is on left end.  Polarized 2-prong plug on cord on right.
Glowing beads and cap on plastic bottle.
2 Foot
                        Glowing Blacklight Fluorescent lamp

Grimes AN-3038-1 aka C-5 (see Electro Optic Gadgets)

Low Pressure Gas Discharge Lamp

Mercury-vapor gas-discharge lamp where in normal lamps the inside of the glass tube is coated with phosphors (Wiki) that are excited by the UV light and radiate visible light.  But a UV fluorescent lamp has no phosphors and sometimes is made from a glass that transmits UV light better than common glass.


(Wiki) - Near UV (375 - 395 nm) are commonly available for low cost, but the shorter wavelengths (down to 240 nm) cost a lot more and are used for things like Alternate Light Source (Wiki: ALS) applications like viewing crime scenes.  Experimental LEDs at 210 nm are in labs.

2020 May 8: received a couple of 280 nm UVC LEDs.  They may be some variant of the Luminus p/n: XST-3535-UV-A60-CE275-01 (Mouser). 
Metal package size is 3.5 x 3.5 mm.
Vf 5.0 to 7.5 V @ 350 mA.  280 nm peak.  The Fluke 87V DMM shows nothing in either polarity in Diode mode because the Vf is above Fluke's 1V limit.
280 nm UVC
There is a clear quartz? window set into the gold metal package.

Welsh Mercury Light Source

Welch Cat. No. 3736.
Uses a GE Ozone gas discharge lamp No. G4S11.  This lamp has the look and feel (Don's Bulbs) of the UV GTL3 shown below.
On the Pic List there was a post saying the G4S11 can be wired in series with a standard 40 Watt filament lamp which will act as ballast.

E17 (Wiki) base.
438310 Lamp Base, Thomas A. Edison, 1890-10-14, 439/176; 200/51.17; 313/315 -
Fig 1 The transformer provides the filament voltage and
acts as ballast (Wiki).  Note drop of Mercury in bulb.
Clips are to hold one of the 3 supplied filters.
Welch Cat.
                      No. 3736 UV Filament Hg Arc Lamp
Fig 2 GE G4S11 "Protect Eyes"

Welch Cat.
                      No. 3736 UV Filament Hg Arc Lamp

Fig 3 Note low or no reading on J-221.
Welch Cat.
                    No. 3736 UV Filament Hg Arc Lamp

UV Filament Hg Arc Lamp

UV GTL3 8310 E17 Edison base 10.5 V 0.3A 253.7 nm
I think the 6 Watt mark on the box is my typo and should have been 0.6 Watt.  i.e. 10V @ 0.3 A is 3 Watts input so the UV output will be way down from that, such as 0.6 Watts.
To use this lamp a ballast should be wired in series to limit the current in the arc.
How to use the GTL3 Bulb: A Simple and Inexpensive UVC Source - 33 Ohm 10W resistor for current limiting and a 24 VAC (or VDC with shorter lamp life) source.
A 6.8 uF, 400 Volt cap in series will work for 120 VAC.

UV Lamp UVGTL3 10.5 V
              0.3A 259 nm
This is not Wood's glass (Wiki) since it appears clear.

Halogen Desk Lamp

Halogen Desk Lamp UV Filter Halogen Desk Lamp
Off: 0.001 mW/cm2
On: 0.019 mW/cm2
On-w/o Glass: about the same?
glass marked: UV Filter-001
sometimes reads 0.010 and other times 00.1 (auto ranging)
00.26 mW/cm2 (max w/glass UV filter)
00.48 mW/cm2 w/o glass UV filter

Ultraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight

Probably intended for portable use like prospecting.  Runs from a ___ VDC battery.  Vibrator (Wiki) power supply.
The vibrator has 4 pins, two are 0.154" dia with one of them strapped to the case, and two are 0.123" diameter.
YouTube: 1951 PONTIAC CAR RADIO RESTORATION Pt 3 Vibrator restored -

If the lamp with built-in lens is a 222 then 2.25 Volts @ 0.25 Amp.
The voltage drop across 15 Ohms at 0.25 Amps is 3.75 Volts.   2.25 V + 3.75V = 6.0 Volts so that's the battery needed at the input.
After applying 6 VDC (from an HP 6038A with a very noisy fan) the light works:  YouTube:  https://youtu.be/SExRr9Ihukk
Fig 1
Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight
Fig 2
Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight
Fig 3 Empty top compartment. why?
Center compartment is vibrator
Lower coal tar potted compartment is HV transformer.
Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight
Fig 4
Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight
Fig 5 SPDT switch (center off), 15 Ohm resistor in series with 222 lamp.
Switch selects either 222 white light or UV light.
Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight
Fig 6 Schematic
Untraviolet Prod Inc Mineralight

Deuterium Lamp

These arc lamps (Wiki)  have a continuous spectrum from 180 nm to 370 nm and in addition peaks at 486 and 656 nm as well as a band from 560 to 640 nm.


