The first thing I did was check it with the Bicron Surveyor
50 with LND pancake probe and detected no radiation
above background.
New as of January 2023 so should have some Thorium (Wiki) life
left in it.
It's built into a 1-1/2" PVC end cap. The "Super" version
has the Thorium mounted on the end of a threaded rod so that its
distance to the ZnS screen and be adjusted. There's also a
built-in magnifier with an optical diameter of 1 inch.
The focal length of the lens is about 37mm to the edge of the
flange facing the screen.
The ZnS screen is about 33mm down from the edge of the 1-1/2"
So nominal focus would be with a 4 mm gap between the magnifier
and the housing.
The fine threads on the magnifier and on the mating part are
plastic so a great deal of care is needed to engage the threads
properly if you remove the magnifier lens.
Fig 1 |
Fig 2 |
RadiaCode 103 - (Quick Guide Manual) - Video Tutorials - YouTube -
This can function as a Gamma Spectrometer (Wiki).
Uses a Caesium iodide (Wiki) Scintillation (Wiki) Crystal that is Thallium (Ti) doped. Spectrum display 0,02 - 3,0 MeV.
2023 Dec 30 - The discount on the new improved model 103 makes it the same price as the old 102 model.
YouTube: Mystery RADIOACTIVE Source | Can we identify it?, 14:25 - The RadiaCode 103 costs less than the Gamma Scout basic.
The Polonium Pen (Tech Lib web page)
The idea for this comes from the fact that Alexander Litvinenko (Wiki) died of radiation poisoning when Polonium (Wiki) was put in his drink.
Polonium is also found in cigarette smoke and some sea food.
Elektor PIN Diode Kit
The first article about using a PIN diode as an Gamma particle detector appeared in the June 2011 issue and was followed up with the final kit article in the November 2011 issue. Note: The pre-programmed microcontroller and other IC are on the other side of the black foam.
Electronic Goldmine Kit
This kit was developed to make use of the Russian glass GM tube ( ) but the kit can be used with the SBM-10, SBM-19, SBM-20 and SBM-21, LND 713 & LND 714 GM tubes.
What's needed:
PCB and parts kit by Electronic Goldmine p/n: G18410 (Chaney Electronic Kits p/n: G18410) - no GM tube, no box
, Electronic Goldmine p/n: G19129
Hammond 1593QBK box
PocketGeiger Type 4 (Japan)
Based on using Photo diode as radiation detector. Designed as low cost option for people near Fukushima nuclear plant.
Uses First Sensor AG (Germany) X100-7 -
on order 1 Aug 2013 arrived 14 Aug 2013
This Type 4 pocket Geiger counter arrived as a fully assembled unit complete with the necessary apple audio cable.
Note: there are no internal batteries, it gets it's power from the iDevice sending out a very loud audio signal.
So that can work there are some Settings that need to be checked (my default settings were correct).
Reads in counts per minute (cpm) and micro Sievert (Wiki).
Then you load either the free Pocket Geiger app or the $7 Pro Pocket Geiger app.
The counts per minute divided by 53 is the uSv/hour number.
How do they differ?
Not sure how they came up with that calibration?
It takes 5 minutes to get a result.
Background Count (Wiki)
1.80 cpm
0.03+/-0.01 uSv/h
Am-241 both top and bottom (Wiki)
16.41 cpm
0.31+/-0.03 uSv/h
52.9 counts/uSv/h
CS-137 (Wiki)
874.58 cpm
16.49 +/- 2.49 uSv/h
53.03 counts/uSv/h
Autunite (Wiki)
248.59 cpm
4.69+/- 0.13 uSv/h
53.0 counts/uSv/h
Vaseline Glass (Wiki)
6.40 cpm
0.12+/-0.02 uSv/h
53.3 counts/uSv/h
Depleted Uranium (Wiki) with lead shield
48.04 cpm
0.91+/-0.06 uSv/h
52.8 counts/uSv/h
Banana (Wiki: Banana Equivalent Dose)
3.00 cpm
0.06+/-0.01 uSv/h
50 counts/uS/h
Depleted Uranium (Wiki) without lead shield
The manual is on line.
