9 Volt Snap to Power Pole Adapter (S-PP)

© Brooke Clarke 2008
9 Volt Snap to Power Pole Adapter (S-PP) on 10 AA Battery Holder
9 Volt Snap to Power Pole Adapter on 10 AA Battery Holder inside 5590BA Battery Adpater
9 Volt Snap to Power Pole Adapter (S-PP) on 10 AA Battery Holder
9 Volt Snap to Power Pole Adapter on 10 AA Battery Holder
inside 5590BA Battery Adpater


This is a new product development, and is not yet (5 Dec 2008) available as a product.

The Snaps used on the common 9 Volt battery are also used on many other devices such as battery holders.  The 10 AA Battery holder is part of the 68BA battery adapter and provides 10 to 15 Volts when Alkaline cells are used and 12 to 14 Volts when Ni-MH cells are used.  This is a "12 Volt" supply and is very compatible with the ARES configuration of the Power Pole connectors.

Two of the 10 AA battery holders fit into the 5590BA ver 2 Battery Adapter so this S-PP adapter allows for an easy connection.

This adapter would also be handy if you wanted to power a Power Pole device that did not draw a lot of current.

If you have an interest in this adapter let me know your application.

9 Volt Battery Snaps

The 9 Volt Battery Snaps are used in a number of other PRC68 products such as the:
They are installed using custom tooling with a hand press.  This makes for a very reliable and strong connection with a minimum of labor.

45 Volt Stick

Possible 9 Volt Snap products include a 45 Volt Battery Stick.  This printed circuit board would have snaps to hold 5 each 9 Volt batteries wired in series to provide 45 Volts.  These can be connected in series to make batteries of higher voltages such as 90, 135, 180, etc.  If you are interested in the 45 V Stick or have an idea for another 9 Volt Snap product let me know your application.

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created 5 Dec 2008.