5057742 Discharge tube, Hamamatsu - more vibration resistant and longer gap between pins with HV
5552669 Deuterium gas discharge tube, Hamamatsu
5646487 Lighting device for gas discharge tube with insulated discharge shielding member - focusing elecgtrode, Hamamatsu
7271542 Gas discharge tube, Hamamatsu

Negative Ultraviolet

Fig 1 UVlook lite
Note my glasses are clear, not sunglasses.
UVlook lite
                      USB-C OTG camera

I came across this because "negative UV" part of the seeker head of the FIM-92 Stinger missile (40mm web page, Wiki).  Note that the Sun emits a lot of UV and that's why people get Sun tans/burns.
The sky is probably filled with UV (at some wavelength more than others) and so an aircraft will show up as a black object surrounded with UV light, hence the "negative" part of the name.

There's an add on camera for Android cell phones with USB-C connectors (like mine) that are sensitive to UV.

eBay title:  UVLOOK UBB-C UV camera accessory for Android Smartphone Sunscreen SPF Detector

AU2017258377  Imaging device for assessing sunscreen coverage, David S. Cohen, Andrew Meyer, Jonathan Meyer, Connie TRAN, Wolfgang Wagner, Voxelight LLC (Sunscreenr.com), 2021-07-08, - They had two products: the first was what amounts to a filtered viewing scope used with your eye, the second was this filtered produce coupled with an image sensor to provide a video image.
20210068741 Imaging device for assessing sunscreen coverage, David S. Cohen, Andrew Meyer, Jonathan Meyer, Connie TRAN, Wolfgang Wagner, Voxelight LLC, 2021-03-11, - handheld eyeball viewer. - D871486 Imaging device for viewing reflected light, - design patent
USPTO filings -
Works with the Android app: UVlook lite - web page: urgaze.com: (Google Translate) - UVlook - make sure to turn on OTG (Wiki)
Also see: Maxmax.com - UV cameras -
7523692 Aircraft defense system against manpads with IR/UV seekers, Alan Alexander Burns, 2009-04-28, - cloaking the aircraft with spectral bands of atmospherically scattered UV solar radiation reflected, and radiated from UV radiant Sources mounted on the aircraft


Under Tools the default settings work indoors for looking at skin, but do not work outside on a sunny day.
Sunny Day outdoor settings: Brightness (sun icon) all the way up/right; Contrast (half black-half white icon) all the way up/right; (white circle icon) unknown function/effect; ISO all the way down/left.

ZWB UV Filters

These are available on eBay and the other usual suspects.
Both as a sheet of glass and as disks in various diameters.
Typically used to eliminate visible light from UV sources.

China . Germany . Japan
ZWB1 . UG-11 . U-340
ZBW2 . UG1. U-360
ZWB3 . UG5 . U-330


Blak-Ray Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221

Made by Ultraviolet Products Inc. San Gabriel, California, U.S.A.  They make two models:
J-221 long wave (300 to 400 nm) meter: 0 to 12 & 10 to 60 uW/cm^2 - typically used for blacklights (Wiki).
J-225 short wave(230 to 270 nm) meter: 0 to 24 & 10 to 120 uW/cm^2 - typically used for germicidal (254 nm) lamps.
Yellow Filter No. 50107: removes all UV light leaving only IR light. To get a UV only reading Subtract 1.06 * Yellow filter reading from the no filter reading.  see TouTube video below.
UV [only] = No Filter reading [UV + IR]  - 1.06 * (Yellow Filter reading) [IR reading corrected for filter loss]
The yellow background on the meter face contains a phosphor that glows after UV exposure. (That's why I shine each UV flashlight at the meter face in the video.)

Has two meter ranges: 0 to 12 uW/cm^2x100 and 10 to 60 uW/cm^2x100
26 April 2019 outside around 3pmmeter reads 14 on B range w/o yellow filter, and meter reads 7.6 with filter.  To get final reading multiply meter by 10.
So the direct Sun is1400 uW/cm^2 and through the yellow filter the Sun is 760 uW/cm^2.
Fig 1
                      Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221
Fig 2
                      Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221
Fig 3
                      Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221
Fig 4 Remote sensor capability might be handy to
avoid operator exposure to strong UV.
                      Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221

Blak-Ray Ultraviolet Meter Model J-221

YouTube: https://youtu.be/6t19BJCdIXk

International Light Technologies Model IL1400A Radiometer/Photometer with SSL001 Slim UV Probe & CC500 cCarry Case

There are different models, this one is the original button keypad version (IL1400A manual). 

SSL001 UVA Super-Slim Probe (PCB photoresist exposure is common application)
Dynamic Range: 1.11e-5 to 9.00e-1 W/cm² (limit exposure to prevent heat damage).
Spectral Range: 260 - 400 nm.
Dimensions: 29 x 38 x 2 mm

The SEL623 and SEL624 are thermopile sensors with very broad wavelength ranges.