These were on eBay selling for about the same price as the LND 712 tube.
This is a key-chain unit with extremely low power consumption.
6897448 Radiation detector, Philip L. Smith, Karl F. Smith, Kno Rad Inc, 2005-05-24, 250/367; 313/525 -
BizzFile: Kno Rad Inc.
The Gamma Scout is another always on unit.
[21]: CdS photocell: SiloneX NSL5512 or Hammamatsu. 722-7R: 550 nm pk sensitivity -
[22]: Green LED to bias CdS photocell for peak sensitivity
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4
[30]: PIC 12LC508-04/P04H (12C508.pdf)
Wiki - 12 LED Clock (12F675)
Battery: CR2477 3V 21.8mm d x 7.4mm h
Both resistors are 6k Ohm.
The Cap and resistor are used by pin 7 to measure the resistance of the CdS cell. Might be similar to using an LED as a light sensor.
Project 326: SCAM Alert?, 27:20 - very poor sensitivity to Gamma, but very good for dental X-rays.
Alternatives: DIY Ionization detector, Bosean FS-5000 (The Perfect Cheap Geiger Counter?, 19:58) - POS: Gamma Scout
Clockwork powered Geiger counter.
YouTube: Geiger Counter Virtual Museum: Geigermaster Geiger counter. W Germany clockwork, 4:53 -
PL45007 ?Title. 1961-08-15 - clockwork powered HV generator for GM tubes and other applications for hours to days.
Geiger Counter ............................. 250 / 374+2722650 Vibratory power supply, John Degelman, A.C. Gilbert Co., 363/33, 313/152, 250/389, 335/91 - HV pwr supply for GM Tube using
Design ................................. D10 / 47
In nuclear reactions ................... 376 / 254
Geiger Muller Tube ......................... 313 / 93
Survey meter ........................... 250 / 374+
With circuit ........................... 250 / 374+
Calls:1181423 Apparatus for Measuring Rontgen Rays, May 2, 1916, K Bangert, 250/385.1 ; 313/523; 313/93
1578998 Shot Firing System, Jakosky John J, Mar 30, 1926 - a form of Blasting Machine
1580804 X-Ray System, L. Baumeister, Apr 13, 1926, -
1935569 Electric current converter for radio or other apparatus, Utah Radio Products Co, Nov 14, 1933, 363/33, 327/548 - B+ radio supply mechanical rectification
2113762 Vibrator transformer and rectifier, James Stephen F, Apr 12, 1938, 363/33, 310/32, 335/91 - car radio B+ supply
A scintillation measurement system for measuring optical events produced by scintillators in response to the radioactive decay of a constituent or constituents of a sample to be measured comprises a sample support for positioning a sample in a sample well; a bismuth germanate (BGO) scintillation crystal, such as Bi4 Ge3 O12, located adjacent the sample well; a plurality of photodetectors located outside the bismuth germanate crystal for detecting optical events occurring in the sample well or in the bismuth germanate crystal and converting those optical events into electrical pulses; and a pulse analyzing system for receiving the electrical pulses from the photodetectors and determining whether such pulses represent α, β or γ events. This system can be used with samples containing α, β and γ emitters, or any combination thereof.
