Radiation Detectors

© Brooke Clarke 2006 - 2024

Types of Radiation
Detector Types
    Ionization Chamber
        Lone Ranger Atom Bomb Ring
        United Nuclear Super Spinthariscope
    Other Dectors
    Dose Meters
    RadiaCode 103
    Bicron Surveyor 50
    The Polonium Pen
    Elektor PIN Diode Kit
    Electronic Goldmine Kit
    PocketGeiger (Japan)
    Liquid Scintillation Analyzer
Decay Times & the Sun

Types of Radiation (Wiki)

There are three common types of radiation: Alpha, Beta and Gamma.  They have different abilities of penetration.  Alpha is blocked by thin aluminum foil or just about anything.  Beta and Gamma will penetrate much more depending on their energy.  No known radiation is strong enough to penetrate the earth at it's center and go all the way through.
Ionizing radiation units -

Detector Types

Geiger-Mueller (Wiki: Tube, Counter)

These are the most common "Geiger Counter" sensors.  They are biased with enough voltage so that when an atomic particle gets into the gas it causes an avalanche.  The size of the output pulse is the same no matter what the energy of the input particle.  Although it's possible to turn down the voltage so that the output pulse has a relation to the input particle energy, the operation is then no longer called Geiger Mueller. 

There is a plateau in the count rate vs. applied voltage plot for a G-M tube and it should be operated on the plateau, not above or below.  The recomended voltage for most tubes is in the 500 to 900 volt area.

After the particle leaves the tube there is a recovery time.  If another particle enters the tube before the recovery time has passed the tube will conduct continuously.  This is bad because most Geiger counters will show zero when in fact they should be showing full scale.

The common G-M tube is a metallic cylinder with a wire insulated in the center.  One end typically has a mica window to allow alpha particles to enter.  But the end area is much smaller than the active area of a pancake type G-M tube.  Pancake G-M tubes are much more sensitive to alpha as well as beta and gamma rays than the cylindrical type tubes.

The end of a "hot dog" type G-M tube or the face of a "pancake" tube typically has a thin mica window.  Ideally for the detection of alpha particles there would be no window, but then the gas in the tube would except.  The density of the window puts a limit on the energy level of the alpha particles that can get into the tube (typically around 3 Mev).

Google "Geiger Mueller"

The sensivity of a G-M type tube can be greatly increased by adding more electrodes.
2397071 Radiation Detector, Gerhard Herzog (Texaco -  oil wells) - multiple cathode disks and multiple anode wires
2397072 Radiation Detector - multiple cathode disks and multiple anode wires
2397073 Radiation Detector - 5 to 10 times more sensitive than G-M tube, uses more electrodes, but has some volumes where the field is zero, hence there's a better way
2397074 Radiation Detector - very rugged
2397075 Radiation Detector - minimizes anode to cathode leakage (noise)

2873399 Radiation Detector - has no zero field volumes so is somewhat more sensitive than 5 to 10 times a G-M tube
2599352 Radiation Detector - greater cathode area by adding fins - more sensitive
2649554 Radiation Indicator, Anton - (beta & gamma dosemeter)
2699513 Radiation Detector -multiple anode wires in addition to increased cathode area

Scintillator (Wiki)

Some crystal or plastic that generates a photon of light when hit by a particle is coupled with a photo multiplier tube and both enclosed in a light tight package.  The output pulse is proportional to the energy of the input particle.

Ionization Chamber (Wiki)

An insulating chamber with some gas the ionizes under the influence of strong radiation.  Many of the surplus civil defense survey meters (often erroneously called geiger counters) use this type of detector.

Spinthariscopes (Wiki)

This is a hand held magnifier focused on a screen made of Silver activated Zinc Sulfide and with an alpha emitter source like Po-210 Polonium (Anti-Static Brush) or AM-241 (Smoke Detector).  With a night adapted eye you can see the scintillation.  These show up on eBay, new from United Nuclear, old from antique instrument dealers.