IL1400A Fig 1 - 4 AA Batteries
International Light Technologies Model
                      IL1400A Radiometer/Photometer with SSL001 Slim UV
                      Probe & CC500 cCarry Case
IL1400A Fig 2 SSL001 Slim UVA Probe (375nm peak)
International Light Technologies Model
                      IL1400A Radiometer/Photometer with SSL001 Slim UV
                      Probe & CC500 cCarry Case
IL1400A Fig 3 Afternoon Sun Oct
1.36 mW/cm2
International Light Technologies Model
                        IL1400A Radiometer/Photometer with SSL001 Slim
                        UV Probe & CC500 cCarry Case

Flame Detector Tube

The 155UG tube is offered on eBay.  These are used in countries with 220 VAC mains voltage as flame detectors.


It turns out the UVC light will turn green bananas brown.  See:

YouTube: A hint that your uvc light is working, UVC. The green banana test.

General Tools & Instruments - UV513AB

Spectral range: 280 - 400 nm
9V Battery.
                      Tools & Instruments - UV513AB Ultraviolet


Things to look at with a UV light.


This application goes back many decades, the oldest UV light I have is from my father's interest in rocks and minerals.
Geology.com has a web page about this.

Aircraft Panel Instruments

In high school I was in the Air Scouts and we met at Moffett Field.  They had Link Trainers (Wiki) that were fixed to the floor and about 30 feet long.
There was a cockpit and a teachers console.  The instrument lights were UV and the markings and needles were phosphorescent.  That way a pilot preserved his night vision while still being able to easily read the instruments.  There are some photos taken using UV light on my Aircraft Clocks web page.

Laundry & Other Whiteners

One way to make a whiter white is to add phosphors so that the UV from the sun will not only reflect white light but also cause the phosphor to glow white.
Some of the paper IDs in my wallet have whiteners as part of their design.  Maybe to make counterfeit versions easier to spot.
In the movie Revolver (IMDB) Ray Liotta's character is naked in a tanning room and his teeth just shout light.

Paper Money

The paper money of most countries has a number of features designed to make counterfeiting more difficult and to allow automated bill acceptors to correctly recognize the value of a bill even when the physical size of the bills are the same.

Drivers License

My California DL has two photographs, the large white light viewable photo and a smaller UV only version.

Charge Cards

There are additional markings only visible under UV light.


Uranium Glass (Wiki)

Glow in the Dark Items

Most items that glow in the dark also glow brightly under UV light.  This is a good way to "charge" them.
Some items with Radium paint (paint that contains Radium and phosphors) do not glow when illuminated by UV.
But some do, for example the RF meter on a BC-654A (N6CC) does glow under UV even though the radium is no longer working.
See: Aircraft Clocks,


Optical Spectrum Analyzers
Electro Optical Gadgets, Aircraft Cockpit UV Instrument Lights


2401191 Telescope for receiving and detecting ultraviolet light, Rosett Walter, Navy, App: 1931-10-02, (SECRET), Pub: 1946-05-28, 250/487.1; 250/372; 359/355; 359/400 - UV to visible screen is a reflector so has much less loss than a screen that works by transmission. Looks like a pair of binoculars.

Ultra Violet Products -


How Hot Are Your Rocks? Radioactivity in Uranyl-Activated Fluorescent Minerals - combines radioactivity and UV - Facebook: Fluorescent Minerals - including uranium glass
Scientists Consider Indoor Ultraviolet Light to Zap Coronavirus in the Air, May 7, 2020 -
ASHRAE: Reducing Infectious Disease Transmission with UVGI (pdf), W.P. Bahnfleth
UV: 100 to 400 nm
UV-A: 400 to 315 nm
UV-B: 315 to 280 nm
UV-C: 280 to 200 nm (254 nm UV Germicidal Irradiation).
Vacuum-UV: 200 to 100 nm.
Peak germicidal action at about 265 nm.
Low pressure Hg: 253.7 nm, medium pressure: 315 nm - special clear glass florescent tubes
peak output when lamp surface temp. is about 40 deg C. (important if lamp mounted in air duct).
Upper Room Disinfection ( UV above heads of occupants). NIOSH 2009 TB.pdf
Columbia U: Using the Power of Light: Preventing the Airborne Spread of Coronavirus and Influenza Virus -
far UVC: 207 to 220 nm
Nature: Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases, Feb 9, 2018,
Book: Airborne Contagion and Air Hygiene. An Ecological Study of Droplet Infections, William Wells, 1955 -
YouTube: Vox: UV light kills viruses. Why isn't it everywhere?, 7:43 (Full Vox Article) - expand the description for many links.


Page Created 24 Oct 2015
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