There is a need to test primary batteries to see how much life remains in the field. This PSM-13 primary battery tester is designed to be carried on the soldiers belt.
The TS-183 is a primary battery tester designed for use at the depot level or higher (in a lab environment).
The set consists of the following items: TS-1301 Test Set, U-240, U-241, U314, U315, U-347, U-410 adapters and the CS-842 canvas carry bag. The test set contains a 1 ma full scale meter marked red, yellow and green and a switch to make various connections to the 8 pin plug recessed on the side of the tester opposite to the meter. The battery adapters typically contain load resistors and voltage dividers and/or Zener diode so that the meter will read properly for the section of the battery being tested.All of the adapters have an octal tube socket on one end (see the U-410 in the photos above) that mates to the recessed octal plug on the TS-1301 The U-241 adapter has the U-242 pin straighter/protector attached by a string.
WARNING - Do not use this adapter to try and test the BA-5598/U LiSO2 battery. Doing so may result in causing the battery to vent and/or burning out the U-410 adapter.Connect the appropriate adapter to the battery tester and insert the adapter into the battery.
Note: When used on the BA-4386 the tester activates the battery and then the battery will have more output than it would have if only connected to the radio without first applying a heavy load. I suspect that radio operators who had access to the PSM-13 would use it prior to installing a new battery to activate the battery. If you know about this tell me.
Adapter Battery Used On U-240 BA-279/U
BA-377/UPRC-8, PRC-9, PRC-10
PRC-26, PRC-28
PRC-50, PRC-51U-241 BA-270/U
BA-4270/UPRC-6 U-314 BA-399 PRT-4 U-315 BA-505/U
BA-4504/UPRR-9 U-347 BA-398 GRA-114, KY-38, KY-65, PPS-15, PRC-25, PRC-74, PRC-77, PRD-10, PRD-11, PSN-6, URR-69, USA-32, USQ-46, URC-110 U-410 BA-386/U
BA-4386/PRC-25GRA-114, KY-38, KY-65, PPS-15, PRC-25, PRC-74, PRC-77, PRD-10, PRD-11, PSN-6, URR-69, USA-32, USQ-46, URC-110
The following 3 manuals are free from Electronic Technical Manuals (LOGSA) on line.
TM 11-6625-823-15 - 353KB - Operator's Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual
TM 11-6625-823-24P - 80 KB - Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists
SB 11-623 - 17KB - Requisitioning of Test Set, Battery AN/PSM-13
LS 91 State of Charge tester for LiSO2 Batteries
TS-183 Dry Battery Tester
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