Name |
CS-137 |
Depleted Uranium |
Geo on DU UN Report on DU 30,000 CPM (X100 Range) |
500 CPM with lead shield (X1 range) |
Vaseline Glass |
AM-241 |
80,000+ Counts/minute |
Different source, much lower strength
20,000 counter/minute |
Tubes |
1. U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Type JAN CW 1B22 Cont NXSA 8805, Western Electric, Accepted March 1945 - AN/APS-4, 16-T-51222, 1 Vac. Tube, V(5)6, Etc., JAN-1B22, Part of Item 078 Ext web pages: 1B22, 1B22 spark gap Contains Ra-226 2. NSN: 5960-188-3531, One Ea. Electron Tube, JAN CAHG 1B46, Mfg by Chatham Electronics, Div of Tung-Sol Electric, Inc., Date Packed 12/58, For Use In: FX-1, TT-1, TXC-1 only Ext web pages: 1B46, 1B46 voltage regulator Contains Ra-226 3. Radioisotope CS 137, Activity 0.9 uc ea, 1 Spark Gap, TG 202, Mfd by Signalite Inc., Pkd 1/67 Ext web pages: TG-202 4. Spark Gap By Product Material Cs-137, <5μc each, Mfd by Signalite Inc., Pkd 10/70 TG-30 Ext web page: TG-30 |
Note photos are not to any scale. The 1B22 is the largest tube by far. Radiation measurements made with iPod & Pocket Geiger |
see APX-6 \ 1B40 |
Isotope |
Half Life |
manganese-54 | 312.03 days or 26.9E6 sec |
cesium-137 | 30.17 years |
silicon-32 | 170 years or 5.4E9 sec |
radium-226 | 1601 years |
Barium133 | 1uCi | 10.7 years | Gamma: 81.0, 356.0 |
Cadmium109 | 1uCi | 453 days | Gamma: 88.0 |
Cesium137 | 1uCi | 30.1 years | Gamma: 32, 661.6 Beta: 511.6, 1173.2 |
Cesium137 | 5uCi | 30.1 years | Gamma: 32, 661.6 Beta: 511.6, 1173.2 |
Cesium137 | 10uCi | 30.1 years | Gamma: 32, 661.6 Beta: 511.6, 1173.2 |
Cobalt57 | 1uCi | 270 days | Gamma: 122.1 |
Cobalt60 | 1uCi | 5.27 years | Gamma: 1173.2, 1332.5 |
Europium152 | 1uCi | 13.5 years | Gamma: 121.8, 344.3, 1408.0 |
Manganese54 | 1uCi | 312 days | Gamma: 834.8 |
Sodium22 | 1uCi | 2.6 years | Gamma: 511.0, 1274.5 |
Strontium90 | 0.1uCi | 28.5 years | Beta: 546.0 |
Thallium204 | 1uCi | 3.78 years | Beta: 763.4 |
Polonium210 | 0.1uCi | 138 days | Alpha: 5304.5 |
Zinc65 | 1uCi | 244 days | Gamma: 511.0, 1115.5 |
Ref 1. Which Geiger Counter to Buy?, 37:26 -
@02:31 - Radeye B20 - Pancake GM tubeRef 2. Studio 326: Busting a Myth?, 7:43 - UV and G-M tubes. using unqualified UV sources. No sensitivity seen.
@08:40 - Ludlum 14C - pancake GM tube
@12:55 - Radiacode-101 -Scintillation, model 103 available as of 2024
@15:46 - Better Geiger model S-1, Scintillation
@19:04 - Radeye B20 w/Gamma Filter - strong Radium sample: 440 uS/hr
@20:58 - GMC-320 Plus - GM tube, beta & gamma,
@24:50 - MIRA (Soeks 112 closest detector to model) -GM tube, some betas & gammas, no clicks or sound
@27:19 - Hanchen HD2022, $40,
Ref 3. ckuethe: G-M tubes vs Ultraviolet, 2:27 - First G-M tube sensitive, but second G_M tube is not.
Ref 4. Studio 326:a crowd sourced nuclear physics experiment, 20:42 - Tubes that respond to UV operating above linear voltage range. Link to <$50 Optical Spectrum Analyzer good for UV.
Ref 5.Studio 326: It's a dirt-cheap Spectrometer - But is it any good?, 37:22 - Model; "Little Garden"
00:00 Introduction - Uses Theremino automation "Theremino Spectrometer" software - Technology.pdf, Spectrums.pdf, Construction.pdf; (includes ideas for light sources) Theremino_Spectrometer_V3.1, For all systems from Windows XP to Windows 10, both 32 which in 64 bit (Linux and OSX with Wine)
04:23 Compact fluorescent lamp - used for calibration
05:34 Mercury vapor arc lamp
08:46 Incandescent lamp
10:41 LEDs
13:35 Halogen lamp
17:32 Lasers
20:35 High pressure sodium lamp
23:31 Deuterium arc lamp
26:49 A multi-spectral emitter
28:45 Fire
30:25 Sun/Sol
32:27 Teardown - Camera: monochrome (no filter) OV2710, 1Mpx, 1080p sensor, De-laminated DVD used as diffraction grating,
34:56 Summary
37:22 CloseoutRef 6. J305 sensitivity to UV light, 13:16 - Variable voltage power supply 365 & 254 nm UV sources. Detection at 365 nm 450 to 700V; 254 nm 350 to 800V, Pancake prove very sensitive.