Lone Ranger Atom Bomb Ring

The first thing I did was check it with the Bicron Surveyor 50 with LND pancake probe and detected no radiation above background.

Lone Ranger
                    Atom Bomb Ring - Spinthariscope
Lone Ranger
                    Atom Bomb Ring - Spinthariscope

ORAU Museum of Radiation and Radioactivity: Lone Ranger Atom Bomb Ring Spinthariscope (1947-Early 1950s) - In a reply this said this ring has decayed to the point where the sparkles are no longer visible.  Hence my looking for a working Spinthariscope.  All the older models have long since lost their radiation since the alpha sources have a short half life.

United Nuclear Super Spinthariscope

New as of January 2023 so should have some Thorium (Wiki) life left in it. 
It's built into a 1-1/2" PVC end cap.  The "Super" version has the Thorium mounted on the end of a threaded rod so that its distance to the ZnS screen and be adjusted.  There's also a built-in magnifier with an optical diameter of 1 inch.
The focal length of the lens is about 37mm to the edge of the flange facing the screen.
The ZnS screen is about 33mm down from the edge of the 1-1/2" fitting.
So nominal focus would be with a 4 mm gap between the magnifier and the housing.
The fine threads on the magnifier and on the mating part are plastic so a great deal of care is needed to engage the threads properly if you remove the magnifier lens.

Fig 1
                  Nuclear Super Spinthariscope
Fig 2
                  Nuclear Super Spinthariscope

Other Detectors

There are many other ways of detecting atomic radiation.  One of the first was the use of photograph film.

Dose Meters (Wiki)

While Geiger counters measure the rate (i.e. counts per minute) a dose meter adds up the counts giving a total exposure.  These are usually in the form of badges that may have photographic film or an electronic integrator or pen shaped electrometer.

X-Ray (Wiki)

One way to detect X-Rays is to use a Scintillator coupled to a photomultiplier tube in a light tight manner.  This was the method used on first generation CAT scanners.  The problem is that you can only have a small number of these around the circumference of a circle and so the spacial resolution is low.  GE developed X-Ray sensors using Xenon gas that can have many more sensors in the same space where there were only a few photomultiplier types.  As of 2008 this is a hot bed of activity since CAT is the preferred method of imaging many things in the human body (i.e. is preferred over MRI which is good for other things).
4031396 X-ray Detector, GE - multiple anode wires in a curved chamber for CAT scanner
4707607 High Resolution X-Ray Detector, GE - an even higher resolution detector using a flow of Xenon gas through the curved chamber for CAT scanner
7355181 Radiological imaging apparatus and radiological imaging method and radiological imaging support method, Hitachi - combines CAT and PET images
8126109 X-Ray CT Apparatus and an Image Controlling Method Thereof, Toshiba - An X-ray CT apparatus and image controlling method thereof that achieves a higher time resolution tomography image on a region of interest (ROI) of an object while reducing a total amount of X-ray irradiation exposure.


RadiaCode 103 - (Quick Guide Manual) - Video Tutorials - YouTube -

This can function as a Gamma Spectrometer (Wiki).
Uses a Caesium iodide (Wiki) Scintillation (Wiki) Crystal that is Thallium (Ti) doped.  Spectrum display 0,02 - 3,0 MeV.
2023 Dec 30 - The discount on the new improved model 103 makes it the same price as the old 102 model.
YouTube: Mystery RADIOACTIVE Source | Can we identify it?, 14:25 - The RadiaCode 103 costs less than the Gamma Scout basic.

Bicron Surveyor 50

Uses pancake G-M tube.  Ranges 0 - 0.5,  0 - 5 & 0 - 50 mR/hour.  9 volt battery.  Meter and when turned on clicks from speaker.


Military uses two hot dog type G-M types.  Started out in the early 1950s as an all tube instrument and has gone through many variations and now is mostly solid state and powered by 6 "D" batteries.

