Sperti Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Sun Lamps

© Brooke Clarke 2012 - 2023

Sperti P100
                  Ultra Violet Sun Lamp
Sperti P103
                  Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Sun Lamp
Sperti Model P106 Combination Ultra Violet and
                  Infra-Red Sun Lamp

Ointments & Suppositories
Electric Meter
P100 Ultra Violet Sun Lamp
P103 Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp
P106 Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp


George Sperti (Wiki) was concerned about skin conditions.  When I made this web page in 1012 the focus was on UV and IR lamps.  In 2023 I'm adding some of his other inventions.

Sperti has a number of patents on UV bulbs for use either by themselves or in conjunction with an infrared bulb to make a sun lamp.

Sperti Faraday (Wiki) also made Signal Gongs/Bells, see Gamewell Fire Alarm Street Box

Ointments & Suppositories

Aspercreme (Wiki) "... ingredient in sunscreens, analgesic creams, and cosmetics."
Preparation H (Wiki) from patent 2320479.

2239345 Proliferation stimulants and process of making same, Sperti George, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1941-04-22, -
2320478 Toilet preparation, Sperti George, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), App: 1939-06-19, W.W.II, Pub: 1943-06-01, - tissue respiration
2320479 Topical remedy, Sperti George, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), App: 1939-06-19, W.W.II, Pub: 1943-06-01, - for burns
3415249 Suppository, George S. Sperti, Stanley Drug Products, 1968-12-10, -
3567820 Compositions and treatment for the alleviation of diaper rash, George S. Sperti, 1971-03-02, -
4027671 Insertable dispensing capsule, George S. Sperti, Norbert J. Berberick, Jr., Sperti Drug Products, 1977-06-07, -
4265926 Method of treating gelatin capsules and product resulting therefrom, George S. Sperti, Norbert J. Berberick, Jr., 1981-05-05, -
4477361 Antifungal-antibacterial detergents containing cinnamic compounds, George S. Sperti, Boris Sway, Sperti Drug Products, 1984-10-16, -
4698166 Method and apparatus for producing a product which stimulates skin respiration and product produced thereby, Michael E. Danner, Thomas E. Hieber, Sperti Drug Products, 1987-10-06, -


1676579 Light-treatment process, Sperti George, Robert J Norris, Robert B Withrow, Schneider Herman, 1928-07-10, - using UV and/or IR
1943633 Process of preparing enzymes, Sperti George, General Development Labs, 1934-01-16, - using UV to kill bacteria
1982028 Activation of materials, Sperti George, General Development Labs, 1934-11-27, - adds Vitamin D to milk
1982029 Process for treating food substances, Sperti George, Robert J Norris, Robert B Withrow, Schneider Herman, 1934-11-27, - using UV to kill bacteria
2107718 Device for promoting uniform and homogeneous freezing, Sperti George, 1938-02-08, -
2327142 Sterilization or treatment apparatus, Sperti George, Science Lab, 1943-08-17, - based on UV lamps
2384203 Irradiation process and means, George S. Sperti, Science Lab, 1945-09-04, -  using UV light in freezer for preserving meat Food.  Later radioactive elements were used for Food Irradiation (Wiki)
2520939 Process of concentrating milk, Joseph F Kowalewski, Sperti George, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1950-09-05, - homogenize first then freeze and centrifuge to  remove ice crystals
2588337 Concentration of orange juice, George S Sperti, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1952-03-11, -
2650882 Cyclical process and apparatus for tenderizing meat, George S Sperti, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1953-09-01, - temperature cycle meat while controlling bacteria with UV
2824014 Preservation of fruit juices, George S Sperti, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1958-02-18, -
3114641 Citrus juice product, George S Sperti, Elton S Cook, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1963-12-17, - orange juice concentrate
3595623 Apparatus for extracting flavoring elements from vegetable matter, George S Sperti, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1971-07-27, -
3385711 Orange juice process, George S Sperti, Institutum Divi Thomae Foundation (Wiki), 1968-05-28, - orange juice concentrates that do not turn bitter

Electric Meter

1619002 Electric meter, Sperti George, Arthur Blecksmith, 1927-03-01, - "...including a direct reading of watt hours used."
1817537 Electrical measuring instrument, Sperti George, Westinghouse, 1931-08-04, - "...to provide a meter that shall have means for measuring re active volt-ampere demand, watt demand and the total or volt-ampere demand." with graphical chart output

P100 Ultra Violet Sun Lamp

Rated at 500 Watts UV only.

Sperti P100
                Ultra Violet Sun Lamp

Sperti P100
                Ultra Violet Sun Lamp

Sperti P100
                Ultra Violet Sun Lamp

P103 Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp

Rated at 385 Watts UV and/or IR.

Sperti P103
                Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp

Sperti P103
                Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp

Sperti P103
                Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp

P106 Combination UV & IR Sun Lamp

Rated at 385 Watts UV and/or IR.

This is a Sun lamp that has two lamps, one is the Mercury UV arc lamp and the other is an IR heat lamp.  So this unit provides both tanning UV and the warmth associated with an IR lamp.  The switch is Start - <center> - IR.  When in held in the Start position for about 10 seconds the filaments in the UV lamp can be seen to warm up and when the switch is released to the center position the UV lamp is glowing.  The switch can be set to IR with or without starting the UV lamp so you can get either UV or IR or both.  But to stop the UV lamp you need to unplug the lamp.