Ref 7. MIT Open Course Ware: Lab 1: CD Spectrometer, 6:09 - CD-R shows pealing label/metal off leaving grating in plastic.
Ref 8. Building a Nanodrop Style UV/Vis Spectrometer, 15:40 - single drop of liquid (eBay search "thermo nanodrop")
Ref 9. An Itty Bitty Micro-Spectrometer - Does it really work? [Pt 1], 30:50 - Model: "TLM-2"Hackteria: DIY Microvolume Spectrophotometers -
Github: DIYnanodrop -
4910402 Apparatus and method for measuring a property of a liquid, Norman McMillan, 1990-03-20, -
6628382 Liquid photometer using surface tension to contain sample, Charles William Robertson, NanoDrop Technologies, 2003-09-30, - uses a single drop of liquid.
6809826 Liquid photometer using surface tension to contain sample, Charles William Robertson, NanoDrop Technologies, 2004-10-26, - \ Products:
7421179 Apparatus and method for switching, modulation and dynamic control of light transmission using photonic crystals, Wei Jiang, Ray T. Chen, Omega Optical Inc, 2008-09-02, -
PJG3, Spectrometer 200 - 1100nm CIE1931, CIE1960, CIE1976 PJG4 Spectrometer 200 - 1100nm CIE1931, CIE1960, CIE1976 TLM3 Specrometer 340 - 1000 nm
TLM2 Spectrometer 340 - 1000 nm Secondary Dev Miniature Spectro raw color sensor
Agriculture Spectral IoT LAN camera to monitor color of crops
Optical Components Gratings
Dual-camera thermal imaging device Visible & Thermal for screening people for fever (airports)
20100310208 Photonic crystal band-shifting device for dynamic control of light transmission, Xiaolong Wang, Ray T. Chen, Omega Optical Inc, 2010-12-09, -
00:00 Introduction 01:55 Introductions 04:27 Product and features 09:43 Testing LEDs 16:03 Testing a high pressure sodium lamp 19:13 Testing laser pointers 24:30 Testing a CFL lamp 27:15 End of part 1 30:11 Close outRef 10. It's a dirt-cheap Spectrometer, but pretty decent..., 11:22 - Updates and Errata to prior YouTube.
Little Garden Spectrometer -Ref 11. Cheap Spectrometers are really Damn Useful, 30:15 - Includes GM tube
Mr Kang's videos on BiliBili
Les's Lab video about removing the Bayer filter from a camera module - i.e. A color camera is make into a higher resolution B&W camera.
Ref 12. The Ultimate Radiation Detector?, 42:50 - RadiaCode 103G, $550 list
Ref 13. A Review of the KC761-B Gamma Ray Spectrometer, 13:46 - energy resolution: 7.1%; poor user interface; 9KeV lower energy range; $459 list
Ref 14. A Tiny Micro-Spectrometer - Reviewed [Pt2], 34:57 - TLM-2 ($143 Amazon) - poor interface software.
Maybe related Quantum Dot patent
11913832 Filter array, spectral detector including the filter array and spectrometer employing the spectral detector, Kyungsang CHO, Samsung Electronics, 2024-02-27, -
"Doc" Edgerton - Bhangmeter
Optical Spectrum Analyzers -
Electro-Optical Gadgets
M18 IR Binocular
PAS6 Metascope IR Viewer & IR Source
IR Beacon
M227 Signal Lamp Equipment SE-11
Spectronic 20D Spectrophotometer - measures light transmission in liquid
Hilger & Watts Spectrometer D 168.3/290
page created 19 Jan 2006.