The Polonium Pen (Tech Lib web page)

The idea for this comes from the fact that Alexander Litvinenko (Wiki) died of radiation poisoning when Polonium (Wiki) was put in his drink.
Polonium is also found in cigarette smoke and some sea food.

Elektor PIN Diode Kit

The first article about using a PIN diode as an Gamma particle detector appeared in the June 2011 issue and was followed up with the final kit article in the November 2011 issue.  Note:  The pre-programmed microcontroller and other IC are on the other side of the black foam.
Elektor Improved
              PIN Diode Radiation Meter

Electronic Goldmine Kit

This kit was developed to make use of the Russian glass GM tube (Type SI 39 ) but the kit can be used with the SBM-10, SBM-19, SBM-20 and SBM-21, LND 713 & LND 714 GM tubes.

What's  needed:
PCB and parts kit by Electronic Goldmine p/n: G18410 (Chaney Electronic Kits p/n: G18410) - no GM tube, no box
Russian Geiger Counter Tube. Type SI 39, Electronic Goldmine p/n: G19129
Hammond 1593QBK box
Electronic Goldmine G18410
          Geiger Counter Kit

PocketGeiger Type 4 (Japan)

Based on using Photo diode as radiation detector.  Designed as low cost option for people near Fukushima nuclear plant.
Uses First Sensor AG (Germany)  X100-7 -
on order 1 Aug 2013  arrived 14 Aug 2013

This Type 4 pocket Geiger counter arrived as a fully assembled unit complete with the necessary apple audio cable.
Note: there are no internal batteries, it gets it's power from the iDevice sending out a very loud audio signal.
So that can work there are some Settings that need to be checked (my default settings were correct).

Reads in counts per minute (cpm) and micro Sievert (Wiki).

Then you load either the free Pocket Geiger app or the $7 Pro Pocket Geiger app.
How do they differ?

The counts per minute divided by 53 is the uSv/hour number.
Not sure how they came up with that calibration?
It takes 5 minutes to get a result.

Background Count (Wiki)
1.80 cpm
0.03+/-0.01 uSv/h
Pocket Geiger
                  Counter iPod Touch normal background
Am-241 both top and bottom (Wiki)
16.41 cpm
0.31+/-0.03 uSv/h
52.9 counts/uSv/h
Pocket Geiger Counter
                  iPod Touch Am-241
CS-137 (Wiki)
874.58 cpm
16.49 +/- 2.49 uSv/h
53.03 counts/uSv/h
Pocket Geiger Counter
                  iPod Touch CS-137

Autunite (Wiki)
248.59 cpm
4.69+/- 0.13 uSv/h
53.0 counts/uSv/h
Pocket Geiger Counter
                  iPod Touch Autunite
Vaseline Glass (Wiki)
6.40 cpm
0.12+/-0.02 uSv/h
53.3 counts/uSv/h
Pocket Geiger Counter
                  iPod Touch Vaseline Glass
Depleted Uranium (Wiki) with lead shield
48.04 cpm
0.91+/-0.06 uSv/h
52.8 counts/uSv/h
Pocket Geiger Counter
                  iPod Touch Depleted Uranium with lead shiled
Banana (Wiki: Banana Equivalent Dose)
3.00 cpm
0.06+/-0.01 uSv/h
50 counts/uS/h
Pocket Geiger
                  Counter iPod Touch Banana

Depleted Uranium (Wiki) without lead shield
Pocket Geiger Counter iPod Touch Depleted
                Uranium without lead shiled


The manual is on line.

These were on eBay selling for about the same price as the LND 712 tube.


This is a key-chain unit with extremely low power consumption.

6897448 Radiation
                  detector, Philip L. Smith, Karl F. Smith, Kno Rad Inc,
6897448 Radiation detector, Philip L. Smith, Karl F. Smith, Kno Rad Inc, 2005-05-24, 250/367; 313/525 -
BizzFile: Kno Rad Inc.

The Gamma Scout is another always on unit.

