Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63

© Brooke Clarke 2023

                  Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63 Service
                  Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63



This field phone can operate either as a voice field telephone (Wiki) or as a Morse code unit.


An excellent description and demonstration video is at Ref. 2.

Runs on two 3 Volt batteries, each of which consists of two "D" cells in series.
The Line Jack in the upper left corner accepts a modern Stereo 1/4" phone plug, but the factory plug has a much different look.

The cardboard with a couple of brass tubes shown in Fig 2 and Fig 5 below may be a battery adapter to allow using 4 each 1-1/2 Volt batteries instead of two long 3 V batteries.


Fig 1
Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63
Fig 2
Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63
Fig 3 cardboard the same size as battery
compartment with two metal fittings?
Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63
Fig 4 Three capacitors need to be removed
to get access to the rear two chassis screws (white circles).
Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63
Fig 5 Broken chassis corner.  Will try Loctite.
Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63
Fig 6 1/4" Phone Plug & Broker rear corner
Service Buzzer Model 1914 EE-63


703004 Field-telephone set, Lambert Schmidt, 1902-06-24, - includes magneto generator
1274857 Field telephone and telegraph, Frank Pattison Cork, 1918-08-06, -
2518374 Magnetotelephone arrangement for direct current, Charles S Rhoads, Bell Labs, 1950-08-08, -
2888520 Generator-transducer switching system in a telephone system, Durbin Vernon, Ernest W Johnson, National Pneumatic Co, 1959-05-26, -


Field Phones

Fullerphone Mk. V - combined Morse and voice field phone - probably no way to call SB-22 Switchboard
TG-5-B Telegraph Set - Morse code only, not voice
EE-8 Field Telephone - Voice only, compatible with SB-22 Switchboard
TA-1 Sound Powered Field Telephone -
TA-312 Field Telephone -


Sound Powered Phones & old speakers
Telephone Patents


Ref 1. U.S. Signal Corps Field Telephones Timeline -
Ref 2. YouTube: Weekly Dose of Field Phones: Episode 59 - US Signal Corps Service Buzzer Model 1914, 5:40 -
Ref 3. Field Artillery Course for Provisional Second Lieutenants, (Google) pdf page 76, Lecture XI Telephone and Buzzer.


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