There's a provision to mount the lamp on a wall with the switch and cord pointing down.

Note by grasping the black ring the position of the lamp can be rotated .
Sperti Model P106
                Combination Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Sun Lamp Sperti Model
                  P106 Combination Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Sun Lamp Sperti Model
                  P106 Combination Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Sun Lamp
Sperti Model P106 Combination Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Sun Lamp
110 - 120 Volts A.C. 385 Watts
Do not look into the lamp without goggles.
Do not use in cases of pellagra, lupus erythemalosus or certain types of eczema.


These goggles have no label info, but since they were in the same lot of items as two Sperti sun lamps and the label on the P103 specifically says to wear goggles I'm assuming they are Sperti brand UV goggles.  Leather frame and glass filters.
Sperti UV goggles


1619002 Electric Meter, G. Sperti, Mar 1 1927, 324/103.00R; 324/137; 324/141 - direct reading Whatt Hours for AC
1790286 Electronic Tube, George Sperti & Lowell M. Alexander, Jan 27 1931, 313/308; 313/325; 313/336; 313/337 - intended for AC or DC lamp control
1817537 Electrical Measuring Instrument G. Sperti (Westinghouse), Aug 4 1931, 346/30 - dual needle meter movement
1889079 Vapor Arc Apparartus, G. Sperti, Nov 29 1932, 315/262; 191/8; 313/147; 313/151; 313/170; 313/171; 313/634; 315/331; 315/336 - Mercury arc lamp
1910778 Lamp, G. Sperti, May 23 1933, 313/15; 313/165; 313/230; 313/550 - therapeutic and other uses for UV lamps
1956599 Lamp, G. Sperti (Sperti Lamp Corp), , May 1 1934, 313/256; 313/1; 313/3; 313/8; 313/25; 313/112; 313/287; 313/292; 313/345; 313/569; 315/48; 315/49; 362/265 -
1976149 Lamp, G. Sperti, Oct 9 1934, 315/48; 313/3; 313/112; 313/255; 313/315; 313/578; 313/629; 315/49 -
2025182 Ultra Violet Lamp, G. Sperti (Sperti Lamp Corp), Dec 24 1935, 315/46; 313/16; 313/25; 313/26; 313/27; 313/51; 313/112; 313/250; 313/252; 313/257; 313/270; 313/337; 313/352; 313/550 -
2034998 Lamp, G. Sperti, Mar 24 1936, 315/48; 313/3; 313/277; 313/287; 313/289; 313/315; 313/316; 313/356; 315/49; 315/52 - Combined Visible & Mercury arc lamp
2058734 Lamp, G. Sperti, Oct 27 1936, 315/48; 315/49; 315/179 - Visible combined with arc lamp
2113184 Method of Recording and Reproducint Sound on Film, G. Sperti, Apr 5 1938, 369/47.25; 369/44.17; 369/112.24; 369/119 - improvement on variable area or density methods
2196567 Lamp, G. Sperti, Apr 9 1940, 315/48; 315/49; 315/52; 315/179 - Visible combined with arc lamp includes tubular lamp, prior lamps were Edison based
2196568 Light Source, G. Sperti, Apr 9, 1940, 315/48; 315/59; 315/306 - Visible and UV
2230630 Electric razor, Sperti George, 1941-02-04, - an electric motor slides a double edged blade back and forth.
2284775 Ultra Violet Light Source, G. Sperti (Science Labs Inc),Jun 2 1942,  315/48; 313/249; 313/255; 313/256; 313/337; 313/596 - tubular bulb
2291926 Source of Visual and Ultra-Violet Radiation, G. Sperti, Aug 4 1942, 362/1; 250/494.1; 315/46; 315/95; 315/99; 315/179; 315/DIG.5; 362/249.07; 439/11; 439/242 -
2298239 Light source, John R Stirnkorb, Science Lab, App: 1940-07-22, W.W. II, Pub: 1942-10-06, - fluorescent tube
2307971 Light source, John R Stirnkorb, Science Lab, App: 1940-07-16, W.W.II, Pub: 1943-01-12, - fluorescent tube

2369987 High Pressure Enclosed Arc Device, G. Sperti (Institutum Divi Thomae Found), Feb 20 1945, 315/49; 315/115 -
2627591 Means and Method of Antistroboscopic Arc Operation, G. Sperti (Institutum Divi Thomae Found), Feb 3 1953, 315/99; 315/138; 315/147 - less flicker florescent lamp

3052815 High Pressure Mercury Vapor Arc Lamp, G.S. Sperti et al (Institutum Divi Thomae Found), Sep 4 1962, 315/49; 313/113; 313/574 - therapeutic or other use

4728469 Method and apparatus for making a plastic lens, Michael E. Danner, Nathan T. Lipscomb, Sperti Drug Products, 1988-03-01, - UV light used in process to make contact lens


Optical Spectrum Analyzers


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page created 1 May 2012.