[21]: CdS photocell: SiloneX NSL5512 or Hammamatsu. 722-7R: 550 nm pk sensitivity -
[22]: Green LED to bias CdS photocell for peak sensitivity

Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4

[30]: PIC 12LC508-04/P04H  (12C508.pdf)
 Wiki - 12 LED Clock (12F675)

Battery: CR2477 3V 21.8mm d x 7.4mm h

Both resistors are 6k Ohm.

The Cap and resistor are used by pin 7 to measure the resistance of the CdS cell.  Might be similar to using an LED as a light sensor.

Project 326: SCAM Alert?, 27:20 - very poor sensitivity to Gamma, but very good for dental X-rays.
        Alternatives: DIY Ionization detector, Bosean FS-5000 (The Perfect Cheap Geiger Counter?, 19:58) - POS: Gamma Scout


Clockwork powered Geiger counter.
YouTube: Geiger Counter Virtual Museum: Geigermaster Geiger counter. W Germany clockwork, 4:53 -
PL45007 ?Title. 1961-08-15 - clockwork powered HV generator for GM tubes and other applications for hours to days.


Geiger Counter .............................  250 / 374+ 
    Design .................................  D10 / 47
    In nuclear reactions ...................  376 / 254

Geiger Muller Tube .........................  313 / 93
    Survey meter ...........................  250 / 374+
    With circuit ...........................  250 / 374+
2722650 Vibratory power supply, John Degelman, A.C. Gilbert Co., 363/33, 313/152, 250/389, 335/91 - HV pwr supply for GM Tube using
mechanical rectification
1578998 Shot Firing System, Jakosky John J, Mar 30, 1926 - a form of Blasting Machine
1580804 X-Ray System, L. Baumeister, Apr 13, 1926, -
1935569 Electric current converter for radio or other apparatus, Utah Radio Products Co, Nov 14, 1933, 363/33, 327/548 - B+ radio supply mechanical rectification
2113762 Vibrator transformer and rectifier, James Stephen F, Apr 12, 1938, 363/33, 310/32, 335/91 - car radio B+ supply
1181423 Apparatus for Measuring Rontgen Rays, May 2, 1916, K Bangert, 250/385.1 ; 313/523; 313/93
1589833 Measuring Device for Electromagnetic Waves, H Behnken, June 22, 1926, 313/538 ; 250/374; 313/93; 378/207; 378/82; 378/98 - X-Ray detector
1855669 Method and Apparatus for the Measurement of Radiation Intensity, April 26, 1932, 250/377 ; 313/93; 324/109; 324/702; 324/97
1961708 System for Influencing an Electric Current by Irradiation, F M Penning, June 5, 1934, 250/214.1 ; 313/538; 313/93; 315/150; 315/157; 315/337
1961717 Ray Intensity Meter System, C H Thomas, June 5, 1934, 378/97 ; 250/214R; 250/382; 313/601; 313/93; 315/150; 315/157; 315/234; 315/241R; 361/175
1995018 Gas Filled Tube, H J Spanner, March 19, 1935 313/592 ; 313/253; 313/594; 313/93; 315/105; 315/268
2257827 Electron Discharge Tube, G J Weissenberg, October 7, 1941, 445/35 ; 313/149; 313/355; 313/485; 313/93; 427/111; 427/74
2390965 Central Electrode Support, S A Scherbatskoy, December 11, 1945, 250/374 ; 174/152E; 250/256; 313/246; 313/247; 313/255; 313/292; 313/318.01; 313/357; 313/545; 313/93
2521315 Geiger Tube, J A Victoreen, September 5, 1950, 313/93 ; 313/278; 313/286; 313/290; 313/552 - improved quenching
2542440 Geiger Tube, J A Victoreen, February 20, 1951, 313/93 ; 220/2.3R; 313/247; 313/281 - Mica end window
249064 Receiver for Telephones, R M Lockwood, November 1, 1881, 181/167
454941 Phonograph Recorder or Reproducer, T A Edison, June 30, 1891, 181/162 ; 181/170
2159628 Telephone Transmitter, E G Danielson, May 23, 1939, 381/174 ; 181/167; 264/320; 425/DIG.56
2475603 Geiger Counter Structure, H Friedman, July 12, 1949, 313/93 ; 313/312; 313/622
2609512 Frequency meter, Conviser Harry, Bendix Aviation, 1952-09-02, -  rate meter for G-M tube detector
4162425 Ultraviolet detection tube quenching circuitry, Theodore E. Larsen, James M. Celt, Detector Electronics Corp, 1979-07-24, - for G-M tubes and UV
4721857 Sampling and recording dose rate meter 250/374 ; 250/376; 250/377
4859853 Solid Gamma Ray Dosimeter which measures radiation in terms of absorption in a material different from the detector material
5665970 Directional Radiation Detector and Imager
4853163 Method of controlling discharge of stored electric charge in plastic objects and forming Lichtenberg figures in plastic objects 264/406 ; 264/101; 264/162; 264/340; 264/341; 264/40.1; 264/78; 428/13
10451750 Scintillation detector with a high count rate, Jaksch Et al, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, 2019-10-22, -

Liquid Scintillation Analyzer

In the book Physics for Future Presidents, Richard Muller talks about measuring alcohol beverages for mandatory radiation so that it can be confirmed they were made from plant material and not from oil.  Here are some patents for doing that:
4220855 Scintillation counter with rotatable light seal, Packard Instrument Company, Inc., Sep 2, 1980, 250/328 - hardware
4555629 Method and apparatus for determination of sample homogeneity in scintillation counting, Packard Instrument Company, Inc., Nov 26, 1985, 250/362, 250/369, 250/328
                about data processing
4628205 Regionless multiple label scintillation counting, Packard Instrument Company, Inc., Dec 9, 1986, 250/361.00R, 250/328, 250/364 -
                DPM for two different radionuclides based on calibration quench curves
4633088 Reverse sum quench measurement using a liquid scintillation counter, Packard Instrument Company, Inc., Dec 30, 1986,
                 250/369, 250/364, 250/361.00R, 250/363.09, 250/363.01, 250/362
                math in support of the quench curves
4651006 For counting sample optical events resulting from the radioactive decay, Packard Instrument Company, Inc., Mar 17, 1987,
                250/362, 250/363.07, 250/363.01, 250/369, 250/366
                A method and apparatus for separating background events from valid sample events - dual phototubes & coincidence detector
5483070 Scintillation counter, Packard Instrument Company, Jan 9, 1996, 250/366, 250/362, 250/364, 250/369
A scintillation measurement system for measuring optical events produced by scintillators in response to the radioactive decay of a constituent or constituents of a sample to be measured comprises a sample support for positioning a sample in a sample well; a bismuth germanate (BGO) scintillation crystal, such as Bi4 Ge3 O12, located adjacent the sample well; a plurality of photodetectors located outside the bismuth germanate crystal for detecting optical events occurring in the sample well or in the bismuth germanate crystal and converting those optical events into electrical pulses; and a pulse analyzing system for receiving the electrical pulses from the photodetectors and determining whether such pulses represent α, β or γ events. This system can be used with samples containing α, β and γ emitters, or any combination thereof.               


These are legally available on the internet.  I keep them in a can that's marked as Radioactive as a safety measure.
Radiosactive Sample

Samples Table


CS-137 Radioactive
                  Isotope sample

Depleted Uranium
Depleted Uranium sample

Geo on DU

UN Report on DU

30,000 CPM (X100 Range)

                  Syrveyo 50, Pancake Probe & Depleted Uranium
                  without lead shiled 30,000 CPM
500 CPM with lead shield (X1 range)
Bicron Syrveyo
                  50, Pancake Probe & Depleted Uranium with lead
                  shield: 500 CPM
Vaseline Glass
Vaseline Glass Radioactive sample


Am-241 Am-241

80,000+ Counts/minute
Different source, much lower strength  20,000 counter/minute

                  military tubes
1. U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Type JAN CW 1B22 Cont NXSA 8805,
Western Electric, Accepted March 1945 -
AN/APS-4, 16-T-51222, 1 Vac. Tube, V(5)6, Etc., JAN-1B22, Part of Item 078 Ext web pages: 1B22, 1B22 spark gap Contains Ra-226

2. NSN: 5960-188-3531, One Ea. Electron Tube, JAN CAHG 1B46,
Mfg by Chatham Electronics, Div of Tung-Sol Electric, Inc.,
Date Packed 12/58, For Use In: FX-1, TT-1, TXC-1 only
Ext web pages: 1B46, 1B46 voltage regulator Contains Ra-226

3. Radioisotope CS 137, Activity 0.9 uc ea, 1 Spark Gap, TG 202,
Mfd by Signalite Inc., Pkd 1/67 Ext web pages: TG-202

4. Spark Gap
By Product Material Cs-137, <5μc each, Mfd by Signalite Inc., Pkd 10/70
TG-30  Ext web page: TG-30

1B22: 682.56 cpm, 12.87 µSv/h
1B46: 31.22 cpm, 0.59 µSv/h
                          Tube Top
1B46 Tube Top
TG-202: 48.24 cpm, 0.91µSv/h
TG-30: 132.90 cpm, 2.51µSv/h

Note photos are not to any scale.  The 1B22 is the largest tube by far.

Radiation measurements made with iPod & Pocket Geiger

see APX-6 \ 1B40

Decay Times & the Sun

An article appeared in the Stanford News about work done at Purdue by Ephraim Fischbach (Wiki).
The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements - that suggests that there may be a correlation between the rotational position of the Sun's core and the decay rate for some isotopes.  The article mentions:
Half Life
manganese-54 312.03 days or 26.9E6 sec
cesium-137 30.17 years
silicon-32 170 years or 5.4E9 sec
radium-226 1601 years

manganese-54 looks like the shortest half life that was mentioned and it's available from United Nuclear:
Here's their table of Disk Sources which has some isotopes that have a shorter half life:
Cobalt57            270 days
Zinc65                244 days
Polonium210 138 days (also available as a needle source)
So in the disk sources Polonium-210 has the shortest half life.

Barium133 1uCi 10.7 years Gamma: 81.0, 356.0
Cadmium109 1uCi 453 days Gamma: 88.0
Cesium137 1uCi 30.1 years Gamma: 32, 661.6
Beta: 511.6, 1173.2
Cesium137 5uCi 30.1 years Gamma: 32, 661.6
Beta: 511.6, 1173.2
Cesium137 10uCi 30.1 years Gamma: 32, 661.6
Beta: 511.6, 1173.2
Cobalt57 1uCi 270 days Gamma: 122.1
Cobalt60 1uCi 5.27 years Gamma: 1173.2, 1332.5
Europium152 1uCi 13.5 years Gamma: 121.8, 344.3, 1408.0
Manganese54 1uCi 312 days Gamma: 834.8
Sodium22 1uCi 2.6 years Gamma: 511.0, 1274.5
Strontium90 0.1uCi 28.5 years Beta: 546.0
Thallium204 1uCi 3.78 years Beta: 763.4
Polonium210 0.1uCi 138 days Alpha: 5304.5
Zinc65 1uCi 244 days Gamma: 511.0, 1115.5


Ref 1. Which Geiger Counter to Buy?, 37:26 -

@02:31 -  Radeye B20 - Pancake GM tube
@08:40 - Ludlum 14C - pancake GM tube
@12:55 - Radiacode-101 -Scintillation,  model 103 available as of 2024
@15:46 - Better Geiger model S-1, Scintillation
@19:04 - Radeye B20 w/Gamma Filter - strong Radium sample: 440 uS/hr
@20:58 - GMC-320 Plus - GM tube,  beta & gamma,
@24:50 - MIRA (Soeks 112 closest detector to model) -GM tube, some betas & gammas, no clicks or sound
@27:19 - Hanchen HD2022, $40,
Ref 2. Studio 326: Busting a Myth?, 7:43 - UV and G-M tubes. using unqualified UV sources. No sensitivity seen.
Ref 3. ckuethe: G-M tubes vs Ultraviolet, 2:27 - First G-M tube sensitive, but second G_M tube is not.
Ref 4. Studio 326: a crowd sourced nuclear physics experiment, 20:42 - Tubes that respond to UV operating above linear voltage range. Link to <$50 Optical Spectrum Analyzer good for UV.
Ref 5
Studio 326: It's a dirt-cheap Spectrometer - But is it any good?, 37:22 - Model; "Little Garden"
00:00 Introduction - Uses Theremino automation "Theremino Spectrometer" software - Technology.pdf, Spectrums.pdf, Construction.pdf; (includes ideas for light sources) Theremino_Spectrometer_V3.1, For all systems from Windows XP to Windows 10, both 32 which in 64 bit (Linux and OSX with Wine)
04:23 Compact fluorescent lamp - used for calibration
05:34 Mercury vapor arc lamp
08:46 Incandescent lamp
10:41 LEDs
13:35 Halogen lamp
17:32 Lasers
20:35 High pressure sodium lamp
23:31 Deuterium arc lamp
26:49 A multi-spectral emitter
28:45 Fire
30:25 Sun/Sol
32:27 Teardown - Camera: monochrome (no filter) OV2710, 1Mpx, 1080p sensor, De-laminated DVD used as diffraction grating,
34:56 Summary
37:22 Closeout
Ref 6. J305 sensitivity to UV light, 13:16 -  Variable voltage power supply 365 & 254 nm UV sources. Detection at 365 nm 450 to 700V; 254 nm 350 to 800V, Pancake prove very sensitive.
Ref 7. MIT Open Course Ware: Lab 1: CD Spectrometer, 6:09 - CD-R shows pealing label/metal off leaving grating in plastic.
Ref 8. Building a Nanodrop Style UV/Vis Spectrometer, 15:40 - single drop of liquid (eBay search "thermo nanodrop")
DIY Microvolume Spectrophotometers -
Github: DIYnanodrop -
4910402 Apparatus and method for measuring a property of a liquid, Norman McMillan, 1990-03-20, -
6628382 Liquid photometer using surface tension to contain sample, Charles William Robertson, NanoDrop Technologies, 2003-09-30, - uses a single drop of liquid.
6809826 Liquid photometer using surface tension to contain sample, Charles William Robertson, NanoDrop Technologies, 2004-10-26, -
Ref 9. An Itty Bitty Micro-Spectrometer - Does it really work? [Pt 1], 30:50 - Model: "TLM-2"
Torchbearer.tech \ Products:
PJG3, Spectrometer 200 - 1100nm CIE1931, CIE1960, CIE1976
PJG4 Spectrometer 200 - 1100nm CIE1931, CIE1960, CIE1976
TLM3 Specrometer 340 - 1000 nm
TLM2 Spectrometer 340 - 1000 nm
Secondary Dev Miniature Spectro raw color sensor
Agriculture Spectral IoT LAN camera to monitor color of crops
Optical Components Gratings
Dual-camera thermal imaging device Visible & Thermal for screening people for fever (airports)
7421179 Apparatus and method for switching, modulation and dynamic control of light transmission using photonic crystals, Wei Jiang, Ray T. Chen, Omega Optical Inc, 2008-09-02, -
20100310208 Photonic crystal band-shifting device for dynamic control of light transmission, Xiaolong Wang, Ray T. Chen, Omega Optical Inc, 2010-12-09, -
00:00 Introduction 01:55 Introductions 04:27 Product and features 09:43 Testing LEDs 16:03 Testing a high pressure sodium lamp 19:13 Testing laser pointers 24:30 Testing a CFL lamp 27:15 End of part 1 30:11 Close out
Ref 10. It's a dirt-cheap Spectrometer, but pretty decent..., 11:22 - Updates and Errata to prior YouTube.
Little Garden Spectrometer -
Mr Kang's videos on BiliBili
Les's Lab video about removing the Bayer filter from a camera module -  i.e. A color camera is make into a higher resolution B&W camera.
Ref 11. Cheap Spectrometers are really Damn Useful, 30:15 - Includes GM tube
Ref 12. The Ultimate Radiation Detector?, 42:50 - RadiaCode 103G, $550 list
Ref 13. A Review of the KC761-B Gamma Ray Spectrometer, 13:46 - energy resolution: 7.1%; poor user interface; 9KeV lower energy range; $459 list
Ref 14. A Tiny Micro-Spectrometer - Reviewed [Pt2], 34:57 - TLM-2 ($143 Amazon) - poor interface software.
Maybe related Quantum Dot patent
11913832 Filter array, spectral detector including the filter array and spectrometer employing the spectral detector, Kyungsang CHO, Samsung Electronics, 2024-02-27, -


"Doc" Edgerton - Bhangmeter
Optical Spectrum Analyzers
Electro-Optical Gadgets
M18 IR Binocular
PAS6 Metascope IR Viewer & IR Source
IR Beacon
M227 Signal Lamp Equipment SE-11
Spectronic 20D Spectrophotometer - measures light transmission in liquid
Hilger & Watts Spectrometer D 168.3/290


Buying a radiation detection instrument - Detecting Radiation -
Cold War Civil Defense Museum - a lot of information on those yellow painted Geiger counters and related stuff.
Dangerous Laboratories - Radiation Detection -
Table of Nuclides -
Radiation Decay -
Gamma-ray Burst Real-time Sky Map -
Gamma Scout - Geiger Counter & Dosimeter since it's always running (no on/off switch).
Radioactive electron tubes -
Charlie Thompson's Buda Seismic Observatory Radiation Detection - neat DIY info
Welcome to albert-cordova - Radiation Units
Paul's RADIAC Showcase -
Spectrum Techniques -
N. Wood Counter Laboratory, Inc. - BF3 Neutron Proportional Detectors - Proportional Gamma Detectors - GM Detectors
Oak Ridge Associated Universities - Health Physics Historical Instrumentation Museum Collection - Military Radiac Instruments - Library (huge)
NukAlert -key chain size -patent 6897448 - uses a CdS photo cell to detect light from Scintillator very low dc power drain and simple circuit
Gama Scout - same battery life as the NukeAlert but uses LND712 size GM tube, larger and with panel and computer interface.   Comes in 3 models: Traditional, Alert, and Online
Rad Detect - key chain size - PIN diode + scintillator and light sensor
Pocket Rad - counter, ore samples
GotHotRocks - ore samples
United Nuclear - Scientific Equipment & Supplies - Am-241 source not listed on isotopes page
Rad Pro Calculator - on line
TENORM - Links - Technologically-Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
Old Style GEIGER Counters - Refurbish PRI scintillation counters - Battery Adapter
K0FF - Index of /k0ff - Testing various GM tubes  
Home Built Scintillation Counters and Multichannel Analyzers (MCAs) - mods to existing equipment
Armadillo - low cost scintillator for gamma ray spectrometry - made by Super Ocean Light in Japan
Radioactive Electron Tubes
How Hot Are Your Rocks? Radioactivity in Uranyl-Activated Fluorescent Minerals - combines radioactivity and UV - Facebook: Fluorescent Minerals - including uranium glass
Deepace.net - KC761 Gamma Spectrometers (better than
RadiaCode 103 because of larger and combined sensros) - Antennas - RF Spectrum Analyzers -

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page created  19 Jan 2006.